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Small British haulier wins £6m contract EIS WEEK Hudson Interational Transport, which oprates a five-vehicle fleet from...
by a political correspondent THERE will :be no lack of advice to the Government at this year's Labour Party Conference in...
A NEW Kangaroo trailer, with body constructed in grp, has been developed by York Trailer Company and has been designed to...
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A NEW company, trading as International Transport Brokers, with headquarters in King's Lynn, Norfolk, is providing a...
• THE BOSS of CIE, Eire's State-owned transport company is expected to lose about £25m this year, has decided to quit 'his...
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Viystery cause yf lorry tip N UNEXPLAINED phenomion, which causes lorries to ,ed their loads for no parent reason, should not...
rRONG measures are armed by the Dutch to cut ick the !serious over-capacity their irregular road transnit sector. The Transport...
THE White Paper now being prepared on the Government's future transport policy will be ready for publication in the autumn, the...
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CM (pines RHA areas on Wells report WHEN THE Road Haulage Association receives the completed questionnaires on the John Wells...
It would be folly to guess at the outcome of the RHA steering committee's deliberations on the Wells report which is due be...
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OPERATORS in the Scottish Highlands are planning a joint break-bulk depot and overnight lorry park with maintenance facilities...
FODEN has warned operatt with S80 models that th should not attempt to redu the level of oil in the epicyc garoox to that...
THE OPENING of a new ware house extension at Watson'; (Carriers) Ltd premises a Spennyrnoor, Co Durham, add, Fm cult, costing...
A PLEA for Government help to cover the £2m loss incurred by the Mersey Tunnels has been turned down •by the Min'ster for...
PERTH Delivery Service Ltd had the licences for two of its 16 vehicles suspended for one month by The Scottish LA in Perth....
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New pressure group slams lorry routes plan by CM repot', ABANDON the plans for lorry routes in London, charge the...
ONE of the first of a series of modern security lorry parks to be established throughout the country, the Eirn park at...
FEES for light vans and car MoT tests are to be increased from August 1 to £2.04. This was announced by the Minister for...
transmission CIE has now finished conversion of the first of two prototype Atlantean buses to be fitted with the...
MR SULLY DAVIES, who carried on business as a haulage contractor at 338 The Highway, London El, has had a bankrupt's discharge...
THE charge of the Volvo Sys1 Service (CM June 29) is £2; for the basic inspection and £' for the PM inspedtion, and not...
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ewer restrictions LE Freight Transport Assolion has asked the GLC and DoE to take a fresh look the traffic management rich is...
Lders Siewertz becomes manag; director of Saab-Scania's Lolly owned subsidiary, Scania reat Britain) Ltd, on September...
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SUBSTANTIAL staff cuts are under way in National Carriers Ltd including many people who are due to retire soon and who will not...
by high vehicles and loads could be prevented if bridge signing was improved. This is the conclusion which the Freight...
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COACH belonging to ational Travel working on ie regular Athens to London 3rvice was involved in an 2cident near Cologne on...
30ME of London Transport's ongest routes should be cut nd operated separately — this s the view of the London Transport...
A PROFIT is made by Ribble Motor Services in Carlisle—so why should the city's bus users subsidise the company's less...
THE extent and duration of the TRRL survey of the causes of bus unreliability would be determined by the results obtained from...
WITH the ever-widening gap between income and expenditure for all large bus operators, it now seems that a large-scale...
A FIRE which caused £25,000 worth of damage and destroyed two coaches last week could not keep the biggest tour operator in....
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GOVERNMENT action to speed up the supply of bus spares was promised in the Commons last week by the Minister for Transport, Dr...
A SPECIAL passenger and parcel carrier service running between local government and health offices has been proposed by the...
IF the Central Regional Council are Ito subsidise W. Alexander & Sons (Midlands) Ltd, to keep bus services going then the local...
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potlight n vehicle iieves CH operator, Mr W. Lloyd ?.rieltor of Lloyds Coaches, ling, near Liverpool, has ?tilted an...
