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Quotas: 'too Fo
METHODS used to calculate and allocate EEC road haulage quotas are "difficult to understand, if not incomprehensible", according to the Common Market's Econoin and Social......
Dow Freight Case Adjourned Again
CHARGES alleging the tia dulent use of vehicle registi tion plates and the tbrging international road haula permits and journey she against Dow Freight Servici two other......
Trio Completes Its Extension
BUCK I NGHAMSHIRE-based Trio Containers has completed the expansion of its hire service of waste handling vehicles. It has opened a new Midlands depot at Hereward Rise.......
Tnt Gets Extra Vehicles At Hq
TNT UK, the company handling the distribution of Rupert Murdoch's newspapers, has won authority for an additional 4)) vehicles and 275 trailers to be based at its main depot at......
Tacho Analysis Trial Offer
NOVADATA, an Essex-based tachograph analysis bureau, offering a trial service for operators preparing for the new EE drivers* hours rules from September 29. It will provide......