1st March 1986, Page 3
1st March 1986
Page 3

Page 3, 1st March 1986
Rha Rebuffed By 'air Trading Office
-1E OFFICE of Fair Trad; has turned down the oad Haulage Association's im that the major oil coinflies arc abusing their eration of the bulk dery irket. Since fuel prices rose......
Government Is Relant To Compel Operators To Tachographs...
lunior 'Iransport Minister ter Bottomley told the usurious he will think about : idea, but made clear he nks speed governors a betr way of ensuring that aches stick to the speed......
The Eighteen-year-old Limits On Hgv Drivers' Duty Periods...
swept away as part of the package of changes to implement the new EEC drivers' hours and tachograph rules. The Department of Transport is circulating draft proposals for changes......