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Another week — another tale of chaos over the introduction of digital smart-card tachographs. Chris Tindall gets his head...
ONLY ONE OPERATOR in ten will be fully compliant with the Working Time Directive when it comes into force on 4 April despite...
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ATHREE-DAY pay strike by 750 Christian Salvesen drivers and warehouse staff threatened to cripple one of supermarket Morrisons'...
UNION LEADERS representing thousands of oil tanker drivers are demanding an across-the-board 9% increase in basic pay combined...
First prize winner in the CM Camera competition is Ted Parman from Castlefield. Runners up are Michael Coyle from Huddersfield,...
The Institute of Advanced Motorists has acquired fleet risk management provider Drive & Survive.
The DSA wants views on its plans to increase the practical truck test fee, currently £80, by £5 this year and by a further £4...
Police have discovered seven stowaways in a truck stopped during Operation Fatigue targeting rule-breaking truck drivers in...
Truck driver Gordon Campbell from Fallin, Stirlingshire has been jailed for 18 months and banned for three years for dangerous...
Michael Carley has been appointed director of lveco's Light Commercial Vehicle Business Unit. He will be responsible for sales...
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Two haulage bosses are behind bars for 'widespread and persistent disregard' of the drivers' hours and tacho regs. Mike Jewell...
IVECO HOPES to use this year's CV Show as a springboard to turn around disappointing sales figures in the heavyweight sector....
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NORTHAMPTONSHIRE police are appealing for a truck driver who may have witnessed a fatal collision to come forward. At 5.50arn...
What price road safety? Barry Proctor drives us down one of the most dangerous stretches of road in Britain and asks: Is it...
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As queues of trucks block the M20, Operation Stack is set for a revamp. Guy Sheppard reports, THE EMERGENCY queuing system for...
TRANSPORT CONSULTANTS are to examine ways of dealing with illegal truck parking in Kent which is said to cause huge problems...
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Overseas drivers are finding it easy to dodge London's congestion charge. David Harris reports. THOUSANDS OF foreign drivers...
A STAFFORDSHIRE subcontractor who claims he is owed £15.000 by Kent firm White friar International is appealing for any other...
IN THE NEWS Stuart Thomas gives us his regular round-up of the way the newspapers have covered the world of transport this...
told her Volkswagen Sharan was being hoisted onto a clamping truck, the Daily Mail reported that Nelson ran out of church and...
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CM was launched in 1905; for our centenary year we're bringing you stories from years gone by. This week we're back in 1915 and...
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Sea France has launched an investigation after a driver was apparently trapped in his cab on a Dover-Calais crossing. David...
LEADING WEST COUNTRY haulier Gregory Distribution has won a three-and-a-half-year contract with South-West Water. The...
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WS MERRILL fleet went under the hammer last weekend (19 March), marking the end of 50 years in the business. Company boss...
Eddie Stobart's move into the waste paper sector (CM 17 March). Stephen Walker, who runs Beoley-based S Walker Transport, says...
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THE INCREASING danger posed to truck drivers by people throwing objects at their vehicles has been highlighted yet again by two...
PAN-EUROPEAN security firm Eurowatch has warned that criminals are posing as operators' customers to trick them into handing...
POLICEARE HUNTING a gang of thieves who hijacked a truck and made off with a £22,000 load of biscuits in Merseyside. The...
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MERCEDES-BENZTrucks gets a new boss on 1 April: 44-year-old Spanish-born Hubertus Troska, currently CEO of MercedesAMG, has...
Navistar, is to be formally investigated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission. The SEC's investigation will cover...
IRAN HAS A new truck manufacturer: the Aras Khodro Diesel Company, based in the Aras Free Trade Zone. This will mitigate the...
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Gordon Brown may have frozen duty on fuel, but hauliers say some thing more radical is needed. Dominic Perry reports. G ordon...
Chancellor to even be thinking about fuel increases is as good as a kick in the teeth for us, While he's holding off until...
we are pleased that fuel duty has been frozen, even though that's only until September. The way that fuel prices are rising I...
