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ILE there may have been a seemingly un necessary degree of haste in the Minister of Transport's request to interested bodies...
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TGWU WOULD WANT HIGHER PAY FOR CONCENTRATED WORK By John Darker T HE Minister of Transport's request that the comments she...
"MANY of the things for which lorry drivers and owners are blamed are caused by the absence of space in which to do these...
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OAD user organizations will firmly oppose any move by Transport Minister Mrs. Barbara Castle to introduce road pricing as a...
"THE Minister of Transport rightly lays great stress on the improvement of public transport as an essential ingredient of...
Y ORK Trailer Co., Ltd. announces two new trailer models for the 24 tons gross ;ombination weight operating limits on...
B OTH in volume and standard of service liner trains are proving their worth to transport users. That was the claim of Mr. S....
T . ANCASHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL trans' – `port committee, since the beginning of the year, has been using a computer to compare...
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RRITAIN's first port pallet pool was opened in Manchester on Wednesday and enables a haulier delivering palletized goods to...
WITHIN a few weeks the first scheduled direci " road freight service between Britain an Iran is expected to open, using a...
IONG-TERM planning paid off last week with a record turn round of the Silver Constellation at North 3 Canada Dock, Liverpool....
ALTHOUGH the Traders Road Transpot Association would support to its utmos regulations based on road safety, it could se no...
A REPORT on the six-month experiment in . 1-1 . delivering goods by night to Tesco supermarkets in the London area, which has...
S HEFFIELD members of the Institute Traffic Administration propose to open local branch. An inaugural meeting, to be attende...
IN articles examining productivity schemes in road haulage, John Darker has already described the experiences of two hauliers....
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NO fewer than 10 crossings a day between Southafitpton and Cherlxiurg/Le Havre will be operated next summer by Thoresen Car...
WILL THEY JOIN THE CONTAINER-SHIP RACE? D ESPITE the effects of the six-week seamen's strike, which halved their services and...
T HE Wallenius Lines roll-on/roll-off ferry services between Southampton and Rouen are now able to carry containers and flats...
APPLICATIONS of the Express Rapid Loader mobile loading platform produced by L. Lipton Ltd., Wooburn Green, Bucks., include...
E German road haulage association, BDF, denies reports that German Customs have increased the duty on British containers...
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OAD construction in continuous urban areas should be the responsibility of a single body, similar to the proposed trunk road...
TRANSPORT Minister Mrs. Barbara Castle will visit Leeds on November 24 and 25 to discuss traffic, transport, parking and...
A LOWER TOLL for heavy goods vehicles crossing the Tay Road Bridge was suggested in the Commons last week by Mr. John...
BETWEEN January 1 1964 and October 31 this year 226 stage bus services were withdrawn in Wales and Monmouthshire and 117 new...
THE effect of the new Road Safety Bill on the drive to eliminate excessive diesel smoke was outlined in the Commons by Mr....
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT A rr ideas that Transport Minister Mrs. Barbara Castle would sever her links with the...
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W ST Midland Traffic Commissioners itting in Birmingham on Wednesday refused an application by M. H. Elcock and Son for a...
I F the applicant had been a haulier in the full sense of the term he would have inflicted severe penalties, Mr. J. Else, the...
E VEN though a transport company had no knowledge that one of its drivers was making inaccurate records of his journeys, it...
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T HAT British Railways takes a serious view of applications made by the Yorkshire-Torbay Pool operators for new express...
" I T is quite clear that the public have not been asked in this case", said the chairman of the Northern area Traffic...
A N application by a Nottingham haulage group for five new vehicles on a B licence in South Wales was adjourned by the South...
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A PRIVATELY negotiated takeover of a two vehicle A-licence business was never completed and irregular arrangements resulted in...
A DRIVER who appeared before the West Midland Traffic Commissioners at Birmingham last week walked out of the courtroom before...
Premix Concrete Ltd., an Amey Group company, whose headquarters are near Oxford. Mr. Clench, who has been in the ready-mixed...
E managing director of a haulage con tracting firm told a deputy LA on Tuesday that his company had had difficulty in obtaining...
REFERRING to the operating radius as having been "sensibly and properly reduced from 50 to 15 miles", the West Midland...
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CASEBOOK Let's give the LAs more power PTHE 11 Licensing Authorities and their deputies who sit in traffic courts could do...
Wit N is an A licence appropriate? Is A licence as advantageous as it appears on first sight? These questions are prompted by...
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assisted by Clayton Dewandre every time they apply their power brakes When you're recognised as the leading manufacturer of...
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TALKS to consider a possible takeover of London Transport by the Greater London 1 Council may be started soon, announced Sir...
T HE municipal busmen's pay rise of 9s. 3d. a week agreed only two hours before the Prime Minister's six-month freeze...
