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T HE aim of most operators is to deliver goods efficiently, to the right place at the right time, at the lowest economic cost...
WE LOOK at coaching next week, but with deregulation in mind we are also looking at how best to start operating local bus...
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-1E OFFICE of Fair Trad; has turned down the oad Haulage Association's im that the major oil coinflies arc abusing their...
lunior 'Iransport Minister ter Bottomley told the usurious he will think about : idea, but made clear he nks speed governors a...
swept away as part of the package of changes to implement the new EEC drivers' hours and tachograph rules. The Department of...
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THE MARCH 4 deadline for bids for Land Rover-Leyland looks like being extended because of the growing political row over the...
FOR THE first time since London lorry ban's introd tion on January 31, operai who flout the ban will open to prosecution fr...
COMMERCIAL MOTOR Truckfest the highlight of the May bank holiday weekend (May 4-5) for the industry will be bigger than ever...
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ERATORS of refrigerated semi-trailers, supported at least One British insu d body manufacturer, are ;sing the Government for...
ALL FIVE defendants in the fake tachograph records con spiracy trial at Preston Crown Court have a case to answer, Judge...
)RD DEALERS are ering attractively priced old del Transits. vlany still have old Transits stock — mainly long .celbase models...
:ITA1N'S ATP test procere tbr controlled tempera e vehicle bodies has been night into line with Europe. Speaking in London...
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DECISIONS on widening sections of the M25 London ringway must wait until the remaining sections open later this year, Transport...
Dartford tenders HRMS interested in building the third Dart for Tunnel were issued with invitations to tender this week. The...
THE AUCTIONING of commercial vehicles and cars is now covered by a new code of practice among the 34 member companies of the...
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A 12-YEAR-OLD girl now claims the record for being the youngest holder of a certificate of professional competence (CPC)....
A FORMF.R land Rover executive, Michael Norris, has become financial controller and company secretary of Midland Red Coaches,...
ROD SCRIBBINS has succeeded Mark Skipwith as managing director of Lowfield Distribution. Scribbins, who has been with Lowfield...
AN EDINBURGH accountant and a leading trades unionist have been given board appointment's on Lothian Regional Council's new...
BARRY CHILDS, morn managing director of Fc main dealer Hanger of 1 mingham, has been put charge of Carlyle Works' 1 and coach...
WE RECORD with reg the deaths of Herbert Call and John Brown. Calver, who was 64, retil in '1981 from H. J. Calv the...
A LEADING comedy actor and writer, Michael Palin, has become chair of Transport 2000, the environmental and pro-public...
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VENTY FIVE South I (urnrside and Lincolnshire Aim have been ordered to y over 1:23,000 in lines and its by Barton-on-Humber...
A CUMBRIAN haulier who was allowed to use his yard for 17 years because of a council slip-up has lost his fight to stay. Gerry...
AA/BM RESCUE, the British Road Services commercial vehicle recovery service, reports record business of up to 700 distress...
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A FAILURE to comply with environmental conditions has led to a Lancashire operator losing authority to operate from one of its...
A REVERSING BAN has been included in conditions placed on a Hampshire operator's licence. Godwey Roofing, based at North...
THE TRANSPORT Tribunal has added new conditions to the licence for an NFT Distribution frozen foods depot in Surrey. They are:...
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ERATORS of refrigerated ides are being made to tot frequent, lengthy unding delays at British cold 'es. according to...
THE N UMBERS of containers moving between Britain and foreign trade areas in 1984 increased substantially with the exceptions...
THE HERON Motor Group has given a national identity to Baileys of Westbury, its distribution and warehousing subsidiary. It...
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METHODS used to calculate and allocate EEC road haulage quotas are "difficult to understand, if not incomprehensible",...
CHARGES alleging the tia dulent use of vehicle registi tion plates and the tbrging international road haula permits and journey...
BUCK I NGHAMSHIRE-based Trio Containers has completed the expansion of its hire service of waste handling vehicles. It has...
TNT UK, the company handling the distribution of Rupert Murdoch's newspapers, has won authority for an additional 4)) vehicles...
NOVADATA, an Essex-based tachograph analysis bureau, offering a trial service for operators preparing for the new EE drivers*...
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IKARUS, the Hungarian bus giant, plans to start selling mini and midibuses in Britain in 1988/89, but it has still to finalise...
NATIONAL Express an Scottish Citylink Coachc have introduced coach tray( vouchers, aimed at staff an incentive travel schemes....
LONDON'S public transpor watchdog, the London Regio. nal Passengers' Committee (LRPC) has joined forces witl the Pedestrians...
MEMBERS of Greater Manchester's new Passenger Transport Authority have expressed e xtrem e concern at recent announcements of...
LONDON BUSES has lost another four routes to outside contractors in the latest round of London Regional Transport/county...
