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THE MEASURE of success of Wednesday's day of inactivity called by the TUC will be interpreted, by the parties involved and...
WE ARE LOOKING at electric vehicles and vehicle electrics next week. The latter is a vast and important field, but just how...
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HE 1982/83 wage battle begins. As week the Transport and snore! Workers Union held its vt strategic planning meeting the next...
MITCHELL Cotta, the international engineering and transport group, has taken over the entire contract hire fleet of Avis and...
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CURRIE Contract Services Haywood, Lanes is recornmen ing the setting up a register disposable vehicles held by inc vidual road...
THERE are still places available on the Freight Transport Association's new course, Export Practice and Procedure, to be held...
TRANSPORT Secretary David Howell is to receive evidence of brit ery by British lorry drivers travelling in Europe. The Labour...
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ANSPORT operators in Scotid and northern England who y their equipment from the vile of commercial vehicle dywork produced by...
BRITISH LEYLAND has announced its half-year financial results and, as expected, Land Rover-Leyland achieved a substantial...
PROSPECTS of a new high-level road bridge over the Manchester Ship Canal at Warrington to replace antiquated swing bridges have...
ecc TRANSPORT Ministers will now be given two months to produce an effective ECC transport policy, or they will be taken by...
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rhe survey, carried out by irket research company Mart Location, is the result of inviewing transport managers . oughout the UK...
RRY WIGGINS, Foden's main liler for London and the South st, has appointed Wincanton insport of Dagenham as a )-dealer for its...
DCD Container Services has opened a new refrigerated container facility in London. Situated within its seven acre depot at...
THE WINNERS of the 1982 Class' Cranfield CM LDoY Finals are as fo c Commercial Motor Show held at flows: Bedfords 1931-1939:...
IMPROVEMENTS have been made to the benefits offered under the Toyota UK Warranty scheme, available through Toyota GB dealers in...
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Wage rises average seven/eight per cent THE FREIGHT Transport Association Drivers Wages Service shows that for the 12 months...
ALTHOUGH an own-account operator may be very small and may not use its vehicles very often, it still has the same legal...
ONLY 20 miles of motorway In be opened this year — ti lowest total for 20 years, sa the British Road Federation. Its new...
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August figures COMMERCIAL vehicle production (seasonally adjusted) in August was below the average of recent months, according...
AcKELVIE TRANSPORT, one of he largest haulage names in Icotiand, has formed a cornmer:WI partnership with the Ryder 'ruck...
BLUE CIRCLE Industries, one of Britain's largest lorry fleet operators, has extended its interests in road haulage with a...
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Low down air drier SAB TWIN-DRIER INSTALLATIONS SAB-AUTOMOTIVE, of Newton. Aycliffe, Darlington, has developed a new drier...
A NEW type of reusable air flu has been developed by Ribo. The filter is claimed to crease air flow, improve formance and...
DON INTERNATIONAL, of Her ham Vale, Manchester, has traduced commercial vehit ranges of clutch pads and bra shoes linings made...
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HE Royal Society for the revention of Accidents is Flaring a two-day course on ifety in garage workshops for imagers at its...
"VOLVO, Irvine, Scotland" reads the plate on the F10 pictured right. As reported in CM w/e August 21 Volvo Trucks (Great...
MORE than 40 per cent out of the 300,000 cabs produced by Motor Panels of Coventry over the past 12 years have gone for...
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British bus battle waged in Athens LEYLAND Bus may have pulled off a very significant deal this week. It is more than likely...
The results from a major Greater London Council consultation exercise, using 13,058 coupons and cards, testing public opinion...
TRANSPORT Secretary David Howell joined National Bus Company chief executive Robert Brook when the first two Duple Goldliner...
COACH operators sending or pecting to send vehicles to Motor Show at the National hibition Centre in Birmingh on October 22-31...
LEICESTER city transport is replace its last Leyland PI open platform double-dec buses. The municipal undertaking phasing the...
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-THOUGH the pool of secondhand coaches available in Britain is mg reducing, many public sector bus operators have a number of...
