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easier, quicker-to-build vehicle bodies that make more profit for you Impalco-Rib—better wear, better looks, less maintenance....
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MR . STANLEY RAYMOND, chairman of the British Railways Board, speculated aloud to the Institute of Transport in London on...
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riEVELOPMENT of a whole new industrial "." complex could result from the Port of London Authority's plan, revealed this week,...
I T was not generally recognized that the work of hauliers was essential to the needs of industry and to the health of the...
WHERE CAN THE LORRIES GO? V EHICLES of road hauliers carry more than twice as much traffic as the railways but it was...
.ARIS ARISING from serious delays at Hull Docks, ING result of one-day token strikes and goslow tactics practised there for...
THE Traders Road Transport Association has announced an important change in the programme (COMMERCIAL MOTOR, December 31,...
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ry SAPPOI NT MEN T at the lack of weight given to the training of drivers in the original plans for the Road Transport ,...
F OR the first time since the block resignation A of the sub-area committee last year and subsequent formation of the North...
Fil E vehicles of George Bristow Ltd. have en transferred to Adams Bros. (Kingston) Ltd. following the decision of the two...
DROPOSED changes in haulage wage rates and conditions already announced by the Road Haulage Wages Council have now been Issued...
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is now clear that substantial sections of the nation are not ready to face up to the consequences of the streamlining of the...
THE Institute of Transport invites applications 1 for the following:— £1,000 CMUA Road Transport Research Fellowship. One...
1965 to a record £636,410 from £510,223 in 1964. A final dividend of 221 per cent on the ordinary shares has been announced,...
riNCE again, the department of professional and commercial studies at Catford College of Commerce, Plassy Road, Catford,...
E Common Market Commission is planning to institute EEC type-approval tests for new vehicles to unify the type-approval...
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TotRING1NG their tipper fleet to 130 13 vehicles. Dick Hampton (Earth Moving) Ltd., have taken delivery of 42 new tippers from...
0HAIRMEN have now been appointed for the five working groups of the Transport Co-ordinating Council for London set up by the...
THE Ministry of Transport has circulated to representative organizations revised proposals for regulations under the Road...
THE new 8+-mile Dunston-Shareshill section of M6 in Staffs opened to traffic on Monday. The section completes the first stage...
LIBERALS WANT NEW 'PAY ROAD' SCHEME FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT A the three political parties moved their election...
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PROGRAMME THE Minister of Transport has approved a further extension of the classified roads programme for the South-cast...
vURTHER details of the regional transport studies set under way by the Minister of Transport were given in the Commons last...
■ THE setting up of "transport co-ordination councils" all over the country was suggested last week by Mr. Stephen Swingler,...
MRS. BARBARA CASTLE has appointed a special committee of the National Road Safety Advisory Council to consider the significance...
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A FORMER Kent haulier who gave an undertaking last November to take no further part in the management of a family haulage...
rrHE fi rst of a series of applications before I. the Isle of Man Traffic Commissioners that started last week and were...
T HE justification for six additional tippers was probed by Mr. L. A. Wells, Scottish deputy Licensing Authority, at Kirkcaldy...
AT Edinburgh on Tuesday a decision was re served in an application by Scottish Omnibuses Ltd., Central S.M.T., Western S.M.T....
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T HAT the Magnet Joinery Group paid higher rates in 1959 than in 1964 was alleged at the resumed hearing, before the Yorkshire...
W EN the application of three haulage fi l ITIls for 30 artics was reopened in Newcastle on Monday, the Northern Licensing...
T WO brothers, who operated seven vehicles under the name of W. Young and Son, of Hexham, did not have the "necessary know-how"...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT TO Mr. Aubrey Jones' National Board for Prices and Incomes must go top prize for the...
T HE cheap fares scheme for Edinburgh's old-age pensioners has lost nearly E+rn. in its first year. Mr. Ronald Cox, the...
TARGER singleand double-decker buses are to be introduced by Leeds City Transport to give greater comfort and eventually cut...
M EMBERS of the Bus Crews Association, a breakaway group of Glasgow busmen from the TGWU, are to hold a demonstration march...
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THE Watch Committee of Oxford City Council has invited the Oxford and District Coach Proprietors' Association to appoint...
"L IP service as to the importance of transport will not do. Money must be spent." With these forceful comments Mr. P. F....
