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of a wave, as the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders' president, Mr. L. G. T. Farmer, rightly said when addressing a...
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NEW AT THE SHOW: ix municipal bus undertakings seem likely to be considerply enlareed if the suggestions of the Local...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Transport Tribunal on Wednesday . issued its decision on the appeal by H.M.W:....
THE chairman of the Transport Hold • 11 ing Company, set up by the 1962 Transport Act, will be Sir Philip Warter. who is at...
of the Leyland Motors Group were announced on Wednesday, following the LeylandA.C.V. merger. They include the retirement of Sir...
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P OST OFFICE engineers from all over the country visited an exhibition at Watford this week organized by the P.O. Engineering...
A NOTHER success was recorded by the R.H.A. observer corps last week. A lorry loaded with radiators which had travelled from...
for the six months ended' June 30. 1962.. was £1,037,237, which is 11.3% more than the profit for the corresponding period in...
B UM' to the order of Air B.P., the international aviation service of British Petroleum Co., Ltd.. the Anglesey aircraft...
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IFFFRENCES of opinion on the relative merits of large and small nunicipal bus undertakings were among he points brought out in...
T HE Minister of Transport announced on Monday that Mr. A. B. B. Valentine. chairman of London Transport Executive. is to...
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' British touring coach to visit America, Plaxton-bodied Bedford VAS leaves mdon Docks on Tuesday for a sixmk, 10,000-mile tour...
The Commercial Motor will be another enlarged one, much of it devoted to a lavishly illustrated series of technical reviews of...
W HEN the vehicles committee of the National Road Transport Federation met on Tuesday. one of the subjects discussed was a...
co-operate with local authorities on Tyneside in an attempt to find a solution to the threatened destruction of city centres by...
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[NDERC(JTTING of rates and other allegations were made. against an erator at Bristol last week when Mrs. M. Parker, described...
'THE Scottish Licensing Authority, Mr. ,I....Quin, reserved his decision in Glasgow - on Friday, when Craigengall Whinstone...
I -1 6 A DECISION was reserved by the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners at Leeds . last week, after they had resumed hearing an...
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F EAR of abstraction on their PenycaeWrexham stage carriage service was expressed by Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., at Chester...
A T an adjourned inquiry at Birmingham last week, the West Midland Licensing Authority, Mr. John Else, withdrew one vehicle...
A T Cambridge last week the Eastern Licensing Authority, Mr. W. P. S. Ormond, deferred a decision on an application by British...
.rt A DISCLOSURE made by a lives' carrier during the adjourned hea of a case at Birmingham last week brought a "look of...
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:otttrar t ,4 * lie. to ,4 lie: Scottish tuth): R. and T. Ritchie, Bathgate; in A. Robertson, Queensferty; A. and Clark, Ltd.,...
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inNE of the most common sub • -" missions made on behalf of objectors who oppose applications either to add or to vary an A...
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NIONG criticisms made by the k Institute of Road Transport Engiers Vehicle Exhaust Study Group in eir second interim report...
as the largest exporter of commercial road vehicles in the world. This was revealed by Mr. L. G. T. Farmer, presi7 dent of the...
Model price Twenty van, petrol engine EMS Twenty van: diesel engine .. £775 Twenty pick-up, petrol engine 1:675 Twenty Pick-up,...
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A Review by B. A. Thompson, F.R.S.A., M.I.R.T.E., A.M.Inst.T., IN support of the number of excellent road tests that are...
Ltd., for the year ended March 31, 1962, was £.168,004. Profit after all charges, including taxation, was 157,905 (07,399 in...
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- 1-115 veais Show is the first since the mid-twenties with no trolleybuses on display. So far as we can discover !om a brief...
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C ONSISTENCY should pay off in a contest such as the Lorry Driver of the Year competition and, sure enough, two of the most...
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:hallenge By SIR HENRY SPURRIER Chairman and managing director, Leyland Motors Group D ESPITE all the critical negotiations...
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M OTOR vehicles kindled young William Rootes' imagination almost as long ago as the turn of the century—probably from the very...
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[lilt the opening of the Commercial Motor Show, the name Atlas will ippear from the list of models made the Standard Motor Co.,...
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F OLLOWING the introduction last week of their VAL twin-steer passenger chassis, Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., released details...
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first with the Tilt Cab in Britain F HE lirst British tilt cab designed for quantity production as part of the' ipecification...
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New model based on standard chassis components has road-payload rating of 30 cwt. B ASICALLY similar to the standard models...
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O NE of the brightest and most interesting Commercial Motor Shows ever to have been held at Earls Court, London, opens its...
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A STAND-BY-STAND REPORT ON GOODS BODYWORK AT THE SHOW = a typical operator cannot obtain the kind of goods bodywork he...
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would like you to record my appreciation of your product " Autol-Desolite". 1 have used one gallon to twelve in our older...
I would like to inform you of my experience with your product AUTOL-DESOLITE, which I have been using. I put 8% in the...
You are no doubt aware of our continuing use of your "Autol-Desolite" Diesel Fuel Additive, and we now feel that after nearly a...
Autol-Desolite is a fuel supplement for diesel and petrol engines. It was perfected In Switzerland in 1950, after ten years...
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EXANDER Stand 47 her Alexander and Co. (Coachbuilders), Ltd., Glasgow Road, Falkirk LEYLAND Leopard chassis is used as a ....
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APPLEVARD Stand 101A Appleyard of Leeds, Ltd., North Street, Leeds, 7 E '-OYING the Morris Ja chassis and cab, w€H1 the...
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A STAND-BY-STAND REVIEW OF SEMI-TRAILERS AT THE SHOW N EW names to be seen among the manufacturers of trailers exhibiting at...
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roller bearings. However, most larallel roller bearings can easily be separated as the outer or inner ring will slide off the...
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C OASTWISE shipping interests have complained that the new Transport Act diminishes their protection against railway...
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U NDOUBTEDLY the most noteworthy feature of the stands of the tyre manufacturers at the Commercial Motor Show this year is the...
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Commercial Vehicles. Ltd., the Leyland chairman and managing director, Sir Henry Spurner, has joined the board of A.C.V.,...
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When deliberating between alternative models and specifications, the paramount importance of subsequent operating costs must be...
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thing of what follows would carry very ch conviction if it weren't backed by uine and qualified experience. In fact, .esoles...
certain important respects the tyre strated here is still a good tyre. It has , yed itself in actual road usage and alugh the...
:h tyre accepted by Tyresoles receives lividual tailoring' treatment. It is incted, precision buffed and accurately Asured....
Suitable, smooth tyres which are retreaded by Tyresoles are guaranteed to equal the performance of a new tyre on the same...
All kinds of retreads are available, but any that are unbranded should not be considered. They may be cheap but there is no...
Trans= . ' port Operator is regularly to inspect your tyres, report on their condition and recommend remedial action at the...