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15th December 1978
15th December 1978
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Page 1, 15th December 1978

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all for pitoI

)1* MIRA E Motor Industry Research ociation has put a capital estment proposal to the fernment for a joint invnent. he total...

tandard netificate

TISH own-account operapassing through the igarian border are being A to use a standard type of i-account certificate linable...

No gain

POWYS County Council has been told that a proposed lorry ban will provide no overall environmental gain. The Freight Transport...

Leaders change as owners fight back

OWNER-drivers have elected new officers for the struggling British Association of Owner Drivers in an attempt to keep the...

Pre-pay loss

LONDON Transport's pre-paid bus ticketing experiment in Havering has not sped up one-man buses sufficiently to justify central...

Page 7

'ay sanctions unfair IM tells Chancellor

)ENS chairman Leslie Tolley led a ish Institute of Management delegawhich this week told the Chancellor he Exchequer that...

lew NCL specialist

CIONAL Carriers Ltd has gained anr specialist arm to its activities by uiring the business of Publishers ksellers Delivery...

lo more strikes plea

IETY of Motor Manufacturers and lers president Sir Barrie Heath called an end to uncifficial strikes in the )r industry when he...


MR RODGERS can sleep easy. He is not going to be sacked. Not that anyone really expected him to be, not even Mr Dafydd Wigley,...

Page 19

IT exams change ormat next year

RTERED Institute of Transport director of education and ing Arthur Beckenham announced details of the new CIT dnation structure...

)uncil's iel cash

kL authorities will ve more Government if they have to find when petrol goes up and und licences are stopped. Guy Barnett,...

Volvo combine

THE NEW Nordic Volvo company came a step closer last week when AB Volvo and the Norwegian Government signed their proposed...


Coming in IN THE first nine months of this year, Britain imported 7,750 motor vehicles for the transport of goods or...

No change

TRANSPORT Minister William Rodgers last week refused to change his policy of giving no subsidy for rail freight. He had been...

Paid for

GOVERNMENT transport will be provided to the inquiry into the north Devon link road for all local people who have views but...

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Parcels stage a recovery

PARCELS product manag the Post Office II McManus announced press conference in Lot last week that its parcels vice was...


• warnings The Government last v turned down a suggestion it should allow more si restriction signs on dange roads. Mr John...

National wheelnut alert

A DEPARTMENT of Health and Social Security hazard notice has been issued in light of the Scottish Ambulance Service's...

Page 21

'ax cuts will help lectrics'

FE of the first groups to )port the Government's nned abolition of vehicle Ase duty is the Electric [tide Association of Great...

even spills, odgers tells

TO the end of November en spillages of hazardous terial were reported from d tankers or small coniers, and these involved one...

Chlorine uncovered

HE REGARDED it as unsatisfactory that the transport of chlorine was not specifically covered by regulations, said John Horam,...

Cruelty to chickens charges dismissed

MIDDLETON (Lanes) Magistrates dismissed summonses against the Premier Poultry Packers Ltd., Fir Street, Heywood, and two...

Vets' strike hits

INTERNATIONAL hauliers were hit this week by a strike of Italian veterinary inspectors at the Mont Blanc tunnel border with...

Page 22

Accident rote star steady

THE PERCENTAGE of ex); accidents in which hea , goods vehicles were involv remained consistent at E during the last two years —...

Maggie moving to New home

MAGIRUS Deutz, is planning to move out of its Win sford factory to Warrington New Town in the next two years. Magirus, is a...

Page 23

)evons jo Dutch

EVON Conversions who Aid motor caravan and inibus conversions are going to Europe. The company is set up a joint operation with...

ledfords Ilustrated

LAVISHLY illustrated )oklet tracing the history of ?.dford goods vehicles from 131 to the present day has ?.en published by...

Four new electrics

FOUR NEWLY built Bedford CF vans with Lucas electric drive systems recently left Sparkhill, Birmingham and made the 113.6 mile...

Sell tyres on safety says manufacturer

TYRES for light vans and cars should be sold on safety, according to Peter Taylor, marketing services manager of Firestone...

Eight leg F88

WHAT is believed to be the first Volvo F88 rigid eight-wheeler at least in Britain, has been created by the Primrose Third Axle...

Page 24

PAcissey's grp clinic for India

MASSEY International Coachbuilders of Market Weighton, Yorkshire has won an order for the supply of 318 mobile clinics for use...

Leaderplan to cover the rang

CRANE Fruehauf is to expand its Leaderplan' purchase sch( to cover its range of platform, platform skeletal and TIR trailers....

Attractive diem

THERE can be no possible doubt about the attractiorm commercial characteristics in diesel engines to military user This was one...

Crompton's addition

CROMPTON Electricars introduced the first of its B2000 ra of platform vehicles at the International Plant Engineering...

Page 25

GLC shuttle aims for casual tourists

FOREIGN tourists in London could be forced to forsake their tour coaches and use a coach shuttle service between London's main...