GRLY GREEN Coaches of London his addcd ills first Plaxtons Paramount 4000MS double-deck coach to its fleet. The 75-seater is...
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ITIE !UGH COURT has lirected Manchester city nagistrates to convict the iperator of a free courtesy ninibus service to...
1 I 1 1. BEXLEY El EATH fransport Company asks us to make clear that it has no connection, other than the surname of its...
BOVA, the Dutch coach manufacturer, is extending its Valkenswaard factory to meet increasing demands for its Futura coach...
THE FORMER sales and marketing director of Ward Motors, the 110w defunct coach chassis builder, has been cleared at Leeds Crown...
DUNSTABLE-BASED Tourmaster has introduced a new yellow livery l'or 1986 with blue and red lettering. This P la xton Para in 00...
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IVECO UK has expanded its tractive unit range with the introduction of a 25-tonne GCW model, the 135.17T. This is derived from...
THE EEC COMMISSIM has come under pressure ti draw up common rules oi the Cold Filter Pluggim Point (CFPP). National rules in...
YORK 'FRAMER is spending .1.3 million on equipping part of its Anthony Carrimore plant at Harelaw, near Durham, to manufacture...
FOLLOWING ITS appearance at last year's Autotech exhibition, GI< N has officially launched its S62 independent suspension...
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TOYOTA has become the second Japanese manufacturer to launch a compact van in the UK with its 1,98 tonne GVW Lite-Ace, which...
THE number ot light commercial vehicles at the Fleet News Motor Show, which will be held from March 4-6 at the Wembley...
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SLEEPER and crew cab conversions for the Leyland Roadrunner are now being offered by Longton Truck Engineering of...
THE LONG promised 1.( litre petrol engine option fc the Austin Maestro van ha filially arrived, even thong there is still no...
DACIA Concessionaires has added a new dropside pickup model to its range of Romanian-built commercials and 4x4s. The Shifter...
EC) RI) P Ii))) pickup has been knocked off its perch as market leader in the UK onetonne pickup sector — a position it has...
A RANGE of removable insulated boxes, which converts car-derived or panel vans into refrigerated delivery vehicles, is now...
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THE CONTROVERSY over thin walled refrigerated bodies, which has been fermenting in the UK for inure than two years, was brought...
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Casings to USA IT IS commonly known that there is a shortage of suitable quality truck tyre casings available for retreading....
More accidents INDUSTRIAL accidents during maintenance work are on the increase. In the latest two-year period monitored by...
Cab options RENAULT TRUCK Industries is concerned that operators may be confused by recent publicity about the price of day...
Regular dates II E NEWLY "re-branded" NEC Car Auctions (it was previously referred to as Cartransport's auction business) has...
Good food FOR THOSE who arc not still wedded to the idea that a square meal has to contain bangers, mash and soggy veg, the...
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..omputer policy VIIEN COMPUTERS go 'on the bleep" it's insurance o the rescue. Not long ago a iew insurance policy ppeared...
may be encountered during the next week. We have not repeated the longer-running roadworks mentioned in previous weeks although...
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Ways of improving traction of single-drive-axle tractive units including a new Mercedes-Benz/Wabco electronic system for...
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I REFER to the article 'Get Ready For Flexi Time' (CM February 1). I would like to query the statements concerning 'continuous...
'CABOTAGE' is a word we shall have to become more familiar with. Quite understandably Mr D. E. Allen (CM February 1) draws...
WITH reference to the proposed takeover of the Land Rover/Leyland Trucks by General Motors, this seems yet another retreat by...
ar,"%: of legislation notorious Pr its Walphi'xity, Ma I do not see where Mr Sz ripp. , thinks my article went wrom,,. For I...
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Would you sign a contract hire deal with this man? David Wilcox looks at Interleasing's applied psychology approach to...
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the psychological aspects of business, management and technology. Ile was a lecturer in business psychology at the management...
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There is money to be made on local bus services but financing new operations could prove to be tricky. Noel Millier looks at...
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Changes to the tax laws have made contract hire an attractive alternative to traditional forms of vehicle acquisition. But just...
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A shift in emphasis towards contract distribution and local authority work has brought about a new marketing strategy at...
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NEED A CPC W HATEVER potential changes in transport regulations are discussed, the need to possess a Certificate of Prot -...
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David Wilcox reports on a joint effort by Boalloy, Overlander and Telehoist S IDE-tippers are not uncommon at the lighter end...
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By now the shape of Ford's long-awaited replacement for its best-selling panel van will be familiar to most readers, but how...
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ler receiving a mmendation last year, yland's Roadrunner has Ine on to win a Design )uncil Award. 7companying it among e...
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I MUST not be too hard on the Greater London Council: mockery ol die about-to-be-abolished is only marginally less sinful than...