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rF a national RHA/THC/BR parcels and sundries IL carriage service can be achieved, this could be patenially one of the most...
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A HIGH COURT judge found on Monday that carriers of goods, from whose premises a lorry containing goods was stolen when stored...
PARCELS SCHEME 'OF SOME MAGNITUDE' A JOINT road-rail service for the carriage of parcels and sundries is no longer merely a...
Wi TH effect from last Friday the Transport Development Group Ltd. has acquired the ssued share capital of the old-established...
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MI braking and plating I EXCEPTIONS? • TESTING? I SECONDARY-BRAKE SYSTEMS? ly A. J. P. Wilding, AMIMechE, MIRTE is surprising...
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THE three priorities for Motor Industry Research Association work should be safety, development of electric propulsion, and the...
cTOCKPORT members of the RHA an Lr co-operating in a striking new venture— the floating of a limited company to provide...
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TRTA MEETING PROBES LONDON TEST FAILURE 64 Up tried and failed. But that was V V better than not to try at all." So commented...
FINANCIAL rewards from the RHA for two drivers and two members of the public whose actions resulted in the arrest of thieves,...
O N Wednesday, British Railways announced that Mr. Jan Posner, formerly Continental Manager of British Road Ferry Services...
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R EVIVAL of local transport g roups, based on g roupin g s of factories, in which mana g ement and employees g et to g ether...
T RANSPORT operators are reminded by the Ministry of Labour that to q ualify for refund of Selective Employment Tax they must...
to the Ulster Department of Development, will not be "transport overlord" of Ulster, as has been suggested. He told COMMERCIAL...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT A GE barriers for the holders of heavy goods vehicle licences are to be suggested by Col. Sir...
RFUTISH Road Federation chairman Lord " Chesham has asked the Prime Minister to set up a hi g h-level committee to review road...
D ETAILS of g oods vehicles offences over the last few years were g iven in the Commons by Mr. Stephen Swin g ler,...
R. Douglas Jay, President of the Board of Trade, is now considerin g whether it would be practicable to exclude commercial...
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A T the close of a five-day hearing last week at Edinburgh, British Railways was granted 16 arties of 152 tons, in substitution...
By lain Sherriff BRITISH Railways' Freightliner applications— which have already been heard at Liverpool, Manchester and...
E MERY Air Freight Corporation, the American international air cargo forwarder and one of the largest agencies of its kind in...
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COMMISSIONERS REJECT "HORSE-TRADING" DEAL A FTER a three-day sitting of the Scottish Traffic Commissioners in Dundee which...
A WARNING that increases in rates on existing traffic would be considered only in exceptional circumstances was given by the...
MIDDLESEX Area Sessions Appeals Cow held last week that, in certain circurr stances, convictions for offences under th...
B ARRATT Bros., Dunfermline, last wee applied to the Scottish (Northern) Deput LA, Mr. L. A. Wells, at Kirkcaldy for a !...
LIVERPOOL City Transport is to operat jointly with British Railways the Kirkb (Lancashire) rail link to give residents a bent...
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iN Aberdeenshire haulier who missed a train from Aberdeen by three minutes also iissed his chance to appear and ar g ue his...
iT Belfast Petty Sessions last week the first case to be brou g ht under the Transport Act 966 was heard. An operator was found...
['HE bus fleet of Norman Smith, Crrantown, Morayshire, has been acquired by the Statemtrolled Highland Omnibuses Ltd., which...
of Transport, F. W. Crews—who has retired after nearly 40 years' service, 25 of them as secretary—has been elected an honorary...
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L°''1 Chesham, chairman of the British Ron Federation, said this week that the Minist of Transport must hasten its plans for...
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by Derek Moses First published pictures of the rear-engined Routemaster for LTB I T was in the issue of COMMERCIAL MOTOR...
seven per cent annual increase in traffic has been worked out by the Ceylon Transport Board. The scheme envisages an expansion...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT DARLIAMENT is to be asked to hustle through a Bill, produced by the Minister of Transport, to...
pusuc transport must be. allowed to play a greater part in the movement into and within towns, Mr. L. Waller, general manager,...
