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'local Transport Group' Revival
R EVIVAL of local transport g roups, based on g roupin g s of factories, in which mana g ement and employees g et to g ether with London Transport to improve travellin g......
Set Refund Claims
T RANSPORT operators are reminded by the Ministry of Labour that to q ualify for refund of Selective Employment Tax they must first re g ister their establishments with the......
Filling Ulster Gap Mr. John F. Irvine, An Assistant...
to the Ulster Department of Development, will not be "transport overlord" of Ulster, as has been suggested. He told COMMERCIAL MOTOR this week that he has been temporarily......
Mp Wants Age Barriers For Drivers
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT A GE barriers for the holders of heavy goods vehicle licences are to be suggested by Col. Sir Harwood Harrison, Conservative MP for Eye,......
Roads Review Plea To Pm
RFUTISH Road Federation chairman Lord " Chesham has asked the Prime Minister to set up a hi g h-level committee to review road finance and administration. "The whole system of......
Five-year Survey Of Offences
D ETAILS of g oods vehicles offences over the last few years were g iven in the Commons by Mr. Stephen Swin g ler, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport:—......
Jay Probes Trailer H.p. Exemption
R. Douglas Jay, President of the Board of Trade, is now considerin g whether it would be practicable to exclude commercial trailers altogether from the hire purchase......