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p OLITIC1ANS, probably as much as any profession, tend towards receiving large helpings of criticism no matter what they do;...
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I F your name is Hunter, and your trademark is a scarletcoated huntsman clearing a gate, nobody will be surprised if you prove...
T HE oddly proportioned double-decker in the photograph on the right was recently seen near the Sacre Coeur cathedral in Paris...
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FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT n ETAILED consideration of the Transport Bill by the House of Lords is now over—the...
L AST week M. Lambert Schaus, I– , responsible for transport within the E.E.C. Commission, commented on the common transport...
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IT is becoming more and more likely I that the application of the "agreements and monopolies" regulations to European road...
Called Before LA. T HE Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, after being given assurances on behalf of a...
F OLLOWING the High Court decision (in the case of Funnell v. Johnson in The Commercial Motor, May 25) that it was for a driver...
From Our Industrial Correspondent C LERICAL and supervisory staff employed by the Devon General Omnibus Co., Ltd., have been...
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Mr. F. A. Smith has joined A.E.C. as spare parts mana g er. He was previousl administration mana g er of Charles Colston, Ltd.,...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT B RITAIN'S road haulage industry should be compulsorily cut back by Government action. That,...
IN a report on a potentially dangerous I leakage of petrol at a large garage in Dover earlier this year, the Kent Fire Brigade...
ONDON TRANSPORT are to send out to Ceylon two of their engineers o advise the Ceylon Transport Board on he reorganization of...
Q N Wednesday the Motor Agents' Association launched a new type of guarantee system covering vehicle purchase and repair. It is...
S TRIKES at both Covent Garden Market and at London Docks were said to be the reason for a Woolwich operator, J. J. B. Mendez,...
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L ATEST additions announced by Ford of Cologne to their range of Taunus Transit light commercial vehicles are a series of...
D RIVERS are to be asked to operate on dipped headlights in built-up areas in a six-months' campaign, beginning in October, in...
A RRANOEMENTS were made for the rA trial operation of a Daimler Fleet-line rear-engined double-decker by Coventry City...
T HE a g reement between Coras Iompair Eireann and the unions on the operation of one-man buses havin g been rejected...
FOR WASTE DISPOSAL: Following the Mechanical Handling Exhibition, Powell Duffryn Engineering Co., Ltd., of Cardiff, have...
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'THE Scottish Court of Sessions has held . 1 that an accident in which a bus driver was badly injured was unforeseeable and...
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No General Increase in Number of Trailers Allowed FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT I T was not intended to use the new...
T HGovernment last week turned down the idea. of an independent commission to examine passenger rail services in Greater London...
QINCE last July proceedings have been P.-- 1 taken or process applied for in 23 cases, and 93 oral warnings have been given, in...
control over the movement and marking of long and wide loads—due to come into operation in the autumn—will be laid before the...
f r rHE fact is the countryside is adequately provided with transport. What is declining is the degree of use of public...
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• Orders Doubled IN 1961 the Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., of Birmingham, received orders for bus...
A FTER a five-hour hearing the Western Traffic Commissioners at Exmouth last week granted an application for bus fares...
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IN order to represent the U.K. I. aluminium industry through a single body, the Aluminium Federation has been formed to take...
T HE S.M.M.T., with the support of the British Road Federation, have been seeking a further meeting with the Ministry of...
D ELIVERY time for 10 reinforcedconcrete girders used in the Medway fly-over crossing the M20 motorway was cut from six weeks...
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Looking at the proposed Leyland-A.C.V. line-up S OME of the implications of the pro posed Leyland A.C.V. merger, reported in...
In Britain: Leyland Motors, Ltd.; Standard Triumph International, Ltd.; Albion Motors, Ltd.; Scammell Lorries, Ltd.; West...
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I AM not surprised that Mr. F. W. Davies considered it I necessary to challenge my letter (The Commercial Motor, May 18), but I...
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And to prove it, the new Thames Trader Mk II (forward control) has just come through a whole series of punishing tests, with...
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W HETHER the haulier or the clearing house comes first is a question that might provoke a good deal of argument without...
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By a Special Correspondent G OODS transport operators are well used to tackling with complete success many difficult haulage...
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first phase of the Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co.'s latest development was seen at the vehicle parade on the Wednesday. As...
Thursday afternoon was devoted to demonstrations at the Pebsham site of the capabilities of a variety of earthmoving machinery....
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By JOHN F. MOON, A.M.I.R.T.E. T HE chance of conducting parallel road tests on longand short-wheelbase versions of the same...
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A PART from speculation about who will lead the Transport Tribunal after Sir Hubert Hull, their presmt president, retires in...
r AN a haulier enter into a contract 16 --• with a customer on the strength of which he obtains a contract A licence and then,...
TWICE within the past 18 months the Northern Licensing Authority. Mr. i J. A. T Hanlon, has taken vehicles off the road and has...
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By G. Turvey, A.C.I.S.. Assistant Secretary, Traders Road Transport Association. T HIS week I want to concentrate on two major...
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The newcomer to transport operation should make provision in his charges for the several small items of incidental expenditure...
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Only a really big organisation can meet your day-to-day demands for transport—every day, every time. Only a really big...
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THE West Midland "As and Ds " contains an A licence application for four artics, on a "General goods, Great Britain " normal...
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A N interesting feature of the first IvIurco petrol-filling station (the opening was reported in our issue of May 25) is that...
A . NEW synthetic-rubber compound that is claimed to have given significantly increased . mileage in millions of miles of tests...
A NEW booklet published by the Roads Campaign Council, 15 Dartmouth Street, London, S.W.1, gives a summary of ways in which...
A MAP of Greater London and the 1-1 surrounding area published by the Ordnance Survey, Chessington, Surrey, will be of...
A SMALL booklet produced by Small and Parkes, Ltd., gives the full range of Don and Capasco automobile and industrial friction...
KTYLON fasteners, specially designed for the fixing of number plates are now available from S. Norrish, Ltd., 220 Great...
. 1-1 A PORTABLE battery-powered flood light suitable for many applications has been introduced by Nife Batteries, Redditch,...