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F EW people know better than the staff of The Commercial Motor the difficulties under which certain sections of the British...
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T HROUGH the broad windows of Bernard Scott's functional, austere room in C.A.V.'s handsome H.Q. building I gazed upon hazy,...
Left, Right or Centre? S PECULATION as to if, when and how this country will enter the Common Market continues unabated....
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" THIS committee is entirely in favour 1 of plating by goods vehicle manufacturers. If plating were introduced, and...
Objectors Voice Their Fears IUTEAT hauliers, in London last week, spoke of the dangers that would result al by way of keener...
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T HE national secretary of the Traders Road Transport Association, Mr. H. R. Featherstone, referred last week to an "injustice"...
vr IEN M. Verguand, assistant to the French Minister of Transport, arrived in London last week, accompanied by five...
From our Political Correspondent A DRASTIC shake-up of the Government's ideas for road building and traffic control is to be...
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The North British Rubber Co., Ltd., have appointed Mr. E. H. R. Schmidt tyre replacement sales manager for U.S. Royal. Mr....
\X TE regret to record the deaths of Mr. A. Hallwood, Mr. C. H. Kenrew, Mr. H. Lee, Mr. L. M. Norton and Mr. G. W. Stubley....
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Slanting Lifting Gear Not an Infringement
July 11, 1961, of summonses against the driver and owner of a lorry which, it was alleged, exceeded the permitted length, was...
From Our Industrial Correspondent Q NLY traditional rivalry between busmen and Undergrotind men saved London from even worse...
S.E. Commissioners Acted Wrongly T HE Minister of Transport last week ordered the South Eastern Traffic Commissioners to rehear...
IN an adjournment debate in the I Commons next Monday, Mr. Gerald Nabarro, Conservative M.P. for Kidderminster, is to urge the...
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A N application by Unilever, Ltd.. London, for B licences covering two 7-ton vehicles at Leith and four 153-ton vehicles at...
From our Political Correspondent NAR. RUPERT SPEIR, Conservative J-VI M.P. for Hexham and a prominent road campaigner, is due...
Change of Address: The Worcester branch of the Mercantile Credit Co., Ltd., has moved to 41 Foregate Street. Change of Name :...
A S reported in The Commercial Motor last week, the Express Dairy Co. (London), Ltd., are to provide facilities for an...
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A FIER a three-day hearing, Taunton magistrates last Saturday reserved their decisions in cases brought by the Ministry of...
Road Transport Association, Mr. K. C. Turner, said recently that it was "probably not generally recognized that harmonization...
THE first move towards a better and 1 more co-ordinated public transport system in the Glasgow area was made last week by a...
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A LICENSING AUTHORITY has power, in certain circumstances, to dispense with the requirements of the law, the Northern Licensing...
r E Europabus long-distance international bus service supported by the European railway administration has extended its network...
T HE application of Jones Transport Services (Liverpool), Ltd., involving a switch of 30 vehicles from Contract A to A licence,...
I) ESTRIBUTION of V.I.P. petrol, fuel oil and associated products is to b.! extended in the near future. In preparation for...
A NEW silencing system introduced by Arvin Industries, Inc., a large U.S. producer of exhaust equipment, is said to overcome...
1 - 3. A NEW type of stainless steel has been developed by Samuel Fox and Co., Ltd., Stocksbridge, Sheffield. The new steel...
PI. A NEW spare-wheel carrier is available for the Fourtrak semi-trailer, which is now tieing produced in quantity by Scatnmell...
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IT has long been the aim of. manui facturers and operators of tankers to produce a vehicle capable of carrying 4,000 gallons of...
T HE biggest semi-trailer yet built by Charles Pitt (Barton Stacey), Ltd., has recently, been completed for the Electricity...
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T HE Minister of Transport was making a fatal mistake in setting up, under the Transport Bill, four "separate watertight...
M Ministry of Transport hope to e regulations dealing with mobile cranes and vehicles with projecting loads made some time next...
L ORD CHESHAM, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to• the Ministry of Transport, confirmed last week that his department is now...
T HE Government last week firmly resisted renewed demands that they should allow local authorities to provide free travel in...
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W OMEN are more likely than men to have accidents while travellin g on buses, particularly if they wear stiletto heels. This...
T HE issues of The Commercial Motor for January 19 and 26 have already recorded two prominent aspects of the Leyland g roup's...
I - 1 A PLAN to build a " deck " over the River Clyde which would have a bus terminal, car park, shoppin g centre, and perhaps...
have recommended that application should be made to the Minister of Transport for the Sheffield Transport Department to be made...
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Boarding School for Trunk ers By John Wicks T HE little village of Rieneck, complete with fountain, stocks and castle,...
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p RODUCTIVITY has never seemed an entirely appropriate term to apply to transport, although the British Productivity Council...
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HAVE read with considerable interest your leading I article in the January 19 issue of The Commercial Motor, " Alloy Reminder,"...
THE Crossbow article, you say (in The Commercial Motor of January 12), will undoubtedly be read by 'many influential...
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Road tests of Bedford CAL 15-cwt. vans show that an extra £125 for the Perkins 4.99 diesel engine buys greater economy but...
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problems, no matter where the locale may be. The two major factors are that in most cases, dead mileage equals paid mileage,...
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nNE of the most impressive buildings of its type in this country was opened on Monday by the President of the Board of Trade,...
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ri E range of Secol vehicle loading and mechanical handling equipment made by Service Engineering Co. (Northampton), Ltd., has...
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T HE East Midland "Applications and Decisions" carries a fairly substantial " straight''. addition of 10 vehicles (44 tons...
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Austin and Morris A NEW system of designation has been announced for all Austin and Morris commercial vehicles. It comes into...
IMPORTANT DECISION: COMPENSATION OR PENALTY? From our Legal Correspondent A STARTLING proposition emanates from the decision...
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The Apportionment of Administrative Costs Incurred in Running Commercial Vehicles is Commented on Here Along with .Other _...
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As applied te normal-type goods vehicles, and irrespective of whether a container forms part of the combination of vehicle and...
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INJECTION pumps of the distributor • I type in which „regulation is performed by throttling the intake are prone to give a...