C 0-OPERATION between a Tilling group company and a BET company is likely to lead to complete integration of overlapping bus...
problem of I allsorts I F facing makers A MONG those responding to Manchester's request for tenders for 94 double-deckers...
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EW legislation to repeal some of the provisions of the 1962 Transport Act will not be ready until the end of next year, Mrs....
MANCHESTER Corporation transport committee at its meeting on Tuesday decided to continue to withhold its fee for membership of...
M the strike of East Yorkshire Motor Services Ltd. busmen entered its fifth week with half the staff of 700 still idle, a new...
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A REPORT has just been issued by G. and M. Power Plant Co. Ltd., of Ipswich, which illustrates the advantages of the booster...
S HOWN by Wincanton Transport and En g in eerin g Co. Ltd., 26 Courtney Road, Woking, Surrey, a light van built of five major...
V EHICLE availability, the spares situation, future trends in the industry, export market influences on home sales—these and...
MANUFACTURERS should make more pieproduction vehicles available to the larger user so that provin g trials could be completed...
NEW ZEALAND will be the next overseas country to receive AEC's tilt-cab export commercial vehicles—an order worth almost Elm....
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I N its drive to increase and improve national sales and service outlets, Atkinson Vehicles Ltd_ has introduced a "spares and...
BY HANDYMAN r r HAT everyone has to learn is very true, and in transport en g ineerin g as in every other industry, certain...
THIS week's prizewinner is Mr. T. H. Lineker, of Huthwaite, Sutton-in-Ashfield. Mr. Lineker's idea concerns the double-web rear...
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Common policy what progress? A n , transport operator who did a Rip van Winkle when Britain was denied entry to the Common...
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By A. J. P. Wilding AM1MechE MIRTE T AM now able to reveal full details of plans to market Swedish 1 Volvo trucks in the UK....
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BY IAN SHERRIFF, MITA PICTURES BY DICK ROSS Fr HERE'S money in muck" so the saying goes and I would not dispute it. To it I...
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DOWERED by self-contained batteries, I= the Plectro portable electroplating gun is of German origin and is now being marketed...
AN electric clutch is a feature of a refrigerator compressor drive which enables the compressor to be operated by a...
S UBSTANTIALLY reduced maintenance costs are claimed for a new mediumsized Master Heater which has been added to the range of...
NEW pipe bending machine has recently been added to the Staffa range of equipment produced by Chamberlain Industries Ltd. It...
K NOWN as the M.40, a fork-lift truck has been produced by Matbro Ltd. which is made in two halves and is readily transported...
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View BY THE HAWK TRTA vindicated R EG BROWN, secretary of London and Home Counties division of TRTA, regards the Greater...
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W OMEN drivers have been the butt of masculine jokes and masculine anger ever since there were enough cars on the road to get...
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BYJOHN DARKER,AMBIM A FINE new transport depot and warehouse for the Glasgow branch of BRS Parcels Ltd. typifies the trend...
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PASSENGERS on Continental Tours TT is a moot point whether coach passengers who ride around in Great Britain are any...
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THE NEWS item on page 19 of your October 28 issue about the on-line computer load-planning scheme which Schweppes plan to start...
Gentlemen, can I help you? I have been personally involved in road haulage for several years and have come to realize the...
MOTOR of October 28 of the liquid egg carrier and the letter of Mr. D. N. Miller on November 11, 1 would like to point out that...
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By S. Buckley, Assoc I nst T Vehicle routeing by computer ) ECAUSE road transport is both a large and long-established...
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am a newcomer to the industy and find the procedure confusing. In 'articular I cannot place the function of Pie Road/Rail...
suggesting still more taxing ;f road transport through some form of vac/ pricing. For the record could you tell ne how much is...
was introduced it was stated in many planers that this would help the mechani;al handling industry. Is it your imprestion that...
at a public tnquiry and which must be granted by the .icensing Authority? k A Licensing Authority is bound to grant licence...
normal user: machinery, machine tools, scrap metal and engineer's accessories within 150 miles of base. But as I also process...
A The textbook answer is that an octane number is applicable to a fuel used in a spark-ignition engine and is a measure of its...
A We are not aware of any firms manu facturing transfers of sign writing to suit particular requirements, but Instant Plastic...
manager and am finding it more and more difficult to obtain profitable business because of the increasing discounts one is...
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by George Wilmot Training inside the bus industry TAST week the senior training scheme of the Tilling bus group J-1 was...
Plaxton's—a dividend disappointment T HE board of this firm of coachbuilders recommends a final dividend of 10 per cent to...
Team Transport Ltd. Cap.: .E100. Dirs.: E. A. Montan, 23 Walton Road, Thorpe Bay. C. T. F. Chandler, l Leaky Court, Main Road,...