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Nine-tours Grant For Wallace Arnold
COMMISSIONERS REJECT "HORSE-TRADING" DEAL A FTER a three-day sitting of the Scottish Traffic Commissioners in Dundee which concluded on Wednesday, Wallace Arnold Tours Ltd.,......
Wait For Thaw, Says La On Rates
A WARNING that increases in rates on existing traffic would be considered only in exceptional circumstances was given by the Western Licensing Authority, Mr. J. R. C.......
'special Reasons' For Not Endorsing Haulier's Licence
MIDDLESEX Area Sessions Appeals Cow held last week that, in certain circurr stances, convictions for offences under th Construction and Use Regulations need not t endorsed on......
Lack Of Support Mars Tipper Application
B ARRATT Bros., Dunfermline, last wee applied to the Scottish (Northern) Deput LA, Mr. L. A. Wells, at Kirkcaldy for a ! licence for two tippers of 4+ tons each to carr road and......
Bus-rail Link
LIVERPOOL City Transport is to operat jointly with British Railways the Kirkb (Lancashire) rail link to give residents a bent service to the city centre in peak hours. Fror......