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International road transport grows so quickly that it is easy to overlook the frontier frustrations which lie behind those fat...
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TGWU, which can come back under review procedure, says sacking shop stewards is no solution • On Wednesday the National...
• At the opening of the two-day meeting of the Council of EEC Ministers held in Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday the Council...
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from our political correspondent • Transport Minister Mr John Peyton is unlikely to accede to the growing demands for...
• At the IRU Congress at Estoril, Portugal, this week Mr G. K. Newman, RHA director-general, introduced a resolution on the TIR...
• P&O Road Services Ltd is planning a major expansion of its Antwerp-based subsidiary, Solventra NV. An infusion of capital in...
• Calor Gas Ltd and Powell Duffryn Ltd announce this week onclusion of an agreement (CM May for the transfer, with effect from...
• Tougher checks on applicants for operators' licences are being demanded by Mr Leslie Huckfield, Labour MP for Nuneaton. "I...
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• Drivers and other haulage workers meeting at Bevin House, Hull, on Sunday, turned down an offer of £1.50 a week more and...
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• A report on vehicle operating costs in 1970 has been published by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory. Net operating...
• Lorry drivers who lose their driving licences for private motoring offences should not automatically be disqualified from...
• The National Guild of Transport Managers has announced that Mr Frank Coult is no longer secretary and that the Grimsby office...
• Container and roll-on traffic accounted for about 15 per cent of total goods traffic, excluding fuels, through British ports...
• The Government should investigate rumours of many truck drivers being put under severe strains to meet schedules, said an MP...
• Northern Ireland Trailers (Scotland) Ltd, a member of the P & 0 European and air transport division, has instituted a new...
• On Tuesday Princess Alexandra officially opened the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund's new building, Jaguar House at...
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• Pickfords Tank Haulage is entering the beer tanker market. With a new purposebuilt fleet of 120 barrel capacity vehicles the...
• William Nuttall Transport Ltd has acquired the whole of the issued share capital of Frome Warehouses Ltd, a private general...
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• A plea for the retention of the training levy /grant system has been made by the National Advisory Committee for Group...
• A new company, County Power Drives Ltd, has been formed to undertake contract, design and manufacture wotk associated with...
• New regulations relating to operators licensina, requirements for foreign vehicles visiting Britain will come into force on...
• A further VAT burden for road hauliers has been brought to light by the Tyne and Mersey Tunnel Committee. Under the finance...
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Guard your property goldmine by John Darker • Removers in conference in Brighton on Monday were asked whether they were...
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• The Government is seeking to exclude from VAT anything in the nature of scheduled services on post buses which operate in...
• Coach operators are baffled by last Saturday's report that the GLC strategic planning committee has persuaded some of them to...
• The owner of a coach which crashed on a hill at Helmsley, N. Yorkshire, while on a pensioners' outing last August, killing 10...
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by Derek Moses • A return to full independent suspension, hydraulic braking as opposed to air, and mechanical sophistication...
• Addressing members of the Vehicle Builders' and Repairers' Association at their annual conference in York on Monday, Mr A. W....
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• The West Midland Passenger Transport Authority has come out strongly in favour of scrapping the NBC and bringing all bus...
• A Monmouthshire taxi driver who proposed to operate a minibus service and allowed only five minutes to cover five miles was...
• Mr Gordon Campbell, Secretary of State for Scotland, had decided that the boundaries of the interim Passenger Transport...
• Bee-Line Roadways Ltd, of Middlesbrough, unsuccessfully applied to the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners in Leeds last week for...
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"Very strong warnings" were given to two operators from Northern Ireland who had brought overloaded vehicles off the Larne...
• The advantages of employing satisfactory vehicle maintenance staff was highlighted at a public inquiry under Sedlion 69 in...
• The cause of a furniture van running away on a steep hill while being unloaded was overheating of the handbrake which...
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Hill and Co Ltd, civil engineering contractor of Chelmsford, Essex, claimed it was not aware of the regulations governing the...
• Commenting that haulage contractors must appreciate the seriousness of the undertakings they give to maintain their vehicles...
premises, a Spalding, Lines, company was requested to present three vehicles and three trailers for inspection at a nearby DoE...
