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T 1PPING vehicles are playing an important part in national economies both here and abroad. No other section of the road...
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Men Who Make Transport W HICH is better to devote a lifetime to one firm, or to change around a little? It is a question very...
Want a Sputnik? P ROVIDED my price was satisfactory, was assured by Mr. M. V. Nesterov, chairman of the U.S.S.R. Chamber of...
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S UPPLYING proof of need in an application for an A licence is particularly difficult in the West Midland area. The only...
A STEEL body, in the form of a " do-it-yourself " kit, for a tipper or platform body is being offered by the Carter...
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W HAT seems to be an unprecedented step was taken last Friday by the Transport Tribunal when they granted a stay of proceedings...
R1 EFERENCE to the Merchandise and Arnold decisions was made by Mr. J. H. Turner, a national vice-chairman of the Road Haulage...
From Our Industrial Correspondent QUMM IT talks to probe the unhappy industrial relations in Britain's motor industry have...
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MR. PHILIP W. COPELIN, chairman and managing director of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., since 1955, is resigning to become manager of...
Ceylon on Monday to take up duties as resident Leyland Group representative on the island. MR. PETER F. WOOD has been...
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ESS than three weeks after the board of Associated Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., announced that agreement in principle had been...
HE question of whether or not a road service licence is required when a firm, at present paying their workmen a travelling...
in rural areas is expressed in the annual report of the Transport Users Consultative Committee for the East Midlands. They...
1DROPANE instead of butane fuel will I in future be supplied by Calor Gas (Distributing) Co., Ltd., to the majority of its...
rA A BUS driver who was involved in an accident whilst towing a Liverpool Corporation bus to a Chester scrapyard was given an...
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T HE appeal lodged by Buckmaster Garages, Ltd., of Leighton Buzzard, against decisions of the East Midland Traffic...
Fewer London Taxis L AST year London had fewer taxis than before the war. Mr. Dennis Vosper, Minister of State at the Home...
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'TRAFFIC delays at Newport, Mon, were blamed for the failure of a Cardiff haulage contractor's business, when he appeared in...
QPECIAL tours restricted to people over 55 were the subject of an application k-) heard before the Yorkshire Traffic...
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From our Parliamentary Correspondent T HE Minister of Transport last week rejected a suggestion that he should introduce...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT was to be put into a common bonus pool f or all busmen. This suggestion failed, but early in...
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NCREASINGLY congested traffic con ditions were intensifying the strain on bus drivers, so that men could not be expected to...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT TrilE proposal that excise licences should be available to long-distance coach operators who...
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certain emergency and priority vehicles is being considered by the Minister of Transport. Details are set out in the draft Road...
A RECENT extension to the premises PA of Taskers of Andover (1932), Ltd., is a building, with some 9,500 sq. ft. of floor...
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A " DRIVE-ON,. drive-off" ship, the " Cerdic Ferry," was launched at Troon, Ayrshire, last week. She will carry up to 100 road...
RR OAD users must be warned against accepting too readily proposals to restrict their movements in a particular town or...
BB ULC_;AR1A and Finland, as well as the United Kingdorn, are this year to join 13 other European countr;es in recognition of...
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by Kenneth Bowden I S television a worth-while advertising medium for the coach operator? There is little doubt that this is a...
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"E LEVEN hours or I0?" One factor all sections of the road transport industry should surely keep an eye on is the comparison,...
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Movement of Goods at Leith Docks Depends on Road Transport. Almost All Hold-ups Have Been Eliminated by G. Duncan Jewell...
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T HE 1961 edition of Who's Who in the Motor Industry was published by Temple Press Ltd. on Wednesday. This work is a complete...
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Political Commentary By JANUS A STRANGE obtuseness seems to prevent building and engineering contractors from realizing that...
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4 Review of Tipping-gear Types ind Makes, and of the Problems Encountered by Both Manufacturers md Operators in Fitting...
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COMMERCIAL VEHICLE applica tions of their Thermomatic engine cooling fan have been introduced by Kenlowe Accessories and Co.,...
Street, London, W.1, is an inspection lamp with a diameter of 2 in. (plus hook) and a length of 9+ in., which make it ideal for...
introduced by Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., as complementary to the standard specially armoured ranges. These batteries are said to...
has been introduced by Crane Packing, Ltd.. Slough, a 'member of the Tube Investments Group. There are two versions of this...
HE Firefly, an ultra-lightweight hand cutting blowpipe from the British Oxygen Co., Ltd., is now generally available. The new...
Ltd., announces that factory-reconditioned engines .and clutch components for Thames 10/12cwt. and 15-cwt. vans are now...
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-SAYS COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR OF 162-STRONG HOVERINGHAM FLEET O PERATORS of all types of heavier vehicles throughout the country...
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F OLLOWING development worit in 'conjunction with All Wheel Drive, Ltd., .Camberley, the Ford Motor Co., I td have announced...
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OR • STEEL? by JOHN F. MOON, A.M.I.R.T.E. An Examination of Tyres for Tippers NY operator of tipping vehicles who is hoping...
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Alan Havard A.M.Inst.T. S 0 YOU have taken delivery of your new tipper! Since it represents a substantial investment, the...
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Operating Costs for an Eight-Wheeled Tanker, a 5-cu.-yd. Tipper, and a 11-litre Staff Car A NORTHERN operator asks for advice...
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P ATENT No. 854,472 (Dempster Brothers, Inc., Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A.) refers to improvements in refusecollecting...
A PNEUMATICALLY operated injection-pump governor can become rather unstable in the idling range, and to overcome this is the...
/VI cornering are shown in patent No. 857,039. The scheme is illustrated as it would be applied to a twin-wheeled heavy driving...
A N injection pump, claimed to be reliable in use in spite of its small size, is shown in patent No. 856,598. It employs...
A STEERING mechanism shown ii patent No. 858,526 is claimed tt enable a heavy vehicle to be steered with out power assistance...