AN AGREEMENT has been accepted by Locomotors Ltd to market a sliding-roof mechanism made by Ed Scharwachter KG of West...
THE INCREASED flexibility of a drawbar outfit has been extended to the "mini" level by South London haulier P. J. Godfrey with...
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by Paul Brockington DESIGNED specifically for the dairyman who delivers goods such as bread and potatoes on milk rounds in...
A MAINS powered air compressor kit for automatically topping up the brake air reservoir while r the vehicle is standing...
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kaJUSTING the camber on offside front-wheel of a :ive unit to 0 degrees and • of a degree positive on nearside front-wheel...
A NEW high-power model has been added to Ford's D-series range of trucks. Designated the D1114 and plated for 11 tons gvw, the...
TERBILT, the American ick manufacturer, is to and its marketing network include Europe. Previously affable only in the US, erto...
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First service for MercedesBenz 306D van THE SPECIFICATION of the Mercedes-Benz 306D van, with its tubular chassis, torsion bar...
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problem If ever there was a need to liarge econornic rates, it Is now ; bet tempted to "keep the wheels turning" at any price...
I refer to your article (CM July 7) concerning relationships between hauliers and forwarding agents, in relation to...
How right are the sentiments expressed by Mr D. R. Wood, managing director, Tapley Meters Ltd (CM June 13). I regularly...
"Three cheers" for MECCA I (CM July II). For so long now everyone has been going alone; unable to got viable rates. There is a...
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The recent unusual spate of hot weather produced some odd methods of engine cooling. They ranged from opening radiator filler...
However hot it might have been in Manchester, school teacher Alistair Kenney and his pupils from . Shorefields • Comprehensive...
Perhaps it's the present economic climate but there seem to be fewer and fewer characters in road haulage these days. So it is...
It is difficult not to admire the Americans' technological experdse in both aeronautic and automotive fields, but their...
What is the most that a non-manual office worker should attempt to lift ? Answer 45kg (1001h), according to A Question of...
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Environment's proposals increase roadside checks of aide weights, about which yarned the industry toward > end of last year,...
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itinued from page 35 uration is all important and at a neat and tidy vehicle .tline with a well-sheeted id does not...
CONTROVERSY about the Richard Crossman diaries has brought to light the existence of a group of elderly civil servants in each...
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by Paul Brockington AROUND 2,500 vehicle horns are produced in a typical working day by the Klaxon-Mixo company at a factory...
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a drawbar trailer outfit at 23 tons gross. Is this so ? Regulation 81 of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations...
our own "wrecker," but we understand that only motor traders or vehicle repairers can obtain trade plates for use on breakdown...
between a warehouse and two or three shoos_ I intend to use a 5 ton-gross diesel van purchased second-hand for £1,600; the work...
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A Dutch independent with the tailormade touch by Niels Jansen DRITISH truck drivers and penators in Holland have pro'ably...
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iE AUTHOR of a test report attic wind drag trial shows el savings possible at speed" !IL/ February 7) made a par:Warty...
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Trailing the 'cowboys' by Martin Huckett WANTED dead or alive—for rious rate-cutting, an unscruilous law-breaker known as e...
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Dr John Gilbert meets CM and talks of Britain's EEC bargaining position NEW Minister for TransDr John Gilbert, met the S "on...
THE BALANCE between subsidising current local transport operations and investing in public transport needed to be examined...
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ued from page 59 , pe have definite distance intages. a the other hand, if the ic is consigned to NorthFrance or routed...
by Les Oldridge, TEng (CE1), MIMI, AM1RTE MOTORWAY law is contained in the amended Motorway Traffic Regulations, 1959....
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WHEN an employee is dismissed, as he thinks, unfairly, Industrial Tribunals provide an informal court hearing, with the...
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continued from page 63 say the applicant was in their view "by no means a perfect transport manager. We think he certainly had...