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W ITH the publication yesterday of the second report by the Prices and Incomes Board, massive support has been mounted to back...
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IN consequence of the successful outcome of the Port of Manchester's scheme to encourage palletization (COMMERCIAL MOTOR, April...
THE offer made by N. M. Rothschild and Sons on behalf of Daimler Hire Ltd. to acquire the whole of the issued share capital of...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT U RGENT proposals to meet rising costs in the road haulage industry were made by the National...
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Birmingham were not so variable from other parts of the country to justify a differential of this size. The verdict of the...
T NTRANSIGENCE by the railway unions is the basic reason why so little progress has been made in securing voluntary...
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A WARNING about road haulage rates came from the national chairman of the Road Haulage Association, Mr. A. R. Butt, at the...
I NSTEAD of the question of transport com munications always being thrown up after a project had been developed, as something...
THERE is to be a far-ranging inquiry into I Scotland's transport system, with particular reference to road haulage operations....
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sta ndards BY THE MECHNICAL EDITOR T HE interim braking standards for existing vehicles which were published last week had been...
IN view of the doubt which appears to exist 1in some quarters regarding the exact application of the Construction and Use...
THE Minister of Transport, in consultation with Mr. Cledwyn Hughes, the Secretary of State for Wales, has proposed that the...
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A strong hint that the Greater London Council may take action to cause operators to provide off-street garaging for commercial...
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F ACING a situation in which traffic, already causing serious problems, will double or treble in volume over the next three...
AT a meeting of the Grimsby finance committee last week, Aid. J. H. Franklin suggested that in future all passenger transport...
S PEAKING at the annual general meeting of Lancashire United Transport Ltd., chairman Mr. R. Cary said that the company's...
T HE two papers to be presented to the Public Transport Association Conference at Scarborough in May will be on widely...
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T E new Red Arrow bus service of London Transport got off to a fairly smooth start this week, with the public showing a...
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A THOUGH Glasgow Corporation Transport needs an extra 900 drivers, fat men will not be accepted unless they are willing to go...
the North Western Merseyside and North Wales Division of the T.R.T.A. for 1966-7, with H. Lowe (Pilkington Bros. Ltd.) as...
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A l application has been made by Eatonways Luxury Travel Ltd. to the West Midland Traffic Commissioners to provide some...
SOME kind of subsidy or financial help must be given to the London Transport Board, said Mr. A. Evershed, the Board's chief...
A l excursions and tours bid by Dickson's Luxury Travel, of Stoke Mandeville, was vigorously opposed at Aylesbury last week by...
ryâ¢IIE request by Sunderland Corporation .1. to introduce a fiat rate fare of about 3d. on its bus services will come before...
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BUT HAULIER PAYS PENALTY IT HE brakes did not hold on a slight slope and there could have been a pile up in the Mersey Tunnel,...
THE recent grant of licences to United Counties Omnibus Co. Ltd. along a considerable section of the Cambridge-Bedford-Oxford...
A TER hearing only a few minutes of evidence, the West Midland Traffic Commissioners granted dispensations to Chapel End...
E Eastern Licensing Authority, Mr. W. P. S. Ormond, told a Hunts haulage take no action on an inquiry concerning revocation or...
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By John Darker, AMBIM Mr. Robson's ordeal could so easily be ended EN Mr. H. E. Robson, chairman of the Yorkshire Traffic...
consultants engaged by the Channel Tunnel Study Group to carry out a survey of the Straits of Dover for the Tunnel project, on...
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Transport Tribunal, in a reserved written judgment, has dismissed the appeal of John Hodgson Haulage Ltd. against the refusal...
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AMONG a number of new developments from York Trailer Co. Ltd. (announced today, Friday) are maximum-load tipping semi-trailers,...
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'THE Minister of Labour has now circu-1 lated to interested organizations draft definitions outlining the activities he...
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A I entirely new semi-trailer, employing I-beams for the main members, is one of the principal features at a Manchester...
A REPEAT order for the supply of a further 50 Bulkmobile multi-purpose bulk grain vehicles to the German Democratic Republic...
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A THOUGH I have already covered the relay valve as a separate Unit, positioned on the tractor to give balanced braking. a...
Part 7âThe Relay Emergency Valve regulating valve. Air will then flow past both regulating valve and non-return valve and...
T IS week's prizewinner is Mr. L. A. Gray, of Llandaff, Cardiff. He says that use of the idea he submits has been the means of...
its interests in the Netherlands by the merger of its subsidiaries Leyland Triumph (Holland) NV and NV Auto-Industrie Verheul....
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A NEW 8-ton, low-loader drawbar trailer has been introduced by ra. Weeks and Co. Ltd. The chassis of the unit is constructed...
A RANGE of rubber-enclosed safety lighting units manufactured in Western Germany is described in a catalogue available from the...
A POWERFUL permanent-magnet base is a feature of a new portable welding shield known as the Arcmaster. The magnet has a pull...
A NEW spring-loaded hose reel has been developed by Tecalemit Ltd., known as the Tecreel and which can accommodate two 20 ft....
A NEW publication dealing with the use of Implaco aluminium in commercial vehicle bodybuilding has been issued by that...
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Tt- E priorities which should be accorded c! buses, as compared with private cars, in planning city road schemes were the...
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TRTA CONFERENCE EASTBOURNE W'TIHE computer-aided transport manager of tomorrow will 1. clearly become a quite different animal...
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W E are pleased to announce that the Minister of Transport will officially open the third COMMERCIAL MOTOR one-day Fleet...
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T MUST say that the women who are movin g into hi g h places in the transport world seem q uite capable of standin g on their...
E news, recorded elsewhere in this issue, that D. R. Cane is retiring as chief en g ineer of Hebble Motor Services in June,...
T AM intri g ued to learn that an Aberdeen man who has built up a 1 200-vehicle haula g e fleet in 20 years in Central Africa...
O VERHEARD at a recent RHA function. Area secretary commented: "Attendance at meetin g s is poor these days because business is...
N OTHER link in the Hanson family's transport interests, which be g an in the days of sta g e coaches and flourished to an...
service of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, which has been extended in scope this week, could well be re g arded as the eyes...
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BY R. P. A. F. WILLIAMS, BA, IVIIMH Assistant general manager, production, Harveys of Bristol Ltd. M Y company has recently...
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THAT the profits for the first half year of BRITISH MOTOR CORPORATION declined did not cause surpriseâthey have done so...
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REFERRING TO the report in the March 18 issue of the meeting of the Association of Industrial Road Safety Officers, I note that...
I WAS very interested in Mr. D. J. Broom's letter and the reply of H. 0. Doughty (March 11 and 25). The subject of brakes is...
Mr. H. Jordon's letter, "Railways should carry more" in the April 1 issue. He mentions the number of vehicles found defective...
I READ with interest the letters of Mr. D. J. Broom (March 11 issue) and Mr. H. 0. Doughty (March 25) on the present systems of...
IN the March 25 issue (page 24) you showed an interesting photo'. graph of a 30-ton g.t.w. articulated combination operated by...
In our issue of March 25 a letter was published from Mr. F. C. Simpkins, a national vice-chairman of the Institute of Traffic...
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By R. D. CATER A M Inst B E recently had the opportunity to drive a couple of 24-ton-gross I vehicles belonging to a large oil...
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S UPERFICIALLY the attack at Bristol on Friday by the chairman of the Road Haulage Association on the whole concept of the...
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NOW by S. Buckley Assoc Inst T European Study Conference on Vocational Training gives a lead to UK operators as to their...
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By George Wilmot Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London THE TRANSPORT EXAMINER'S NOTEBOOK IIâA Few Pointers in...