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S TRONG corroboration of the points set out last week in our leading article, " The Persecution of Drivers," has reached us...
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A A N attitude of defeatism appears to have been ..i.adopted by many coach and bus operators, who have become embittered by the...
W E are receiving a large number of letters asking for suggestions concerning schemes of maintenance. It is quite clear that...
1 is a matter of considerable importance in congested areas, but it can be diminished by attention to efficient carburation. In...
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Of renewed interest in steamers. Of tremendous enthusiasm at the Albert Hall Fifth All-rounder Concert organized by our...
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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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At the annual general meeting of the Northern Area of the Scottish Commercial Motor Users Association, at Aberdeen, the...
The Industrial Development Council of South Wales and Mon. has considered in detail a scheme for the establishment of a...
The fourth annual dinner of the North Western area of the Road Haulage Association will take place on February 2. Acceptances...
The Blackpool and District branch of the Road Haulage Association has been informed by the Joint Conciliation Board that, for...
Designated the Master wrench, a well-made adjustable spanner, having certain unusual and advantageous features, has recently...
Last Monday The Financial News published a special number entitled British Export Industries and the British Industries Fair."...
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A well-attended meeting of hauliers from the southern half of the Cambs. and Ely Sub-area of the Road Haulage Association was...
In view of the weak-bridges provisions of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, a programme involving the reconstruction of 25 bridges...
The annual national conference of the Motor Agents Association will be held at Cardiff, this year, at a date to be announced....
The Railway Tribunal. Dublin, has received schedules of the proposed classification of road-transport merchandise from the...
-THE announcement of a new scheme 1 of .maintenance for ArmstrongSaurer vehicles comes opportunely. Many readers are...
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After a private meeting of the Scottish National Conciliation Board, in Glasgow, on January 17, the following statement was...
A T the annual dinner of the Irish Motor Traders' Society, in Dublin, on January 17, the Minister for Industry and Commerce...
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Linton Appeal Succeeds. Refusal of Dispensation Not a Ground for Appeal. L.N.E.R. Case Closed T HE appeal of the Linton Chalk...
Over 300 Persons at R.H.A. East Midland Function O VER 300 members and guests of the Road Haulage Association attended the...
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Trenchant Opinions on a Vital Subject from Leading Operators T HE thanks of all transport managers and commercial drivers are...
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MODERN VANS T HERE is no stagnation in the design ol the van body. New styles are continually being evolved which combine...
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0 NE of the earliest decisions of the Appeal Tribunal, appointed under the Road and Rail Traffic Act, has been the subject of...
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T HE British Road Federation, 50, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1, has submitted to the Transport Advisory Council an interesting...
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EW FODEN PRODUCTS 0 NLY a cursory glance at the latest products of Fodens, Ltd., Sandbach, Cheshire, is required for one to...
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The 3 Is! Article of the Series in which We Answer Typical Questions on Different Subjects Resulting from the Passing c i f the...
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for Tower Wagons A Wood Hydraulic Gear with Many Attractive Features, among which are its Range, Controllability, Rigidity and...
O NE of the most popular ranges of equipment is that supplied by Tecalemit, Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex....
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A Contributor Suggests that the Limitations on Cheap Railway Excursion Tickets Should be Widely Advertised, and that Return...
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Trade Steadily Increasing, Heavy Demand for Coal. Bright Prospects for Glass Industry. Footwear Boom A STRIKING indication of...
MENDERS are invited by the following (latest dales given in parentheaes):—Ileptford B.C., jar tax and road•spraying materials,...
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An Interesting G.E.C. Mobile Showroom Comprising a Leyland Tiger Chassis and a Harrington Body O NE of the best examples of...
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Engine timing Rules Specially Light Semitrailers Sometimes Justified. Percentage Allowances in Sub-hiring. Licensing Vehicles...
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BRIGHTON DEVELOPMENTS GOING AHEAD. C ONSTRUCTIONAL work on the joint municipal airport of Brighton, Hove and Worthing...
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Passenger Transport All The latest news of important developments affecting public-service vehicle owners RAILWAYS INSIST ON...
?TI IAT the national interest demanded I serious consideration of the matter was the submission of Mr. J. Lustgarten, before...
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L-ORTY-ONE bodies have lodged ob jections to far-reaching applications by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., for the variation of...
THAT road passenger services were 1 as reliable and efficient as rail services was the opinion expressed by Sir John Maxwell,...
A SOUVENIR folder has just been issued to mark the 25th anniversary of the Eastern National Omnibus Co., Ltd. The company now...
offer City of Oxford Motor Services, Ltd., the tenancy, for 27 years, of Gloucester Green as a bus station, at a rental of...
A GREEllrIENT has been reached between the United Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., and Northampton. Corporation for the latter to...
WiE understand that the plan for a VY national agreement for municipaltransport workers is going forward. One meeting of a...
T HE Northern Scotland Traffic Cornmissioners have granted permission to Messrs. John Lee and Son, Rothbury, Northumberland, to...
S EVERAL complaints having been received by the Balbriggan Town Commissioners, during the past few weeks, the following...
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A N arrangement made in the interests of the drivers themselves, according to the explanation by the concern, resulted in...
IT is a well-known fact that the . coach driver is one of the most careful drivers to be found anywhere, and that a very small...
A RAILWAY objection, based on the contention that several applications for licences for excursions and tours had not been made...
C ARD IF F Corporation is building up a large fleet of oil-engined buses. On Friday last, the transport committee approved the...
O N Wednesday, buses superseded the tramcars on Leeds Corporation's Leeds-Morley route, and the Corporation took over a bus...
WITH one dissentient, a special W meeting of the Booking Agents Association of Great Britain agreed, last week, that every...
PA. A COMPLAINT that the latest conditions with regard to contract work, imposed by the Road Traffic Act, 1934, have the effect...
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Some Details of the Organization of Messrs. European Motorways and one of the Latest Vehicles Which the Firm has Purchased for...
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HAULIER and CARRIER A Simple System of Keeping Costs, Based on the Elaborate Scheme Already Outlined in this Series I EXPECT...
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A R6unze of Recently Published Patent Specifications I T is of great advantage to a driver if he be able to judge the...