D unite ACH operators in the rthand centre of Hampre have formed an )ciation to represent their Tests. The North and...

'rims uncertain at host Fleetline auction

LIMLER Fleetlines made ir auction debut at .mingham on Thursday Len they were among 12 ming and 56 non-running Able deckers...

lolidays ierger

ACH operators Keith tches of Aylesbury, Bucks, 'ways and Pilot Coaches at ,h Wycombe, Bucks, and mier Albanian of Watford . e...

Page 26

Minibuses must be in a safe condition

THE NORTH Western Traffic Commissioners are very disturbed about the attitude of some operators towards mini-buses: whether...

Bus safety

EIGHT bus drivers and 56 passengers were killed last year, according to John Horam, Under Secretary for Transport speaking in...

Lost and found

NEW regulations which govern the amount a person has to pay to recover property left on buses and coaches have been laid before...

Bendibus in Oxford

OXFORD-South Midland the first National Bus Co pany subsidiary to use articulated bus in passeni service. The MAN "Bendibus"...

SBG cool on image

THE SCOTTISH Bus Gr( says it will not apply Grea Glasgow PTE's all-syst Trans-Clyde fleetname to sides of its vehicles. The...

Page 29


o at least it has happened! ixteen years after the fateful )-called "amalgamation' of lose two longstanding rivals, ayland has...

Alkai`o it Of abed?

have been a psv driver for 17 ears. Due to the imminent losure of our national depot, I hall possibly be made redunlent. When...

144tagapafg 'Kamm

I visited the NEC Show and came away with two firm conclusions: Mixing commercial vehicles and cars did not work. There should...

9K5 iging

One of the aims of this institute is to gain Government recognition for our members, because as the law stands at present, any...


The Press, TV etc have all said how successful the NEC Show was, especially the Commercial Motor Show side. To me, as an...

Sauce 6ox the gawk*

I would like to point out that the folding-down gooseneck on the Transquip Trailer (CM, November 10) is not a new idea. I have...

Qualify oi adobe Pie?

In a speech reported by CM (November 24), RHA's national vice-chairman talked about attacks on road transport by...

Page 30

Torture chambers

"We have heard of breakfast kippers curled in their death agony being served on cold, chipped plates; guests shown to rooms...

Help for all

Will the Freight Transport Association one day operate road patrols like the AA and RAC? The question is prompted by its new...

Redemption song

The late and great Graham Walker, one of the most colourful figures in the prewar motorcycle industry, maintained that...

Doubtful gratitude

Six members of the Road Haulage Association who had disputes with suppliers and salvage firms have been saved more than £1,600...

Enough's enough

A committee of inquiry to end all committees of inquiry has be proposed by Malcolm Banks, president of the Freight Transp...

Come into my parlou

General Motors are offeri what seem to me to generous inducements employees in ni warehouses from Southan ton to Liverpool to...

Doing time

A five-a-side football team representing Southern British Road Services beat Wandsworth prisoners two games to one, with one...

Removal racket

One of the rackets worked in Hong Kong has been exposed by the local Hester Rancid. Some furniture removers quote a rate for...

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Electric tidy-up cuts downtime

ELECTRICAL failures, either directly or indirectly, are by far the most common cause of commercial vehicle breakdowns. So many...

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Devolution threat to Welsh members

kPPILY for the RNA and e FTA in South Wales, the ro "secretaries" have both 'own each other for a long ne. Terry Barnes, the...

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Transformation h Welsh trunk road

MANY valuable road projects have been completed since the Welsh Office was set up but much remains to be done if Wales is to...

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Get to grips with the studs

All seemed to be well and after two or three days of constant checking, I decided that it was just one of those things and...

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Welsh hauliers on

their mettle••• by John Darker HE MEDIA have made most 3ople aware that Wales has Ben facing specially difficult roblems in...

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Pony ride is better than no bus service

HE GOVERNMENT, district D uncils, parish councils, and w ironmental groups are all rorried about the decline of Kai bus...

Page 52

From Dagenham to Swansea Bay

THE FORD factory at Swansea has one advantage over Dagenham, Langley, Brentwood and the rest in that it enjoys a view of the...

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Services in Wales typify UK problem

WALES, as far as Traffic Areas are concerned, is divided into two areas. The Confederation of British Road Passenger Transport...

Page 59

Strong man holds the show together

Alan IV i ior' interviews a professional transport trainer ROAD TRANSPORT owes much to strong men who have supported unpopular...

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A better class of joke

"FOR the ideal Christmas present," said Maggie's brother Cromwell, "I would choose an appointment to a quango such as the Price...

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Bill Kirkland has filled a new junior executive post at South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive. He is now controller of...

Kirkland as executive

Phelps' successor as chief engineer is Robin Westbrook. Mr Westbrook joined the company in 1973 as an area engineer and was...