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T HE increasingly strong opposition to the Salter Report has had the effect of bringing into the open some of its champions,...
A CLEAR impression of the 'activities of the Traffic Commissioners is given in their first annual reports which have just been...
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PP may be argued that modesty pays, but an visitor to the Glasgow Show could not fail to wonder why so many chassis makers fail...
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Of a short-sighted reader who wants to have his spectacles fitted with miniature automatic' windscreen wipers. That whilst the...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The largest transformer in the world, developing 97,000 kilowatts and taking 125,000 h.p., was transported last week from...
An interesting pamphlet dealing with the new provisions of the Patents and, Designs Act, 1932, has been prepared by Messrs. Gee...
A few days ago the Home Secretary received a deputation representing taxicab owners, which stressed the need for an increase in...
During the year ended July 30, 1932, S. Smith and Sons (MA.), Ltd., made a net profit of /61,647, as compared with 153,282 a...
The British Standards Institution has recently issued its annual report with which is incorporated an indexed list of British...
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The Iraq Government Director of Oilfields, Thabit Abdunoor Bey, who has been making a prolonged tour of oil-producing...
lien Motors, Ltd., Beaver Lane, London, W.G, announces the introduction of a new 3-tonner in two wheelbase lengths, 11 ft. 10...
We learn that the directors of Oswald Tillotson, Ltd., propose to consolidate the 200,000 unissued ordinary shares of 5s. each...
It was mentioned by Mr. C. Williams, area representative of the Southern Railway Co., at the annual meeting, at CaLstock, last...
Rig Durham Road-works Scheme. A colossal programme of suggested road works, including new roads and improvements which have...
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Lowestoft Corporation's highways committee has received a letter from the district engineer of the LendOn and North-Eastern...
HALIFAX Corporation has ordered five A.E.C. Regent oil-engined doubledeckers. SEDGEFIELE Rural District Council is considering...
THE dinner of the Scottish Motor Trade Association, which was given laet Monday was, as is usual with such events held in...
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Giving Enormous Power An Extraordinary Design, Incorporating Cylinders in "Star Formation, Which Has Many Useful Features. It...
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IN MUNICIPAL CLEANSING The Development of the Use of Mechanical Transport for the Important Operations of Refuse Collection...
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MHE Beardmore oil engines displayed at the Glasgow Motor Show this week incorporate the latest fuelinjection pump (Patent No....
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O F recent years, there has been a certain amount of mystery attached to any development in Russia, due to the authorities...
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Valuable Information on Oil Engines for Passenger Transport. Magneto Manufacture. Rates for Carrying Sand and Cattle A...
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;IS TECHNICALITIES at the Scc ish Show A Critique of Modern Design as Exemplified by the Exhibits at Glasgow. The Numbers in...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent Route Indicators. MHE Home Secretary was asked by Sir Percy Hurd...
Albion Motors, Ltd., has received a further repeat order for six-wheeled vehicles from the Indian Government. Kent County...
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Revealed by th Scottish Show A Critical Commentary on Some of the Outstanding Features of Passenger and Goods Bodies. Stand...
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Work Analysed A N enlightening account of the early difficulties of the Traffic Commissioners, of their activities, notes on...
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Some Interesting Birmingham Developments in a Proposition that is Receiving Increased Attention T HANKS largely to experiments...
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The Public Health Exhibition A Summary of the Prominent Features of the Refuse Collectors, Gully Em pliers, Motor Rollers,...
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corements upon the Salter Report have been included with a letter addressed to seven local Members of Parliament by Mr T. F....
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A Feature which Hauliers Find Helpful in Estimating and Anticipating Chances JOT Obtaining Contracts T EEERE are two matters of...
T HE new method of building lorry bodies on which Sir W. G. Armstnong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd.,...
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THE POSITION OF THE LONDON COACH FARES PROBLEM A Short Review of the Situation Since the Beginning of the Year OCHEMES for...
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Major Elliott's Review at Last Night's General Meeting T' second annual general meeting of the Motor Hirers and Coach...
YORKSHIRE FARES DISCUSSION. RECOMMENDATIONS with regard to fares in Yorkshire were submitted to the Yorkshire Traffic...
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ON Monday last, York City Council unanimously approved the merging of the city's transport undertaking with that of the West...
THE request by Scarborough Corpora tion for the reinstatement of contract tickets on routes taken over from the corporation by...
CONSIDERABLE opposition by tramways interests was offered when Mr. G. L. Harwood sought, in respect of certain services, to...
IT was alleged that the applicant had frequently infringed its licence conditions when Sid Page, Ltd., Gorleston, sought...
THE watch committee of Colchester Corporation has decided not to submit to the Eastern Traffic Commissioners, observations on...
THE Dover authority decided, last Monday, not to proceed with the promotion of a Parliamentary Bill to seek sanction to abandon...
TO celebrate the opening of its branch offices, at 138, Albion Street, Southwick, Sussex, Alexandra Hire Service, Ltd., St....
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Mr. E. S. Herbert's Address to a Meeting of the Institute of Transport. The Contract-carriage Problem A T a meeting of the...
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HAULIER and CARRIER Diminishing the Scales of Charges for Parcels Carry ing. A Lucid Explanation of How They are Calcu lated....
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications A . SOMEWHAT complicated arrange ment is shown in patent No. 381,368, by...