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Little support for EE'C s elaborate training plans for drivers by CM reporter ⢠There is now a good chance that the EEC's...
⢠Details of the voluntary British type approval scheme for tachographs were revealed by the DoE this week. The Minister for...
⢠Because of the difficulty of enforcing vehicle noise limits with the present drive-past test, the DoE is proposing an...
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by Martin Hayes ⢠Lay members will be allowed to join the Confederation of British Road Passenger Transport. This significant...
⢠Basic charges of 75p for an unladen vehicle of up to 10 metres in length to 0.25 per night for an articulated vehicle with...
Sparkling performance by the Leyland Marathon when put through CM's full operational trial has resulted in some impressive test...
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Peyton warning for road to rail lobby: scope is very limited from our political correspondent ⢠A detailed study of...
Name change for Siddle ⢠The Tayforth Group of companies has changed the name of one of its haulage subsidiaries, Siddle C....
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⢠Ilford Ltd, the photographic manufacturing company, has started to run its own long-haul tranking vehicles instead of...
in URTU squabble by John Darker ⢠The internal union dispute between shop stewards of Region 13 (Stockport area) of the...
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by CM reporter ⢠In his presidential talk to the newly formed Transport and Distribution Industry Marketing Group on Monday,...
⢠Stirling County Council has taken delivery of what is believed to be the first demountable mobile library in the UK. Built...
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⢠The German Transport and Public Service Workers' Union and the German Railwaymen's Union have both succeeded in negotiating...
⢠Under new "management" the Freight Industry Yearbook shows considerable changes in its 1973/4 edition just published. The...
Tank men ⢠Taxes on British road users reached a new peak in 1972; the staggering sum of £2191m, or about 12.8 per cent of...
guide to tank operators. The booklet is in the smile series as an earlier Guide for Road Hauliers. The latest guide covers six...
Norman Simmons has been appointed engineering director of Crane Fruehauf Trailers Ltd and joins a new management team being...
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⢠A Scania normal-control LS 140 6x2, specially fitted as a logging vehicle, is in the UK this week to demonstrate a new...
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⢠A report published by the Greater London Council shows that bus-only lanes in London are generally a success but there is a...
⢠Members of the South Yorkshire PTA â which will take over responsibility for the municipal undertakings of Sheffield,...
⢠Inclusive weekends in Liverpool are now being arranged by Crosville Motor Services Ltd and Centre Hotel. A price of £11...
⢠A request by the finance and general purposes committee of Carlisle City Council to purchase an old Ribble bus garage has...
⢠Savings of £500,000 in passenger waiting time should be possible with a computer control system which Coras lompair...
⢠All 95 sets of traffic lights in central Glasgow will eventually be controlled by computer and operated in favour of buses,...
⢠Hourly and weekly paid employees of the National Bus Company will be eligible for a pension from April next year. A scheme...
⢠Production of Daimler Fleetline doubledeck bus chassis has been moved to British Leyland's main truck and bus assembly...
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⢠A letter of protest is being sent to Lord Stokes, chairman of British Leyland, by the public services committee of Chester...
⢠A new servicing plan is being started this month by SAB Brake Regulator Co Ltd of Darlington. The plan is aimed at ensuring...
⢠An Isle of Wight haulage company which borrowed a low-loader trailer for one particular job landed a £20 penalty at...
⢠When a partner in a company changed his vehicle he said he had relied on certain assurances given him by the previous owner...
⢠The Perth haulage firm of Morris Young (Perth) Ltd, of Hillyland Farm, was said to have knowingly kept falsified records...
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⢠Called to a public inquiry under Section 69, for the second time, a Dudley, Wares, haulage company was told that it was...
⢠"Another case of the practical dilemma of the owner-driver" was how the deputy Yorkshire LA described the problem facing...
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⢠Because a dispatch clerk added a late load to ⢠a normal delivery, a lorry owned by Miles Druce and Co Ltd set off with a...
⢠A Rhondda coal haulier was told that his maintenance system was not as adequate as it should be when he appeared to show...
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⢠A Licensing Authority has no powers under Section 64 of the Transport Act 1968 to take the past record of an operator into...
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view by the Hawk ⢠lt's an ill wind . . . One effect of a fuel shortage â which seemed inevitable even without the...
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⢠British operators would obtain three advantages from the introduction of a voluntary national tachograph type-approval...
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A RECOMMENDATION that hauliers whose fuel price had risen through sanctioned increases and the withdrawal of bulk rebates...
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George E. Toles explains how microfilming and automated display on lines familiar to the motor trade in Britain â are saving...
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made easy or He's paying for it himself A lighthearted look by R. S. Mitchell TO the world at large a driving instructor's...
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'Appalling wait for 0-licence decision' On April 4 1973 I arranged to supply, through my company, a new commercial vehicle to...
I was very interested to read the item in "Bird's eye view" (CM October 5) about Swindon being "a transport boom town". 1 have...
Mr A. R. Godfrey (CM October 5) is really wrong â not all the best drivers have foreign vehicles, and not all hauliers have...
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DESPITE a lifetime in road transport culminating in a directorship with United Transport Co Ltd, and earlier experience as a...
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Differing to agree ONE REASON usually given for the failure of nationalized transport 25 years ago is that insufficient...
G. sod M. Transportm (Liverpool) Ltd. Cap: f1000. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage and transport contractors. etc....
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vehkle belonging to a bus or coach operator for whom he works; a breakdown vehicle for instance? A A driver does not need to...
set of tyres when allowing for depreciation on a vehicle? Could you explain why and what difference it would make if ignored?...
chassis for use on construction sites for lifting materials and men to working heights of buildings under construction. Our...
and feel that although I have no formal qualification, I am as good a fitter as my colleague who is qualified. I would like to...
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Are you putting enough away for tomorrow? The problems of accounting for inflation are affecting every business by John...
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Using, causing and permitting (3) by Les Oldridge, TEng (CEO, MIMI, AMIRTE IN the two preceding articles I have dealt, at...
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From Long and Co come manual and automatic versions of the 1000/4 water-jet blaster delivering 3.5gal per min at 1100 psi ....