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certainly has an effect on retail prices, but there's an awful lot of slippage between the price of crude and the price of...
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John Bridge set up British Hauliers as an alternative to the major trade associations. Chris Tindall wonders if it's giving...
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REGARDING YOUR refuse truck challenge (CM10 March) I feel your test was lacking in a few major areas and should be amended to...
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HAVING just read the 'Letter of the week' (CM 17 March)! have to comment on the seemingly naive narrative by Ian Chisolrn (SOE...
AS PART of Tarmac's policy of treating drivers and hauliers as idiots, it has now issued hauliers with special instructions on...
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Digital tachos approach and manufacturers are keen to emphasise how easy the change over will be. Chris Tindall reports. W...
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Cards on the table The digital tachograph units will use four smart cards Driver card Drivers will use the driver card in...
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Need a full size 3.5-tonne 4x4 van? The Sprinter isn't just a contender — it's the whole damn match. Colin Barnett slides...
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Licence cut to single vehicle and trailer after driver who hid records is found guilty of string of offences, including...
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A WIGTON lorry driver has kept his HGV licence intact despite serving a three-month prison sentence for aggravated racial...
DRIVERS' HOURS offences have cost Goffs Oak, Hertfordshire-based Raymond Knapp, trading as RH&CA Knapp, and two of his drivers...
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A COMPANY seeking a new 0-licence was called to face the West Midland Traffic Commissioner David Dixon because of speeding...
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As CM celebrates its 100th anniversary, the legal section will include a series of features highlighting milestones in road...
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Do VOSAs performance targets put undue pressure on examiners to bump up the number of prohibitions issued? Pat Hagan...
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H ave you got a question about road transport law that you would like to sit down and discuss with an expert? Well, here's your...
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Bigger is better... it might not be true of everything in life. But as every driver knows, when you're spending the night in a...
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at your disposal it can tempt you to overlook any minor gripes you have with your chosen cabin. With the Alpine option, the...
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frightened of testing trucks in the real world and this year the weather was as real as it gets -more South Pole than South...
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• A5440 S48TX/P 6x2 Tester's impression: It's a sign of how fast things move in this business that this is the first CMcab...
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Tester's impression: This year's cab test was conducted on one of the coldest days of the year so our bedtime companion had to...
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Actros 1858 MegaSpace Executive 4x2 Tester's impression: Climb up into Meres top-of-the-range Actros and you're greeted by a...
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'Magnum 480AML 6x2 Tester's impressios: Climbing into the Magnum is an unconventional exercise owing to the position of the...
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Tester's impressim The Scania's slab-fronted slatted grill evokes a sense of familiarity as it looms out of the darkness, and...
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Tester's impression: When Volvo revamped its FH range in 2002 it had the good sense to retain some admirable features of the...
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2005 cab test NIGHT HEATERS To test the output of the cab heaters we started by opening all the doors for 30min to equalise...
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Almost all truck manufacturers now offer a 'one-stop shop' for rival components. So how is this affecting the traditional parts...
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As an independent supplier, lmexpart has had to compete in the fickle business of all-makes parts supply. Based in West...
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The UK is on the brink of an explosion in the use of telematics, according to the recent FTA Freight Summit. Robin Meczes...
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It's been around longer than Kylie but the Sprinter is still strutting its stuff, this time in the chilled food department....
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on your standard of customer service, and in this respect the Sprinter does an admirable job. What makes it stand out is the...
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Austin Caulfield braces himself for the arrival of 'WTD Day", and wonders it there is any way out of the country's permanent...
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Commercial Vehicle Monitor CAP has revealed who will replace John Watts as the new manager for CAP Monitor. p aul Daws is...
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Manheim Auctions tried its hand at predicting the prices of four vehicles for sale at Colchester. How accurate were the...
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For Enza Truckworld and Paul Banks the New Year meant new beginnings. The independent Mercedes-Benz dealership is building a...
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On the forecourt The space behind the office building is jammed with trade vans working on the new site, but in among the...