• Following the non-appearance of three Scottish operators to Section 69 inquiries held in Glasgow, the Scottish LA, Mr A. B....
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• Two Scottish hauliers had their licences curtailed by the Scottish LA, Mr A. B. Birnie, when they appeared in Dumfries last...
• A Lincolnshire operator criticized for failing to keep maintenance and drivers' defects records replied that he had had great...
R. H. Teager, 49, assistant managing director, National Carriers Ltd, has been appointed to succeed H. Kinsey as managing...
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No range of electronic calculators is better suited to handle the variety of calculations used in transport and haulage, The KK...
• Free brake testing for one week heralded the opening of a commercial vehicle brake testing and diagnostic facility for any...
• Boalloy Ltd, Congleton, Cheshire, is stepping up its production of Tautliner and Linkliner trailer bodywork, and last week,...
• ICI Ltd has announced a change in distribution policy concerning its Drikold solid carbon dioxide used in refrigerated...
• Harbilt Electric Trucks and Vehicles have won an order in Switzerland for 63 electric delivery vehicles in association with...
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When he gave the 1VIRC's judgment ktst week in the Liverpool containers case, Sir John Donaldson spelt out the new court's...
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THE proposed new axle spacing regulations for UK commercial vehicles will be sanctioned within the next few weeks, a DoE...
In his paper on the legislative influences on commercial vehicle design in Europe, Mr Baxter emphasized that the prospects for...
Outlining the Perkins viewpoint on "Legislation of noise and exhaust emission and the effect on commercial vehicle engines", Mr...
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"It is better to advocate the buying of the Continental vehicle, which we all know has few problems for the UK operator", was...
The development of a Dunlop "total mobility" tyre that enables a light vehicle to be safely driven with a deflated tyre was...
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New social pressures may limit labour saving devices THE conference arranged last week in conjunction with the Mechanical...
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the 32:Four as the company's standard top-weight production tractive unit differs little in appearance, but considerably in...
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view by the Hawk • Promotion winners At the end of another football season the promoted clubs are rubbing their hands with...
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PARADE By Gordon Crabtree THE Institute of Public Cleansing Conference, demonstration and exhibition which takes place at...
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Sea burial for those old tyres? • The disposal of waste is a source of good business for a large section of hauliers. To the...
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NEED MORE MANAGERS Local councils should now be by David Lowe, planning for integrated fleets by 1974 MInstTA, AMBIM THE...
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Bill Farnorth • The most surprised man at the banquet of the recent Buxton Tipping Convention was Bill Farnorth, the...
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by David Lowe, MI nstTA, AIVIBIM IN' this concluding article of the present series I would like to highlight some of the areas...
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A CONTROVERSY has developed within the fire service concerning the best colour for fire appliances. The Home Office, which is...
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by Handyman Auto-electrics for the mechanic (20) IN an earlier article I explained that transistors have now begun to play a...
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A public service whose transport by Trevor Longcroft works on a tight budget SOMEONE, somewhere need your blood now. Fine,...
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Parting of the ways ON occasions the research machinery of the Department of the Environment gives the impression of a hungry...
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were previously exempt from annual testing have to be plated and tested — before October 1973 — it has been suggested to us...
that rear markings should not be fitted to vehicles which were exempt from the need to fit such markings. However, The Motor...
that our company's practice of displaying vehicle tax discs in the nearside cab rear quarter light is not legal. Can you tell...
that Count series with interest, but I am still unsure as to the best method of depreciating the value of a vehicle over its...
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matters by John Darker, AMBIM How safety conscious are you? MOST transport managers need no reminder to take vehicle...
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by Les Oldridge, AMIRTE, MIMI The Construction and Use Regulations (19) THE FOUR PARAGRAPHS in Schedule 8 to the C and U...
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learning by David Lowe M InstTA,AM BIM A week at Motec (2) THE Costing and Accounts for Road Haulage Managers' course which...
Getting priorities right • Many own-account operators have recently had cause to reconsider their transport policy as the...