A T order for 20 special Daimler doubledecker bus chassis has been received from Dodwell and Co. Ltd., distributors, Hong Kong....
A N action for £160 by a Coatbridge bus-hiring firm against an Airdrie teacher who organized a school outing to Spain in 1963...
AN advanced stage has been reached in negotiations for a merger between Tours (Isle of Man) Ltd. and Hamell's Garage Ltd.,...
r%4I ANCHESTER Corporation's general manager from 1946 until retirement in 1965, Mr. A. F. Neal has been appointed by the...
R EVOLUTIONARY short-haul express services are planned by B.M.M.O. Co. Ltd. in an attempt to get the public to abandon their...
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N OW named the Selfloader, the fork-lift adaptation for tractive units was demonstrated to COMMERCIAL MOTOR last week in...
M ANY workshops are inadequately equipped simply because the sum available for capital expenditure each year is almost...
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A NEW 5cwt. battery-operated tailboard lift and a novel type of bodywork construction, evolved by R. A. Neaverson Ltd., Abbey...
T HE York Trailer Co. Ltd. has signed a licensing agreement with Societe de Traction et Materiel Automobile Direction et...
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A T announcement has come from HWP Motor Bodies Ltd., of Hexthorpe, Doncaster, that they have just commissioned the three new...
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TN response to the ever-increasing demand 1for greater visibility for drivers, particularly on front-entrance double-deckers,...
AT the recent inaugural meeting of the United Kingdom Guy Distributors' Association, the following were elected to office:—...
Part 2—Operating Valves J UST as the main feature of vacuumbrake operation is based on a relatively low pressure (that is, the...
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and publications New fluorescent light T ° provide local light on a large number of jobs, particularly in the workshop, a new...
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View BY THE HAWK For Art's Sake W HAT connection has modern art with the commercial vehicle industry? Very little, one would...
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S WITZERLAND is probably the most highly competitive market for commercial mercial vehicles in Europe and this is confirmed by...
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Setra S 7 coach which has 26 luxury seats. In this model a rearmounted Henschel engine is again used—output is 132 b.h.p.— and...
Transport Development rides on THE rise of fid. to 14s. 6d. in the price of TRANSPORT DE VELOPMENT GROUP Ordinary shares...
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Cannon Lane, Maidenhead, Berks. 1y SC sanders ranging in price from £27 15s. to £33 and in three different models are...
PO Box 7, High Wycombe, Bucks. THERE are three models of air-powered A sanders produced by this company. Two models bearing the...
Meadow Lane, Coseley, StaHs. ALTHOUGH this company specializes in AA factory machines for continuous production work, it does...
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Homerton High Street, London E9. eirsILY one sanding machine is manufactured by this company. It is an orbital type and fully...
37 Queensbury Station Parade, Edgware, Middx. QOLE concessionaires in the UK of Rupes " Milano machines, this company offers...
Artillery Street, Heckmondwike. Yorks. PRODUCTS of this coMpany are confined to production bench-mounted or pedestalmounted...
York Road, Battersea, London SW11. PARTICULARLY useful in the bodyshop is the dustless sander produced by this company. The...
Norgren Works, Shipston-on-Stour, Warwicks. AIR-POWERED sanding machines having '"oscillatory and orbital actions are...
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Pioneer Works, Hanger Lane, London W5. nISC-, orbitaland belt-type sanders are manufactured by this company. Sizes of 7 in.and...
S TEEL racking with bolted-type adjustable shelves is built by this company based on 1.25 in. by 1.25 in. and 1.5 in. by 1.5...
A division of the Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co. Ltd., Fortune House. 36-41 High St., South Norwood, London, SE 26....
A DJUSTEEL shelving is supplied in unit bays in various heights, widths and depths and is built on angle corner posts, the...
A NEW type of Dexion self-locking adjustable construction system, known as Speedlock, caters for every form of palletized...
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beams fit into slots in the uprights and the plates are secured by locking leaf springs. Frame sections are available in...
Uxbridge Road, Hayes, Middlesex. T_TANDY slotted angle is made in 1.5 in. by 1.5 in. sections and in heavy-duty 2.25 in. by...
A NEW type of Rocano T-type drilled section enables the shelves to be bolted to the uprights without support members, and it...
