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Lkarus: 1988 Target
IKARUS, the Hungarian bus giant, plans to start selling mini and midibuses in Britain in 1988/89, but it has still to finalise its plans. A spokesman at the company's Budapest......
Nbc And Sbg Voucher Scheme
NATIONAL Express an Scottish Citylink Coachc have introduced coach tray( vouchers, aimed at staff an incentive travel schemes. The 5:1, i5 and 00 vouch ers are obtainable......
Oxford Street Bus Campaign
LONDON'S public transpor watchdog, the London Regio. nal Passengers' Committee (LRPC) has joined forces witl the Pedestrians Association ti keep buses in the capital'' main......
Pta At War With Gmt
MEMBERS of Greater Manchester's new Passenger Transport Authority have expressed e xtrem e concern at recent announcements of potential redundancies, depot and works closures by......
London Buses Loses Four More Routes
LONDON BUSES has lost another four routes to outside contractors in the latest round of London Regional Transport/county competitive tenders. All operate in the Greater......
First Scania/plaxtons 4000
GRLY GREEN Coaches of London his addcd ills first Plaxtons Paramount 4000MS double-deck coach to its fleet. The 75-seater is based on a Scania K 112TR underframe and is equipped......