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24th November 1978
24th November 1978
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Page 1, 24th November 1978

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Weighty inquiry

The question and answer session with Labour's Transport Minister (page 3) makes interesting reading. I emphasise that Bill...

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Neights inquiry still possible Rodgers

RANSPORT Minister rilliam Rodgers is condering holding a public iniiry into the future of lorry eights in Britain. He...

More for less in London

LONDON TRANSPORT passengers will pay proportionately less for a better service next year, says the Greater London Council this...

Tax stays for diesel motors

.rs OFFICIAL — road tax is on the way out. The road fund licence, a tax that dates almost to the beginning A the...

Page 6

BAOD rescued — but new threat looming

AS NEWS arrived of an attempt to rescue the British Association of Owner-Drivers following the resignation of three of its...

Rodgers 'up to oh tricks'

OPPOSITION transp spokesman Norman Fow has written to the Prime 1V ister asking about the use Government resources what he...

Closure advance

PROMISES of "generous" redundancy payments seem likely to soften any resistance to Leyland Vehicles' plans to close its AEC...

France issues permit blacklist

THE FRENCH Ministry of Transport has issued a new list of hauliers who have been banned from French roads for permit offences,...

Page 7

hices prediction naive' says RHA

UCE Commission predictions that the chograph will save money have been ,lled into doubt by the Road Haulage isociation in its...

Joe Peeler is a much misunderstood man.

Indeed, it is said, unjust reflections have been cast on his personal honour. And that blow at a Civil Servant who — until the...

Quiet vehicle arrival

A MAXIMUM-weight commercial vehicle no noisier than a modern saloon car was demonstrated at the Transport and Road Research...

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Country lovers?

ROAD hauliers are as concerned about the preservation of tjie beauty and heritage of this country as pressure groups, according...

Glasgow probe into food thefts

POLICE in Strathclyde have mounted a major investigation into large-scale pilfering from Glasgow road haulage firms. The...

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Overtime loads led to drivers dismissal

THE DECISION of brewers, Samuel Webster and Sons Ltd., to dismiss a driver who refused to take out a second load of wines and...

Company pay rise closure

SHELLIWAY Transport L Warrington, will cease tradi from December 1 with drivers and four oth employees including manai ment and...

Page 21

Winter is discontent ahead for hauliers

WINTER of industrial disontent was predicted last veek when Scottish Conederation of British Industry hairrnan Alan Devereux...

More protection

THE LIMIT on the statutory amount of guaranteed payment to workers on short time or temporary lay off under the Employment...


Good idea — but ... SPECIAL payments for victims of road accidents, to be met by a special levy on petrol were not favoured by...

Page 22

Fight anti-lorry lobby GTM told

LARGE organisations in transport should do more to counter anti-lorry propaganda. So said DAF Trucks (GB) Ltd managing director...

Specialist lift

A PURPOSE-BUILT vehicle fitted with the new Cargolif in-built lifting platform has been supplied by specialist bc4 builders...

Low potential

BAD NEWS for potential London and South-East England road hauliers is contained in a financial survey published by Inter...

Page 23

low lorries with tenault badge?

iE UK offshoot of Renault ahicules Industriels, Renault . ucks and Buses UK Ltd, is to :pand its range of vehicles r the UK...

Longer range

THE STANDARD specification of the Berliet TR305 has been modified slightly since the model's announcement at the Birmingham...

Page 24

National's assault on fuddy-duddy image

NATIONAL Travel is launching a major marketing campaign in a bid to get back lost passengers and make its National Express a...

Glasgow gets bad to work

THE MONTH-long Great Glasgow PTE bus strike end last weekend when its 7 maintenance worke accepted an offer within t]...

GMC bargains

BARGAIN off-peak and rail fares are being offered by Greater Manchester Council on Greater Manchester Transport and British...

New fleetname for Strathclyde

A SYSTEM-WIDE fleetname has been created for all publi transport in Strathclyde Region. Ogilvy Benson and Mather (Scotland)...