P.O. Box 10. Darlaston, Wean esbu ry, Staffs. PRODUCED in widths of 24 in. and 36 in., Quickstruct shelving has a height of 7...
Greets Green, West Bromwich, Staffs. T HE standard Seco adjustable steel shelving manufactured by this company is produced in...
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and stack depths of 12 in., 15 in., 18 in.. 24 in., 30 in. and 36 in. Accessories include shelves, sheet sides and backs, bin...
Industrial Estate, Uxbridge, Middx. A WIDE range of chemical cleaning materials " is produced by this company and probably the...
A GRANULAR material—Spilsorb—is available from this company for soaking up oil and other liquid deposits. When saturated the...
Junction Works, Whitehall Road, Leeds 12. T WO products manufactured by this company come into the category under review....
Vulcan Way, New Addington, Croydon, Surrey. T'WO products from the Holts range come to A mind when thinking of floor...
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J ENOLITE Auto-Dry and Sol-Speedi-Dry are granular minerals for absorbing spilled liquids, whilst Jenolite CED is a chemical...
T HIS concern is well known for its floorcleaning machines and also markets a wide variety of products, including sealers and...
Colby Road, Winchester Road, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey. VERSATILITY is an important feature of • UCP 1 available from Unisol....
Dunstable, Beds. rILEANING materials manufactured by the Chemical Products Division of Zenith carry the name Bendix as they...
IN most vehicle workshops any floor cleaning that is done is a fairly basic job with a lot of effort spent in scraping and...
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tanks and an adjustable wringer for squeezing out mops. Probably the widest range of equipment for cleaning floors in this...
MACHINES ranging from 5to 100-ton capacity are marketed by this company. The main feature of them all is that they are hand...
London Road, Daventry, Northants. THERE are four presses offered by this company, three being operated hydraulically and one...
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17-27 Garrett Lane, London SW18. ALTHOUGH mainly concerned with presses I -1 . for production applications, this company...
Edwards House, 369-361 Euston Road, London NW1. A MECHANICAL press which is extremely simple and reasonably priced is made by...
Star Works, Skinner Lane, Leeds 7. DRESSES with capacities of 8, 20 and 60 tons are made by this company. Not the least of the...
Dunmow Road, Bishop's Stortford, Herts. O NLY one model is produced by this company and it is a 25-ton unit which will accept...
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Q UITE often when things are getting a little out of hand, a familiar cry can be heard: "Oh for the good old days". Thinking...
It can only be fair comment at this juncture to mention that in 1966 this 3d. per hour is still with us, and that hundreds of...
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or workshop foreman again, and see just what he is faced with in the way of problems—apart from the complexities of the modern...
Therefore his hands are full indeed, and his best effort and interest is called for. Surely such a responsible job will give...
in command of the transport engineering function. With 200 vehicles and upwards he is probably called a fleet engineer. Let us...
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RHAPS there was once a time when the issues at a general election seemed clear-cut to the road transport operator, however much...
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AT-THOUGH glass-reinforced plastics are now in widespread ra use, many fleet operators still hesitate to specify this type of...
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of trainees attending courses of instruction in diesel-engine injection equipment at the CAV Service Training Centre at...
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son group), comments on the high incidence of injector damage derived from ham-fisted removal. The use of an impact-type...
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KEEPING THEM RUNNING .., Q UITE often during the operation of short-wheelbase tractive units a driver will report excessive...
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If HE clutch of any heavy vehicle re q uires ventilation, and manufacturers provide vents which will be ade q uate if g iven...
O N learning that one of your vehicles has ditched, overturned or become involved with a third party, your early concern is the...
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Continued from page 108 remove the stops altogether to increase manoeuvrability for street deliveries, and it is quite common...
EN you consider the vast amount of 1 air required by a diesel engine, which in terms of weight is around 15 lb. of air to 1 lb....
uREQUENTLY on a night journey car drivers flash their lamps in annoyance at approaching goods vehicles, and the lorry drivers...
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have to find their own solutions to increased productivity necessary to provide the facilities for the increased tonnages which...
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Jones of Layton Ltd. Cap. £100. Objects: To carry on the business of transport contractors. etc. Subs.: F. Jones, s Goldsmith...
T AST week I made a number of suggestions regarding what might be done to press LEAs to appoint more full-time lecturers in...