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I N common with most public servants, the Ministry of Transport tend to become an unwilling, and largely unresisting, "Aunt...
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A LIFE-LONG belief in the value of people getting together has been reflected in Arthur Bolton's career in two separate ways....
D EMINISCING on the early years of his career at an IN-Institute of Transport meeting in London last week, Sir John Elliot. the...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT rl A CLASH appears inevitable between the Government and some of its supporters on the "...
T HE 'Ministerial Council of the Benelux group—Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg—has now decided that as from July 1 next, all...
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T'HE managing •director of Turnbull I Transport and Packing Co., of North Shields, Mr. Thomas Turnbull, told a Public Inquiry...
I DO not propose to be drawn into a discussion on the pros and cons of a bridge or tunnel. All I wish to say is that, whatever...
'TOTAL profit of the Transport I Development Group, Ltd., has almost doubled from £1.3m. in 1960 to £2.5m. in 1961. A dividend...
THE world's first scheduled Hovercraft service is planned to start this summer. It will be operated across the Dee estuary...
M TORE than 60 per cent. of inland freight moved in Great Britain during 1961 was accounted for by road goods transport. It is...
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Mr. R. J. Rosier has been appointed southern area manager of the Mercantile Credit Co., Ltd. Mr. W. H. Shaw, passenger...
T HE Institute of the Motor industry has opened a memorial fund to provide permanent recognition of the services of the...
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A SUBMISSION that the Metropolitan Licensing Authority was wrong, both in fact and in law, and had overlooked evidence of...
nURING the second reading of the Government's Pipelines Bill in the Lords on Tuesday, several Labour peers expressed the view...
/IR. E. G. WHITAKER, transport nu adviser to the board of Unilever, Ltd., has been elected president 'of the Institute of...
increasing competition, yet if road communications were bad costs were higher. The fact was that, though• the • rnads programme...
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Purchaser Thought it Legal to Buy One T HE Metropolitan Licensing Authority. Mr. D. 1. R. Muir, hit out at "so-called...
rONCENTRATION of the present Is- , municipal passenger transport undertakings in Lancashire into three systems controlled by...
ESPONSE has now come from interested bodies following invitations made to them by the Minister to comment on proposals for...
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" IT is vitally important that we should I do all we can to improve the link ,between road and sea transport. At the moment...
T HE British customs authorities have been asked by the Road Haulage Association to provide facilities at the place where the...
T HE latest range of goods models from the International Harvester Co. of America is to be available with the Perkins 6.354...
Taken Over : Crabtree and Nicol, Ltd., Sheffield, have taken over control of the Racecourse Garage, Bawtry Road, Doncaster,...
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" E VEN after making allowances for the present structure of the transport industry and its reliance upon internal training,...
From Our Political Correspondent A LTHOUGH a Government announcement on rural transport is unlikely in the near future (Mr....
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T HE openin g shots in the Commons battle over the Road Traffic Bill have been strictly confined to the minor armament, writes...
SPEEDOMETERS and wiring for motor 6-) vehicles were amon g the commodities whose supply position was su gg ested for reference...
HE lar g e-scale developinent of the I Carlisle area as a key transport centre, especially for g oods haula g e, is visualized...
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A WARNING was given to Mr. A. R. I -1 Duckett, of Highbridge, Somerset, by the Western Licensing Authority, Mr. S. W. Nelson,...
TWENTY-ONE Labour M.P.s this I week tabled a Parliamentary motion calling for total relief from fuel tax for road passenger...
A TRACTIVE unit incorporating Scammell automatic coupling gear has been introduced by Dodge Brothers (Britain), Ltd. The new...
D ESPITE a submission on behalf of the B.T.C.. that the applicants should be penalized for illicitly transferring vehicles from...
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E VEN with the speed-up on the Transport Bill, which the Commons has now accepted, there will only be a comparatively short...
D ESPITE a Government assurance that the interests of drivers and public were not being jeopardized by the decision to abolish...
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by leading authorities on road transport economies as the most serious haulage problem facing .the industry, and, although...
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T HE opening of M1 took place on November 2, 1959, and some of the original fleet of 10 coaches built by the Birmingham and...
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By JOHN F. MOON O NE of the difficulties associated with six-wheeled chassis having a single-drive rear bogie is that of...
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E FFORTS to mitigate the severity of clause 3 of the Road Traffic Bill have been encouraged by the trend . of the debate during...
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ryi Y R E servicing equipment manufac tured by Nanno Th. Collmann of Lubeck, Germany, is now distributed in the U.K. by the...
for 1962 was published recently. It contains nearly 700 pages of facts and figures about European road travel and has a...
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T HE sand and gravel industry has always been beset by a perennial problem—the deployment of surplus drivers in winter. Apart...
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In cases of take-over, or death, the L.A. must be notified T HE Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, is...
A MISUNDERSTANDING among r"k hauliers who operate in the North West of England has been brought to light as a result of a...
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IF a practice direction, issued . recently by the Lord Chief Justice, the Divisional' Court, is followed by...
THE news that Southdown Motor Services have applied to the Air Transport Licensing Board to operate Hovercraft came as no...
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B Y far the largest application this week comes from the Eastern Area. Richardson and Preece (Nitrov:t), Ltd., of Witham, who...
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D ETA1LS were given in America last month of an experimental aircushion machine at present being built by the Aeronutronic...
Ltd., has been changed to Home Counties Transport, Ltd. Reason for the change is that it is several years since the company was...
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The Functional Division of Transport Operation into Engineering and Traffic Departments can be Facilitated in Practice by the...