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:onsistent planning Inly future for psv

IERGY shortages make 'Went bus services more portant than ever for the :ure, says a report from the sociation of District...

Free for all on SW buses

CONCESSIONARY FARES for all — that's the idea from one district council in the South-west. Woodbridge District Council has...

Regular service

REGULAR coach auctions are to be held by the Moseley Group at Shepshed, Leicestershire following the success of the initial...

Costly chassis

PLANS to resolve the Ulsterbus urban single-decker bus problem have been thrown off course by the high development costs of the...

New town for SBG

A NEW five-bay chevron bus station was opened last week at Glenrothes new town in Fife. The fully-enclosed terminal, to be...

loram's no to founger drivers

CALL for a reduction in the minimum age for bus drivers was irned down in the Commons last week. Michael Shersby (Tory,...

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TIR Compass Guides, are available from W. H. R. Godwin, 36 Swains Lana, London N6, at £4.00 each (£15.00 for all four) or...

Page 38

Rai* teutata

IN ' How to give the fleet its riew lease of life?' (CM, November 3), the correspondent refers to the comparisons between...

Ike wait* gam

I agree with your editorial on the Motor Show (CM, October 27) issue, but possibly for totally different reasons. It should be...

Bun 6am

I am twenty years old and I work as assistant stores manager at a motor factor in Lincoln. I visited the Motor Show last month,...

The Hawk tells us (CM, Oct 27) that Atkinson sold

in the past year 900 big "A" emblems. The explanation could be that if you cut the crossbar from the "A" and turn it upside...

no catalogues were left, som stands were not manned an there was not much interest o others.

• Show was not on for Ion enough. G. PITTS, PTS, Barry, S. Wales at Hee After a visit to the NEC, I feel that I must pass...

Tea Walt Mite

Would you please clarify the lav on paid breaks on duty. At our terminal we carr: petroleum spirit and quite oftei our...

&weed to &due

WHEN I lost my psv badge a little while ago, I realised how wide open they are for misuse, There is nothing to stop a person...

Page 43

Updated ERF is

a willing workhorse 1E 32-ton ERF B-Series has en updated since we last sted it two years ago, so we ok the opportunity to...

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Everyone's friend

Frank Ormerod, general manager of the Motec at High Frcall, has probably done as much as anyone to break down hostility to the...

Shake up the Sheiks

The warning about fuel supplies and prices given at the Road Haulage Association's conference at Eastbourne (CM, October 27) by...

Inter -party advice

Brimming with his usual vitality, Marcus Fox, MP, shook me warmly by the hand at a London reception held by the British...

Big wheel

In a plea for the whole transport industry to be covered by the Road Transport Industry Training Board, ,Kenneth Turner, the...

Big stuff

Jonah is on a world tour at the expense of the World Wild Life Fund. He is a 69ft stuffed whale weighing 58 tons. Brittany...

Change of front

Would it be unkind to describe Tony Painter as a gamekeeper turned poacher? Before he became executive director of the...

A bloody business

A conducted bus tour of Glasgow is a bloody bupiness. It takes in 17 Sandyford Place, where, according to the guide, Dr...

Old before 65?

A newspaper correspondent suggests that those doing physically arduous work, among whom he includes longdistance lorry drivers,...

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SUSPENSION, 4 AIR SUSPENSION is used, to a limited extent, on commercial vehicles. Fig 1 shows, in diagrammatic form, the...

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by Les Oldridge, T.Erig(CE1), MIMI, AMIRTE Changes in C &U Regulations, 3 REGULATION 18 of the Motor Vehicle (Construction...

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Service package for peace of mind

SUPPLYING thousands of items of knock-down furniture to 60 retail outlets throughout the country is enough of a headache...

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Spanish IRU chief

Mariano Mateu Casadevall of Spain has been elected president of the International Road Transport Union for 1979/80....