NEARLY half the roads over which Hebbie Motor Services Ltd. buses operate have inadequate surfaces—even before the start of...
INTRODUCING its 1967 tours brochure, Southdown Motor Services Ltd. explains that the Government's foreign currency restrictions...
TT was reported on Tuesday that the Minister of Transport had advised the TGWU by letter that an outstanding pay claim on...
As one of the prongs of its attack on urban noise, the Noise Abatement Society has now offered to silence a London Transport...
NORTHERN GENERAL TRANSPORT CO. LTD. has bought the experimental forwardentrance, front-engined Routemaster RM1254 built for...
RIRMINGHAM AND MIDLAND MOTOR OMNIBUS CO. obtained judgment in the High Court last week against Worcestershire County Council...
E QUAL pay for women bus workers in "-` North-East England is to be demanded by the Transport and General Workers Union....
SPEAKING at a dinner in Stockport on Monday, at which safe driving awards were presented to 514 drivers, Mr. William Leese,...
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Trailer-mounted hoist runs on bogie n NE man can unload 7,000 bricks on site within 18-20 mm., a demonstration has proved....
T WO extra-tong-wheelbase versions of the Ford D600 chassis are now available. These are designed for carrying light but bulky...
AN extendible . semi-trailer introduced by Scamrnell Lorries Ltd. in its new Challenger series is designed for operation at up...
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A PLEA for more detailed consideration of the tipping vehicle by Ministry engineers responsible for the Construction and Use...
'TWO recent specialized-vehicle purchases 65 .11the National Coal Board were demonstrate( on Tuesday at Sholing, Southampton,...
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'EX large-scale road construction units to speed major road and motorway schemes re to be set up. Transport Minister Mrs....
a FTEN it is the smaller repairs that prove the most troublesome to the ounger fitter or mechanic, and a real timend-temper...
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and publications Car trailer H AVING a capacity of 3 tons and known as the Atlantic, a close-coupled fourwheeled trailer has...
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mum, Werner Huebeck proposes to alter the old image of the p.s.v. employee. Staff in future will be designated as operators—the...
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and some of its engineering problems PART 1 r HE fleet engineer who said farewell to the last of his rigids on trunk services...
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rTHERE are many ways of killing a cat, and also it would seem there are many ways of obtaining the new gross vehicle weight of...
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SURVEY 1966 BODEN Boden Trailers Ltd., Royton, Oldham, Lancs. IN ADDITION to a wide range of flat-platform semi-trailers, TIR...
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38-TON-GROSS ARTIC I T is reasonably certain that before very long British vehicle regulations will be altered to allow...
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View BY THE HAWK Out of Tune TAMES STEWART, court clerk to the South Scottish traffic J area for six years, leaves on...
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A S the nation turns increasingly to the road vehicle as a means of providing its overlai transport so the transport industry...
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DUBLIC figures such as Mr. Aubrey Jones have to create the illusion of infallibility. An admission that they might have lade a...
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A ITICS are chosen for such a variety of reasons by both hauliers and C-licence operators that, paradoxically enough, the...
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in your Road Test Report Number 16/66 on the Daimler Roadliner/Duple 49-seater coach. The test figures were: From 20 m.p.h.,...
driver's wages for a six-tonner averaging 800 miles a week at £12 14s 3d with no mention of overtime. Isn't this unrealistic?...
A The Bridlington meeting of the Trades Union Congress in 1939 reaffirmed some long-standing principles for the avoidance of...
position regarding the use of radio in coaches? I understand that a tax is payable to the Performing Right Society depending on...
A One such system is offered by Inter Continental Office Equipment Ltd.. Harborne, Birmingham 17, consisting of a ugeful range...
A Equipping a low compression petrol engine with a turbo-charger might improve fuel consumption by virtue of the resultant...
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T AST week, Common Room looked at some examples of London Transport training in a variety of road transport activities. The...
-E , OR the year that terminated on September 30, East Kent Road Car Co. made a net profit of £194,219. This compared with...