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Confusion! Confusion reigned in the industry this week over an incident in which lorries were commandeered by Thames Valley...
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ENERGY conservation should be the concern of everyone. Too often it is regarded as the business of the boffins, engineers or...
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CONFUSION reigned in the industry this week over an incident in which lorries were commandeered by Thames Valley police on the...
PERATORS in the London area have been warned by shop .ewards that more than 6,000 drivers will take part in one-day rikes every...
PUBLIC transport will serve up to 5,000 more residents of Border Region later this year under plans announced by the regional...
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THERE was a surprise, behind the scenes, move by the 15strong British delegation at the International Road Transport Union...
CONSERVATIVE plans for selling off both the National Freight Corporation and the Natior Bus Company seemed unlikely to find a...
SYRIA has joined 13 other Middle East countries which have banned Ford vehicles from travelling into or through its territory....
that copies sometimes delivered af Friday, CM's day of publi tion. Postal copies are norm made available to the po service in...
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:ENTRAL Regional Council is exploring lepot based on Greater London Council's It would occupy 10-12 acres of the 724-acre Royal...
CLASS winners of the Tayside heat of the CM Lorry Driver of the Year competition on May 18 were: Class A: I. Mackie (Scottish...
NATIONAL Bus's first self-help rural minibus service in Norfolk is now covering its costs, but the Ford Transit used on it is...
k MINISTRY of Defence contract blacked by hauliers last week after it was taken tway from an operator who had broken the...
HAD nobody spotted that written answer? Or was it that MPs had just not realised its import? After all, though EEC Regulation...
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The biggest problem of operating trucks in the developing world is keeping them on the road. Not because they often travel...
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If you've got a load on your mind. Working to tight schedules, day in, day out, refuse collectors can't be off the road for...
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)UBTS about the Health d Safety Executive plans for specting containers have en expressed by the Freight ansport Association....
THE FREIGHT Transport Association has lodged a last-minute objection to Berkshire County Council's Windsor Cordon lorry...
LE PORT of Antwerp is pressing for harmonisation regulations for handling dangerous goods, because it feels ther safety nor...
A REPORT from a Transport Action Scotland study group has criticised the Government's attitude to the prospects for a...
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York sales up YORK Trailer Holdings Ltd's sales in the first quarter of 1978 are ahead of last year's record. The company...
ALTHOUGH Licensing Authorities are conscious of the problems of overloading inherent in t carriage of certain traffics, it was...
SALES OF new commen vehicles, both British k foreign, were up in April o the same month last yE according to the Society Motor...
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third of the seats on their boards to employees have drawn a mixed reaction from the transport industry. The White Paper on...
OWNER drivers' representatives are to meet members of the Foster Committee on Operators' Licensing. Three representatives,...
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PUBLIC support for buses must continue, says the Transport and General Workers' Union. The call comes in a leaflet titled...
NATIONAL Bus subsidiary Southdown has applied a new flat fare system to its Haywards Heath area buses. The area has been split...
PAKISTAN is to receive advice from a two-man London Transport delegation on how to run its urban bus services. Buses in...
BUS reliability must be Olt target for London Transport it 1978, says the London Trans port Passengers Committee it its annual...
day at its Byker Works in NewcastleonJune 10 and 11. Admission will be free to the public. London Country Bus Services are...
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A SHEFFIELD coach operator has retained his holiday tours licence — despite opposition from National Travel. The operator,...
BRITISH Leyland and West Lothian District Council are involved in talks aimed at speeding the supply of vehicles and repairs....
THE GOVERNMENT last week rejected a suggestion that special electro-magnetic brake retarders should be compulsory on buses. A...
THE FAMILIAR single-deck bus has disappeared from Edinburgh streets. It was the type first used for experiments to try out the...
NATIONAL Travel is likely to launch a new marketing strategy later this year. The National Bus Company has admitted that its...
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by the Technical Edi A NEW device for reducing wind drag on tractor/trailer combinations has been announced by Airshield....
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REYNOLDS Boughton Chassis Limited has introduced a high speed 6x6 firefighting chassis featuring a unique, centrally mounted...
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to come? by Alan Millar LIKE the coal and steel industries, British Rail has retreated from many areas in which it had heavy...
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There's a common misconception in trucking circles; that all a delivery truck has to do is keep on delivering. Which may...
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THIS YEAR the Institute of Solid Wastes Managements conference is to be held at Brighton from June 27 to 30. The theme of the...
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by John Durant WHEN selling a gully emptier to local government the firm that offers a council a vehicle that will sort out...
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Vlike Wells's outburst on behalf of the British Association of Owner Drivers seems to miss one vital point. There was never any...
6 fit With reference to the article "Drivers' network growing," I am an owner-driver operating with my brother four vehicles...
iLL 13ftigittag Whilst I was pleased, as an entrant, to receive a copy of your journal featuring the' HCVC/Foden 1978 London...
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COACH operators in many towns rely on school contracts for their "bread arid butter" during the long cold winter months", when...
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I am told that Captain Jack Dawson (left), Commodore of Townsend Thoresen's Dover fleet, has retired after 35 years with the...
I was pleased to see the Road Haulage Association taking the war into the enemy's camp over the matter of sanctions for alleged...
Boalloy's growth and acquisition by the powerful Craven Tasker outfit are landmarks in the postwar history of British...
David Scott Hellewell, South Yorkshire PTE's controller of operations and planning, is hoping that they will be able to get...
Up at Oulton Park Racing Circuit in Cheshire ERF has held what it calls "the firstever commercial grand prix". Seventy-five...
Lambourn Coachbuilders were quoting six months delivery dates for their horse transporters — such is the demand — when an...
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STRINGENT economies caused by the last four years' industrial stagnation and government restraints have compelled many local...
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ONE OF the less successful initiatives by the Road Haulage Association was the commissioning of the Wells report. No blame can...
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FIRE WHAT is red, has six wheels, weighs 4 tons and accelerates from nought to 50mph in 16 seconds? No, not the latest...
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HIGHER landing speeds, larger aircraft with more passengers aboard and a general increase in aircraft movements have produced...
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ENERGY, or rather the saving of it, was the theme of the conference organised by CM which took place at Goodwood House, Sussex,...
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ONE OF THE greatest boons to hit the road transport scene in its 300-year or so history was the advent of articulation. It...
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by Noel Millier DELEGATES who had travelled to Sheffield's Cutler's Hall from four continents were disappointed by the...
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THE SOUTH Eastern Electricity , Board has over 1 1 /2m consumers in an area embracing the counties of Sussex, Surrey and Kent....
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Saab-Scania's new president (managing director) from July 1 wi5be Sten Gustafsson, president of Swedish investment company...