ATIONAL BUS COMPANY subdiary Eastern Counties is joing forces with Cambridge indeendent Premier Travel to 3erate a new joint...
THE ONLY SURE WAY to gain your Certificate of Professional Competence is to set aside a period of time in which to study the...
NEARLY 1,000 students have now used the RTCC home-study packs to prepare for the Royal Society of Arts examinations for the...
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Leyland launches Truckshield cover LEYLAND is introducing a used vehicle sales scheme — Truckshield — which extends the...
A NEW anti-waxing additive for diesel fuel has been produced by Chalbar Ltd of 247/249 Watling Street, Radlett. Known as...
THE RANKINE cycle engine, currently being developed by Renault Vehicules lndustriels, is likely to be around 400 kg (880 lb)...
FORSLINE Products will be featuring a new design of tailgate loader from Canada on its stand at the Birmingham Motor Show....
THE NEW Cabstar from Debi will be shown in five differi versions at the Motor Show Birmingham next month. Available as a...
THE BRITISH Standards Institution has published BS AV 50 Tyr and Wheels Part 1 Section lg Car Tyres, this being a revision of...
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KEN TROWELL is one in 30,000 Not, happily, the victim of a rare tropical disease, but one of the 30,000 owner-drivers who,...
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WITH REFERENCE to your article on the Langdon Industries owner-driver scheme in CM May 1, we, as owner-drivers within the...
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SINCE the 1980 Transport Act gave independent coach operators scope to use their initiative, several new coach commuter...
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Undoubtedly the railway must have lost revenue to the commuter coach services, and the annual amount must be significant, but I...
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TALBOT, the Peugeot-owned car manufacturing side of what used to be Dodge, is about to launch a new panel van range — the...
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Five forward synchromesh gears give a good progression with 0.76 to 1 overdrive top ratio to give a top speed well over 125km/h...
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N THIS SERIES, over the past 'ew months, the various :omponents used on air braking ;ystems, as fitted to modern ;ommercial...
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ONE ASPECT of the tachograph that was constantly — and rightly — emphasised during its introductory period in this country was...
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THIS is where we came in," Joel Wynn, a past national :hairman of the Road Haulage kssociation, must have said to limself when...
THAT arch-publicist, James Tye, director general of the British Safety Council, has rather overreached himself with the claim...
EMPLOYEES of America's sixth largest haulage company, which rejoices in the way-out name of Spector-Red Ball Inc, of Dallas,...
SCAMMELL'S diamond jubilee coincides with the 45th anniversary of the company's production of rigid eightwheelers, the history...
"TRY to bring your own casualty" is not an exhortation to the public while ambulance crews join in industrial action by...
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ALTHOUGH diesel engineers have always strived for good fuel economy, it is only in the last few years that they have gone back...
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HENLEY pump manufacturer Stuart Turner has brought out a new model — Stuart Type 252 — to replace its 25/2 pump, as part of its...
A BUDGET-PRICED (from £5,500) single-arch version of its established Jet Wash automatic vehicle washer has been developed by...
THE fixed-sweep Brushmate rear-mounted tractor sweeper from Danline International is said to be the ideal sweeper for mods,...
NEW from Rolatruc is a motorised electric trolley jack of 750kg capacity. The jack, model number IVIL750J, has electric drive...
PADDY Hopkirk's range of FIAMM horns has been extended with the launch of the twin-trumpet Admiral model for lorries and...
GROUND ROCK salt is now available in pre-packed form from B.F.C. Packed Products. This product has been specially developed by...
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RUDYARD KIPLING once said 'Transportation is Civilisation", and it is this quotation that 'ormed the theme for the eighth...
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had looked at the problem caused by the large build-up of vehicles, particularly doubledeckers — for disposal. Well over 2,000...
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TWO DEMOUNTABLE box vehicles with drawbar trailers entered service with Habitat last week — a switch first suggested by John...
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The BL road Fund licence .7.0MMERCIAL motorists should lote with concern the sad saga yf Mr Swift, a former employee Yf...