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The fifty-sixth annual general meeting of Fodeas Limited was held on July 30 at' Elivorth Works, Sandbach. Mr. James Wild, the...
The Warning of the Bus Strike Optimism for the Future Mr. H. C. Drayton's Review The sixty-second annual general meeting of...
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D EALING in special A licences has. become, in many instances, a questionable business and irregularities are commonplace. The...
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A LTHOUGH Mr. Harold Watkinson, Minister of Transport, has changed his mind and decided generally to ban abnormal indivisible...
A Nylon Tyre Trouble Overcome I T is well known that one of the early difficulties with nylon tyres was that of growth, and,...
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IN a reserved decision, Mr. F. Williamson, North Western Licensing Authority, has made void a "special-A licence held by Mr....
QTRONG arguments in favour of a I- ) cut in the bus fuel tax were put to Mr. Heathcoat Amory, Chancellor of the Exchequer, when...
THE British 'Transport Commission's I revenue from passenger, freight. parcels and mails by road, rail and ship were more than...
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T WO of the seven B-licence vehicles operated by W. B. Ovenden and Sons, Ltd., Bury, were suspended for four months by the...
A SPEC1AL-A licence previously held by Mr. Sydney Leslie Harness, Tattershall (Lines), was last week revoked by the East...
PA A PROTEST against the proposal to prohibit abnormal indivisible loads from motorways has been sent by the British Electrical...
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bieeder told the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority, last week, that he did not want to send his pigs to market by...
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T HE standard of goods-vehicle maintenance ih most tra ffi c areas is improving, although not in the case of small vans engaged...
A SKED to vary the conditions of a B licence held by Richardson Bros., West Hartlepool, last week, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon,...
A RECESSION in sulphlific acid exports was reported at Manchester, last week, when W. H. Cowburn and Cowpar, Ltd., asked the...
Rickards' Expansion: Charles R'.0.kards, Ltd., have opened a new showroom at Spring Street, Paddington, which will allow...
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A PPEALING to the Transport r - V Tribunal in London, last week, A. T. Marriott, Ltd„ Bridport Road, Sheffield, 9, claimed that...
F IVE objections were advanced by Lord Lucas of Chitworth to the Governmen't's proposals for testing vehicles more than 10...
Liverpool City Council require two Thames 2-ton vans and a Bedford 1042-cwt, van, Exeter Streets Committee have ordered a...
W HEN the Northern Licensing Authority refused a B-licence substitution application by J. Stamper (Farms), Ltd„ Dearharn,...
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ppplications is to produce evidence themselves, and not merely to show up weaknesses in the applicants' cases. This was stated...
WHEN the House . of Commons on Vv Tiiesday approved the Special Roads (Classes of Traffic) Ordcr, 1958, and the Motor Vehicles...
O PERATORS carrying passengers throughout the year should be protected against concerns who wanted traffic only when the sun...
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B IG savings by the use of motorways are forecast in the report of the Road Research Laboratory for 1957. published on...
vehicles on A - licence were sought. at Bristol, last week, by E. 1. Bennett and SODS, Valley Road. Frome. Mr. S. W. Nelson,...
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A A PLAN for working at Smithfield Market, London, submitted last week to the committee of inquiry by Mr. Harold Padbury,...
E NGINEERING requirements for the 1— , transport and mining industries in Rhodesia and Nyasaland are to be met by a new...
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T HE quarrel between United Auto1 mobile Services, Ltd., and the Teesside Railless Traction Board over providing buses for...
T HE diamond jubilee of Bradford City Transport was celebrated last week, when the transport committee and guests paid an...
‘6" Cut-price" Action A FTER a four-day hearing last week, Mr. Justice Lloyd-Jacob, in the Chancery Division reserved judgment...
.1 - 1 A N order for the compulsory winding up of Duffield Transport, Ltd., Colwick Road, Nottingham, was made by Mr. Justice...
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nELEGATES from London Transport garages are to meet today to discuss the reductions in bus mileage proposed by the L.T.E. At...
A S a result of changes in profits tax in the Finance Bill, the B.E.T. bus companies expect to have to pay an extra £360,000 a...
T HE cheaper fares scheme which was brouglit into operation three months ago by the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., has failed....
R OBUST construction and lightness are combined in a new container designed and manufactured by Saunders-Roe (Anglesey), Ltd.,...
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Latest B. B.S. Designs Include 3 - ton Parcels Van, Three-piece Demountable Platform Body for Eight-wheelers, and Slave Tractor...
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JUDGMENT is is expected within the J next two months on a claim by the Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., against Greenock Corporation...
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A T a cost of approximately £150, dependent upon the make of chassis, a prime mover with hook-type coupling gear can be...
TECHNICIANS of the Eagle Engineer' ing Co., Ltd., Warwick, have evolved equipment for the conversion of a Scammell tractor...
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the drivers and myself enjoyed the comforts provided aboard the "Empire Celtic "—the ship's master made such good time 'that,...
Once on the autobahn we sped along at 96 k.p.h. towards Cologne, and by the time we pulled in at Darmstadt for a meal andl a...
I N an industry as vigorous as motor manufacture, in which constant development is of necessity accompanied by the frequent...
WHEN Mr. I. Ogden, Tyersal, BradVV ford, appeared before the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. J. H. A. Randolph, last...
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With P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. Who Made a Trip from Manchester to Eschwege, Germany, in an Articulated Outfit to...
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Operation of Quality Vehicles td Withstand Stresses Involved in Carrying Weighty Material, Backed by Comprehensive Engineering...
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T "prototype of a new taxi, the FX4, which is to be produced by the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., was put into service by York Way...
O UT of 84,000 sq, ft. of permanent buildings at the coachbuilding works of James Whitson and Co., Ltd.. at Yiewsley, Middx,...
A CALL for more police to regulate .C1 traffic it Smithfield Market, Manchester, was made last week by Mr. W. Watson, president...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. O NE of the most competitive fields in the British commercialvehicle industry is that centred...
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S UCCESS in compiling a party manifesto depends largely upon the skill with which all the essential items are worked in. •...
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An Investigation of Costs Shows that on a 900-mile Week the Eight-wheeler Saves Over £5 I NQU1RIES from would-be hauliers or...
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A NYONE who wants a mine of useless, out-of-date information can buy it from the Stationery Office for 2s, 6d. It is the...
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.1 - 1. A SUSPENSION system employing only rubber as the resilient member is disclosed in patent No. 793,719. It is intended...