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House Hustles On Refund Of Fuel Surcharge
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT DARLIAMENT is to be asked to hustle through a Bill, produced by the Minister of Transport, to enable more than £1 m. to be paid back to bus......
The Threat Of 'traffic Thrombosis'
pusuc transport must be. allowed to play a greater part in the movement into and within towns, Mr. L. Waller, general manager, Trent Motor Traction Co. Ltd., said last week at a......
Hebble Gm Slates State Of Bus Roads
NEARLY half the roads over which Hebbie Motor Services Ltd. buses operate have inadequate surfaces—even before the start of winter, said its general manager, Mr. F. A. J.......
Southdown Cuts Tours—northern Runs More
INTRODUCING its 1967 tours brochure, Southdown Motor Services Ltd. explains that the Government's foreign currency restrictions have obliged it to cut the number of its......
Bus Inspectors' Pay
TT was reported on Tuesday that the Minister of Transport had advised the TGWU by letter that an outstanding pay claim on behalf of 2,500 London Transport supervisory staff,......
'we'll Hush The Buses' —anti-noise Folk
As one of the prongs of its attack on urban noise, the Noise Abatement Society has now offered to silence a London Transport bus sufficiently to meet the 80 dbA level which the......
Ltb Sells Rm1254
NORTHERN GENERAL TRANSPORT CO. LTD. has bought the experimental forwardentrance, front-engined Routemaster RM1254 built for LTB and exhibited at the 1962 Commercial Motor Show.......
Midland Red Wins Fight Against Route Diversion
RIRMINGHAM AND MIDLAND MOTOR OMNIBUS CO. obtained judgment in the High Court last week against Worcestershire County Council who Mr. Justice Stamp declared had acted wrongly in......
£1,500 A Year For Busmen—tgwu Aim
E QUAL pay for women bus workers in "-` North-East England is to be demanded by the Transport and General Workers Union. Delegates representing 11,000 workers were told at......
There's A Vehicle Every 27 Yards
SPEAKING at a dinner in Stockport on Monday, at which safe driving awards were presented to 514 drivers, Mr. William Leese, general manager of the North Western Road Car Co.......