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TGWU advocate fears NIRC is confusing political and judicial issues • Rejecting pleas by Transport and General Workers...
• Over 400 commercial drivers and shop stewards from all over the UK attended a special meeting on Sunday at St Helens,...
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• British Leyland today announces a larger diesel engine to give improved power and performance to the ubiquitous 3.5 tons...
— Mr Peyton hammers the message home from our political correspondent • The Minister for Transport Industries, Mr John...
• Before any agreement is reached with the European Economic Community over increased axle weights Mr John Peyton should seek...
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• The National Industrial Relations Court on Tuesday approved the settlement of a case involving the Transport and General...
shop stewards on a number of occasions and said: "You must not do this. The courts have made an order against it." The stewards...
• Abolishing the levy/grants system would remove a training incentive, the Distributive Trades Education and Training Council...
• High truck sales are expected late this year and early in 1973 through buyers being anxious to save paying VAT, said the...
• The Smithfield Meat Carriers' Association Ltd has advised its members to increase their haulage rates by 10 per cent. This,...
• The Mersey Tunnel joint committee has been assured that its fears that VAT would increase tolls by 10 per cent (CM May 19)...
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• The competition introduced by the new operators' licences had had a Serious effect on the road haulage industry and would...
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Distribution man pinpoints growing delivery problems and opposes compulsory transhipment depots • "The distributor is already...
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• One of the biggest advantages claimed for the inland freight clearance centre just opened by Freightflow International at...
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• Fears that Britain would be compelled to fall into line with EEC transport policy were expressed in the Commons last week by...
• The marshal on number 3 test at the Dundee LDoY round last Sunday took the unprecedented step of excluding a Post Office...
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by Derek Moses • Does the engine of a modern one-man operated double-decker bus have to be at the rear, in order to allow the...
• Grants to bus operators for new vehicles are criticized as a "misapplication of resources" by Mr C. D. Foster, head of the...
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• A novel form of passenger vehicle body construction, using modules suitable for road bus/coach or railway carriage has been...
• After the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association had told the Government what it expected to happen if plans for changes to...
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• A 1:24-rn bid has been made by the Wigan coach-building company, Lanaten Ltd, for the Lancashire United Transport bus...
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my business , • A former Army sergeant who, it was said, has commendations from Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery, has blamed...
• The South Wales LA, Mr R. R. Jackson, took no action against Mr D. M. Thomas, of Llandeilo, when he was called to appear...
• Although the preventive maintenance system employed by two Nottingham brothers was inadequate, this did not deter them from...
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• Malcolm McNeil Ltd, Glasgow, had its fleet of 44 vehicles authorized (42 specified) reduced to 42 with the further reduction...
• Iles Transport, a Darlington haulage firm, was ordered by a Darlington court to pay £126 to the Road Transport Industries...
• Opened officially on Wednesday at Halfpenny Green Airport, Bobbington, near Stourbridge, Worcs, by Mr T. E. Tindall,...
• A Fraserburgh haulage contractor. Mr R. Sutherland, who started in business early in February this year, had his licence...
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• Unitized bodybuilding is to be the chief activity of a new company, Unitruk Ltd, of Monro Industrial Estate, Waltham Cross,...
Worried about steering your transport business through the present difficult financial waters? Then CM's one-day seminar on...
• The first wide-spread rubber-sprung Norde bogies to enter service have been fitted to five tank semi-trailers for R. Rankin...
• DAF has developed a new automatic transmission system for large vehicles. The production planning stage has already been...
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• A range of drawbar platform trailers designed to a standard specification for quantity production at the company's Corby...
• One of the first Guy drawbar units is to be put into service next month on TIR operations by Ackworth Continental Ltd. The...
• British Leyland has introduced to the UK market the drawbar version of the Mandator 32-ton machine already in use elsewhere,...
• A new range of chassisless van semitrailers, with special emphasis on low maintenance costs, has been introduced by Freight...
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view by the Hawk III Me, Too! There are compensations to being an MP. After weeks of taking evidence from PTAs and traffic...
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trailers DURING the dramatic expansion in international road haulage traffic over the past decade, British operators have...
TIR TRAILER by Martin Hayes , the job I visited Mr Laurie Caen, sales Idirector of Merriworth (Engineering) Ltd, who ran over...
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SOMETHING ALWAYS IN BIND by lain Sherriff, MITA, AIRTE An East Anglian haulier who runs a tight, taut ship IF the Department...
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Inspection charts demand clear thinking • A wall chart is a convenient way of keeping check on the inspection of vehicles to...
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by Trevor Longcroft ARROW Arrow Construction Equipment Ltd, Cowpen Road, Blythe, Northumberland. . Tilting trailers...
J. Brockhouse & Co Ltd, Vehicles Division, Victoria Works, Hill Top, West Bromwich, Staffs. Automatic coupling semi-trailers...
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No range of electronic calculators is better suited to handle the variety of calculations used in transport and haulage. The...
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Rodney Tolhurst At the helm of the imaginative inland freight clearance facility just opened in Kent is one of the youngest...
Auto-electrics for the mechanic (22) AT THIS STAGE it is worth while spending some time looking at the mechanical side of...
Railway begging bowl RAILWAY advertisements showing lengths of line stretched out pleading for traffic are not, it can now be...
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Historic or current trends • Derisory comments are frequently made as to the futulity of "historic costs. What operators need...
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milers MILERS ARE CATCHING ON Long distance operation All of them report that the main interest seems to be in purchasin g...
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This own-account operator has his own heavies for plant movement but finds 0-licensing has reduced the cost of hiring from...
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trailers DIN OR ISO BRA WHETHER drawbar outfits will become as widespread as on the Continent remains to be seen, but their...
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which dealt with a correspondence course in removals management. Could you please inform me where I can obtain more information...
a vehicle at my home. I have to leave the untaxed vehicle on the road as I have no parking facilities but dare not risk leaving...
any vehicles for which a licence is not in force . . he will be liable to the greater of the following penalties . £50 or an...
sadsfactorn . ) , on 91 octane fuel, in that they do not knock at any time even when they are lugging in top gear....
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matters by John Darker, AMBIM Whither Jack Jones? UNDER the general secretaryship of Mr Jack Jones the Transport and General...
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by Les Oldridge, AMIRTE. MIMI The Construction and Use Regulations (21) PART IV of the C and U Regulations deals with the...
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A transport diploma in management studies WITH the great advance in management education in so many fields, the need for...
Swinton Transport Ltd. Cap: £100. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors. etc. Subs: M. J. Hope. R....
DUNLOP/PIRELLI The directors of Dunlop Holdings Ltd have announced the trading results of the Dunlop Group and of the...