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I GNORING the " isms " and " izations," and translating the pseudo-scientific jargon into everyday terms, there was much sound...
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A Man . of: Many Parts M ANY people will greatly miss the late Lord Bennett of Edgbaston. He was a strong and likeable...
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to Fight Renationalization FROM A. E. SHERLOCK-MESHER ROTHESAY, Tuesday. A RESOLUTION urging leaders of the Road Haulage...
A N application by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., to increase and revise fares on Yorkshire services was granted by the Yorkshire...
VV announce their new fuel-injection pump next year, the unit will be found to be capable of high-speed operation and would...
B ECAUSE of the heavy capital outlay involved in providing a fleet of lowl oading and special-type vehicles, Pickfords were...
Atkinson. Was it in the public interest that from the economic point of view existing heavy haulage units should be deprived of...
P ERMISSION is being sought by British Railways to close the Totnes-Ashburton line in Devon to passenger traffic. The line...
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'THE removal of purchase tax from vehicles was highly desirable, but the country's basic concern was stability in costs. This...
CIN Tuesday the employers rejected a claim for overtime pay for 200,000 clerks in the engineering industry made by the...
THE shortage of tippers in the Bridgwater area was referred to last week by the Western Licensing Authority, Mr. S. W. Nelson,...
A N assurance that. the roads programme will escape heavy cuts caused by the tightening of . expenditure on "capital investment...
T ET-IF RAN has ordered 750 MercedesBenz 31-seat buses valued at £4m. Deliveries are to be completed within 18 months, The...
A N application by the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., for fare increases designed to help meet additional yearly expenditure of...
T HE new B.M.C. factory in Australia is now making engines, gearboxes and axles, and will shortly start making pressings. This...
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MR. H. T. JOHNSON has resigned from the board of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. MR. W. A. SCOTT has been appoiated a director of...
F OLLOWIN the conviction of Fred Chappell, Ltd., Batley, at Leeds city magistrates' court, for knowingly making a false...
A BOUT 60 mail vans operated by J. C. Steinmetz and Co., of Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., are being fitted with Leyland 0. 680...
WE regret to record the death of MR, YV W. DF.W EDWARDS. Mr. Edwards, who was 74, was chair man and managing director of ....
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the district had not sufficient work. There were vehicles at other villages in the vicinity, all of which could do the work....
A N initial order for the conversion of 25 Yugoslav 3-ton lorries to oil engines has been received by F. Perkins, Ltd.,...
LTHOUGH Beaumont Transport, rI Ltd., Salford, had only returned to haulage with two special-A vehicles this year, their present...
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H AVING authorized the spending of £240m. over the next four years on the greatest road-building programme this country had...
P OSITIVE evidence that road safety can be increased by a combination of new and old methods has been afforded by the Slough...
0 PENING the National Safety Conference at Central Hall, Westminster, on Tuesday, the Minister of Transport, Mr. Harold...
']'HE Thames Trader coach, which was a surprise exhibit at the Ford Convention at the White City in May, when the new Trader...
be made outside the U.S.A. came off the production line of Euclid (Great Britain), Ltd., Newhouse, Lanarkshire, last week. It...
A RANGE of nylon tubing is being shown at the Motor Show at Earls Court by Tecalemit, Ltd., Plymouth. This tubing, which may be...
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A LLEGATIONS that Ulster ferry Transport, Ltd., Belfast, might have quoted uneconomic rates to. obtain additional work as...
QOME mobile shops provide a real service to rural districts in Northern Ireland by saving housewives the time and trouble of...
THERE was no British Railways scheme whereby passengers could travel to Torquay from Yorkshire early or late in the season for...
N EW standards to which international roads forming part of the European system, as defined in 1950 by the Economic Commission...
AST week, Mr. Harold Watkinson. Minister of Transport, cut the first turf to allow work to begin on the new £500.000 Wetherby...
A N unusual and valuable load—a £70.000 Viscount 803 flight simulator—has been taken to Schiphol Airport, Holland, for the...
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DUS crews employed by Hull Trans- 1 J port Department have, received letters from their transport manager, Mr. G. H. Pulfrey,...
of the Road Haula g e Association considered the formation of an international hauliers committee. Members have asked for one...
A N order for 80 Leyland Royal Tiger Worldmaster single-decker bus chassis has been placed by the Municipal Tramways Trust of...
MO financial assistance will be pro vided by the British Government to help Ceylon's scheme for nationalization of bus...
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con struction ' may be carried by a haulier licensed to transport building materials. This was the effect of a decision given...
T HE difficulties of a newcomer to haulage in deciding where to base a special-A licensed vehicle were mentioned at Caernarvon...
which to store materials, a builders' merchant delivered sand and gravel direct from the quarries to his customers. Local...
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D OAD haulage had definite advan tages over rail in the Blaenau Ffestiniog area because double handling was avoided, and thus...
cies are Oilers A T the end of 1956 there were 206,811 oil-engined commercial vehicles in use in this country---16.2 per cent,...
S IX A-licence vehicles granted ro C. W. Thorp, Fordwick, Canterbury, would have nothing to do for six months of the year, Mr....
T HE decision of the Mersey Tunnel Joint Committee to increase tolls . for commercial vehicles is expected to bring renewed...
L AST week the Leyland Routemaster double-deck coach was placed in service on an experimental basis by the • L.T.E. It is...
A N extra-heavy-duty powered steering axle, incorporating epicyclic hub' reduction units, has been introduced on the...
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A S the respondents had withdrawn their opposition, the Transport Tribunal, sitting in London last week, allowed the appeal by...
B ECAUSE his employers were in a 1-0 state of " administrative chaos," a lorry driver worked more than 91 hours in one week,...
P LANS are being made by Coras lompair Eireann to meet the competition of British operators in coach tours of Eire. The...
A DRIVER who set up as a haulage contractor was obviously in direct competition with his former employers, Mr. C. R. Beddington...
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. Buckley, Assoc. Inst. T. A GRICULTURE and transport are two of Britain's largest industries. Yet their size stems largely...
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B Y employing Commer chassis as the bases of vehicles used to deliver ready-mixed concrete, the Trumix Concrete Organization of...
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Existing Sources of Instruction Too Limited in Outlook : Opportunity for Institute of Transport T HE need for higher education...
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By The Hawk L ORD NUFFIELD. who has just celebrated his 80th birthday, has had one great disappointment in his long life. It...
IT would be wrong to say that reinforced plastics have I yet proved to be a satisfactory substitute for all other : materials,...
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The Third Man A FIER all the fine speeches at their party conference, the Socialists still have to coax their plans for...
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('NE of the major problems with wall V charts, where the progress of any situation must be plotted over a period of time, has...
is now available from the Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., Banbury, Oxon, and is claimed to provide a surface finish having...
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By John Grindrod, B.A. (Corn.) S TARTED in 1923, chiefly to improve the postal deliveries in those parts of Norrland,...
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by Edward Meeson, M.I.R.T.E. A Systematic Method of Inspection Which Should Provide the Prospective Purchaser With a Sound...
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B Y far the most frequent inquiry from readers requests information on how to draw up an agreement for the hiring of vehicles...
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A N exhaust brake that is automatically applied whenever the engine throttle is closed. is shown in patent No. 781,992. The...