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T HE defeat of the Government by eight votes on The Transport (Amendment) Bill, the second reading of the Supported by Trade...
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p APER is now one of our mostscarce and valuable commodities. Apart from its use by the Press, it is employed for a large...
Weight Limit ACCORDING to an M.o.T.Problems Now Facing 1--1 certifying officer, a big Bus Operators . . • technical problem...
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Of used commercial-vehicle prices as seen through a Glass. That every load travels "with care" by privateenterprise road...
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A N advanced stage has been reached by the British Transport Commission in the preparation of its charges scheme and standard...
of the 30,000 cars and commercial vehicles held up at ports because of a temporary lack of shipping space are to be released...
S HEFFIELD hauliers are reported to be preparing a grouping scheme, under which it will be possible to interchange traffic and...
Socialist's Plea for Small Hauliers : Attack on C-licence Holders A FTER a debate lasting more than five hours, the Transport...
BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT it /PST of the occupants of the Pa Strangers' Gallery in the House of Commons last Friday were no...
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MR. J. T. G. MILNE has been appointed general sales manager of S. Smith and Sons (Radiomobile), Ltd. MR. G. BENHAM has been...
IN the not-too-far-distant future, the 1 company would be making a completely new brake and a new damper, both incorporating...
I N connection with the Leopoldville Commercial Fair from August 11-20, Duncan Smith and Co. (Africa), Ltd., 8, Av. Van Gele,...
rates. The proposed increases range from 3d. per hour for vans of . 8-10-cwt. capacity (with driver), to Is. 5d. for 6-ton...
LTHOUGH mainly intended for r - L private motorists, two new products of Messrs. Tenco Products, Knowle. Birmingham,. may...
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A N application by Northern Road ways. Ltd., to run nightly services rom Glasgow and Edinburgh to Iirmingham was heard before...
G ENERAL complaints, mainly about N.-.1 delays in collection, have been made against the services of the Road Haulage Executive...
1HEN the Annis appeal was i r resumed before the Appeal ibunal in London, this week, the tirman, Mr. N. L. Macaskie, K.C., d...
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I N his annual statement, Mr. C. Basil Nix - on, chairman of Leyland Motors, Ltd:, joins the chorus of protest - against the...
The Institute of the Motor Industry will hold its annual dinner at the Dorchester Hotel, London, W.1, on April 5. An annual...
S PEAKING at the annual dinner of the Livestock Functional Group of the Road Haulage Association's Northern Area (Western...
T HE Yorkshire Licensing Authority has refused the application of Messrs. J. Boddy and Son, Bridlington, to take over the...
IN some quarters it has been stated that there is too much transport in Britain. There may be, but there is no reason to take...
T HE annual dinner of the Traders' Road Transport Association is to be held at Grosvenor House, London. on April 24. The...
B RANCH meetings of the Industrial Transport Association include the following:— March 5: lYferseyskle, annual general meeting....
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NDIRECT reference to a dispute between the Raw Cotton Commission nd the Road Haulage Executive was lade in the House of...
A fares in Scotland is to be made by 4r. W. F. Quin, Scottish Licensing Luthority, following complaints by the ;sottish Trades...
N the House of Commons, last week, Mr. Joynson-Hicks put questions to le Minister of Agriculture about road :ansport charges...
A REPRESENTATIVE of the RailAA way and Road Haulage Executives withdrew objections to a haulier's application, last week, after...
r 0 new publications of William Glass, Ltd., Weybridge, extend the Glass's Guide service to traders in commercial vehicles. The...
R EMOVAL of tar spots from celtulose or chromium plating is the object of Tarlena, a preparation manufactured by Bennett...
WHEN she first of the applications IT was heard in Birmingham, last week, Mr. R. Stuart Filcher, West Midland Licensing...
A CLAIM for alleged arrears of wages may be made on McNamara and Co., Ltd. (now nationalized), by drivers whom the company...
S INCE the first Perkins mobile school arrived in Canada on October 31 last, it has travelled over 6,000 miles, giving Canadian...
THE Tynemouth and District Trans' port Co., Ltd., has been granted permission by the Northern Licensing Authority to take buses...
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T a special meeting last week. rACardiff City Council decided by 29 votes to 14 against selling the motorbus section of the...
A PPROVAL has been received from the Ministry of Transport for the plan to allow 40 people to stand and 26 to be seated in the...
W HEN Utah Broadbent, Ltd., Pails' worth, applied to the North-western Deputy Licensing Authority for continuation of an A...
I MPORT licences expired before goods 'reached their destination because of delay by British Road Services, said Major H. RJ...
T "proposal to abandon the trams in Sheffield in favour of buses is not being looked upon with favour in many parts of the...
F OLLOWING the decision by Hull Works Committee to place its contract-haulage work with the Road Haulage Executive, the...
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G REAT success has been achieved with a new system of heating and ventilating buses, which, at the , request of the Motor...
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By P. A. C, Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. A MECHANICAL-HANDL1NG system must be planned to the last detail and it is essential...
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In Any Scheme of Integration, Glasgow Demands Control of its Passenger Transport, says Mr. E. R. L. Fitzpayne " 11 must be...
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Modified Grants to Statecontrolled West-country Operators : Elsewhere Blanket Increases by Big Operators Bring Floods of...
'HE first of 120 new luxury coaches, together valued at nearly £500,000, • s handed over to Mr. R. P. Beddow. • Inst.T.,...
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Asks Alfred Woolf, OR rrvtrl B.A. New Types of Chassis and Cha] Traffic Problems have Caused Opei to Re-examine the...
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London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee Calls for immediate Measures to Relieve Congestion and Rejects the...
THE advantage of arranging the J. mountings of an engine so that vibration takes place about the principal axis of oscillation...
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VOUR leading article, " "I he Road Transport A Engineer," in your issue dated February 16 is most .imely and I hope that it...
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Political Commentary By JAN US Supporters of the Higher Speed Limit for Heavy Vehicles Should Not Be Discouraged, although Some...
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- )PENING an exhibition entitled "The Architecture of Transport," 1 London, last week, Lord Hurcomb, hairmart of the British...
" T DO not think it would be right to 1 authorize a vehicle because the rail fare is so much above the road fare." Mr. A. G....
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Municipalities T HIS is the time Of the year when hauliers have the forms for tendering for Work with local authorities before...
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70 meet a need far a full-fronted L five-seater water tender, the central pair depot of Somerset County ouncil recently...
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I N many high-duty engines the limit of output is fixed by the maximum permissible temperature of the ring-groove region of the...