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By Christopher Walton, Jo Bourke and Roger Brown THE DEPARTMENT for Transport (DfT) has unveiled plans that it claims will...
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Cumbria hauliers face long detours CAT COVER STORY By Christopher Walton and David Harris HAULIERS IN Cumbria were hit hard...
Brewery group sLams 'naked' street scheme in Camden BREWERY LOGISTICS Group (BLG) has hit out at the sudden decision by Camden...
Award for STAS economy tipper THE AWARD FOR Best Vehicle at the Trailer '09 show in Belgium was presented to STAS for its new...
The average diesel price at the pumps now stands at 100ppl (more than £5 a gallon) in the UK, while the bulk price sits around...
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By Laura Hailstone VOSA HAS ADMITTED that it is considering lowering targets set for the transfer of annual vehicle tests to...
London City Bond in good spirits DESPITE A STRUGGLING market for alcoholic beverages, &Inks logistics firm London City Bond...
CITYSPRINT HAS made its third acquisition in 14 months by buying Warwickshire-based On The Dot Courier for an undisclosed sum....
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By Chris Tindall EVIDENCE '1'1 IAT could damage plans for a huge multi-modal freight exchange that would create hundreds of...
NORTHERN IRELAND-based trailermaker Muldoon Transport Systems has been granted a vehicle special order by the province's...
One topic that has generated a number of comments on the forums is the way drivers are treated at RDCs: from being treated with...
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To stack or not to stack In Kent, nothing creates more division between the local population and the road haulage industry...
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TBOOR: Most operators still concerned about cash flow mu' CIP 12EMNI:JK By Justin Stanton MOST TRANSPORT operators are...
Belgium tightens up its load laws FOLLOWING SIMILAR moves made in Germany. Belgium has issued new and stricter regulations on...
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By Chris Tindall A GOVERNMENT medical advisory panel says it supports the introduction of individual assessments for HGV...
I haven't had a day off sick in over three years, which isn't bad for an MS sufferer. but that's now something of a...
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Orwell Crossing Lorry Park could close 'within weeks' By Chris Tindatt SUFFOLK IS BRACING itself for a flood of lorries being...
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'Business as usuaL; says PD Ports, after acquisition by Canadian group By David Harris PD PORTS, THE Middlesbrough-based UK...
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UK Mail reveals profit boost By Joanna Bourke UK MAIL, formerly Business Post. says a series of cost-cutting measures...
FIAT HAS released the first images of its forthcoming Doblo Cargo ahead of its expected arrival in the UK in March 2010. The...
Mirror; mirror IN THE same week concerns were raised (again) over the excessive level of signage on the roads acorss the UK,...
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What right does Denby think it has to exploit 4 grey areas F in the rules? I WOULD I i ke to comment on the news story 'Denby...
FLJ KIHFR TO Carl Stephens' letter (CM 29 October) relating to the issue of farmers being allowed to carry out work with...
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The Stobart Group, like other hauliers, has had to weather one of the most severe recessions in recent memory, but chief...
Tinkler is confident the group's role in Formula One will survive the Mercedes-Benz takeover of world championship-winning team...
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The demise of Boalloy Fastruck Bodies was brought about by falling demand, banks tightening up their lending criteria and an...
"very much regrets having to take this action, but the current economic conditions are such that we have no alternative". The...
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Businesses were set up with the intention of being sold on to third parties for substantial profits. THREE COMPANIES set up to...
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Easymix fined for overloading concrete EASYMIX CONCRETE has been fined £2,000 after being found guilty of an overloading...
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Its that time of year when employees are more likely to phone in sick, mostly for good reasons. But what if you suspect the...
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Fixed penalties may ease logjams in courts, but are they leading some drivers to wrongly criminalise themselves? Words: Tim...
with a penalty for failing to take his break. It was issued without any proper roadside interview in what is essentially a...
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6 When notification of a fixed penalty notice is received, ensure that its issue is notified to the Traffic Commissioner within...
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the world we live in is made possible by road transport. The food in the. shops, the clothes we wear, hell, even the magazine...
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truck drivers Fabio Miani and Claudio Bersini (pictured) on the morning of the Hungarian GP, when there's little to do other...
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Words I images: Brian Weatheriey It took a white for Volvo to come up with an 11-litre engine for the UK fleet market....
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its parent company Renault (with the exception of its in-house Cabstar) Nissan has decided to break the mold with the launch of...
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After several years playing with the small toys, it was time for CM's chief van tester, Julian Milnes, to turn his attention to...
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Chatting with EP Training director Shaun Pargeter, it turns out that the first-time pass rate is around 60%, although I may...
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Its been nearly three months since the Driver CPC came into force. What does the industry think, and how is it working out for...
One training initiative for the Driver CPC that is already underway is the Big Train, developed by Fraikin and launched in...
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What you need to do and when • 10 September 2009: Driver CPC came into force. • Individual circumstances will dictate how you...
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New regulations for energy suppliers OFGEM HAS ISSUED new rules for energy suppliers to small businesses, which it says have...
Brighter outlook for UK non-food ROAD TRANSPORT operators serving the non-food retail sector should see volumes rise, with the...
A NEW EU Remedies Directive comes into force in December, which should make it easier for small businesses to challenge...
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Enterprise Finance Guarantee extended THE ENTERPR I SE Finance guarantee (EFG) has been extended to cover top-up payments for...
Fragile boost in housing market 'I'HE CONSTRUCTION Products Association (CPA) has welcomed signs of recovery in the housing...
HAVING WON a further three years' funding, Driving for Better Business is looking for new champions of road safety among fleet...
Confidence returning despite volume fall SME MANUFACTURERS have more confidence than at any time since the recession began,...
The association says the guide emphasises best practice in various driving conditions, which can minimise delays, downtime and...
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CARRIER TRANSICOLD. which is based in Warrington, intends to add value to its repair and maintenance programme with an online...
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Sometimes it takes a new face to produce a step-change in philosophy. Eighteen months since joining DAF Trucks dealer HTC Group...