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Driving Breaks
I REFER to the article 'Get Ready For Flexi Time' (CM February 1). I would like to query the statements concerning 'continuous driving'. Article 7(1) of EEC Regulations 543/69......
'CABOTAGE' is a word we shall have to become more familiar with. Quite understandably Mr D. E. Allen (CM February 1) draws attention to the misgivings which many hauliers feel......
In Retreat
WITH reference to the proposed takeover of the Land Rover/Leyland Trucks by General Motors, this seems yet another retreat by the British motor industry. I cannot believe the......
Ti Q T 'i Ion At Continuous Driving Ami Breaks Is One Of...
ar,"%: of legislation notorious Pr its Walphi'xity, Ma I do not see where Mr Sz ripp. , thinks my article went wrom,,. For I agree u , ith his ((lain paint, and citify disagree......