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0 . I Would Like Clarification Of The Brake Test Recorded
in your Road Test Report Number 16/66 on the Daimler Roadliner/Duple 49-seater coach. The test figures were: From 20 m.p.h., 26.4 ft., (16.5 ftlsec 2 ). From 30 m.p.h., 58.4......
A Last Week In 0 And A You Estimated
driver's wages for a six-tonner averaging 800 miles a week at £12 14s 3d with no mention of overtime. Isn't this unrealistic? A A feature of G and A is its brevity. While we try......
Q Could You Explain What The Bridlington Agreement Is In...
A The Bridlington meeting of the Trades Union Congress in 1939 reaffirmed some long-standing principles for the avoidance of disputes between unions. In essence the socalled......
Ri Can You Advise Me As To The Legal
position regarding the use of radio in coaches? I understand that a tax is payable to the Performing Right Society depending on the number of seats in the coach. Is this......
Q Do You Know Of Any Satisfactory Modern System Of Key...
A One such system is offered by Inter Continental Office Equipment Ltd.. Harborne, Birmingham 17, consisting of a ugeful range of lockable wall cabinets with capacities from 10......
Q Could Turbo-charging Be Applied To A Petrol Engine To...
A Equipping a low compression petrol engine with a turbo-charger might improve fuel consumption by virtue of the resultant increase in low-speed torque, which would augment the......