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F EW thinking people in any walk of life in this country would be prepared to deny the fact that he nation is still in a...
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A MONGST the numerous road improvements which the Minister of Transport claims to have inaugurated, particularly with a view to...
Dangerous Parking by Coaches A WELL-KNOWN danger spot is the junction 1— k between Clarence Lane, leading from the Roehampton...
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That a translucent glasspol roof helps to make lighter loading and unloading. That U.S. Royal tyres are to have, a line new...
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'f TWO new important measures affecting the road transport industry; WO Transport (Disposal of Road Haulage Property) Act and...
IN a determined effort to solve the problem of transport in rural areas, the Minister of Transport. Mr. H. Watkinson, is soon...
T HEcurrent road construction programme in this country is out of scale with needs,. states the report of the' Road Research...
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A NUMBER of corporations who wish to provide transport for their overspill populations have been following with keen interest...
D AMAGES, with costs, in favour ot the owners of a 12-ton radial drill which was found to be damaged after being carried by...
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MR. T. M. B. GUY has been appointed personal assistant to the managing : director of Guy Motors, Ltd. MR. R. IMRIE has been...
rA A PLEA that the new regulations applying to dual-purpose and goods vehicles were not generally known, was made by a...
A T Wrexham, on Monday, the British I — I Transport Commission successfully opposed a bid by a North Wales haulier to replace...
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of their B licence, the Bulwell Transport Co., Ltd., Linby Street, Nottingham, were fined £10, with £1 10s. costs, at...
F ARE increases granted to Huddersfield Joint Omnibus Committee in April discriminated unfairly against Holmfirth passengers,...
F IVE vehicles were added to the B licence of Transport (Bristol), Ltd., Cattle Market Road, Bristol, by the Western Licensing...
A LTHOUGH anxiety about the -rt transfer of vehicles from C-hiring margins to A and B licences was expressed at last week's...
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A N attempt to re-establish a family excursions and tours business was only partially successful at Manchester, last week, when...
C ROSS appeals against a decision of the Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority were dismissed by the Transport Tribunal in...
A NEW committee to study the staggering of working hours in London, is to be set up by the Minister of Transport. It will...
QEVEN single-deck buses used on city and suburban tours by Aberdeen Transport Department have been fitted with 'public address...
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five operators in respect of changes in picking - up and terminal points, mainly on services between camps on Salisbury Plain...
THE North-Western Deputy Licens .1. ing Authority, at Manchester last Week, granted a B licence to Messrs. W. Carman and Son,...
A N allegation that, as a restilt of conservative estimating, United Auto' mobile Services, Ltd., had been making •...
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T HE incentive bonus scheme proposed by Manchester Transport Department has been approved by the National Joint Industrial...
F ARE increases designed to yield Doncaster Corporation £60,000 in a full year were described as unreasonable by the objectors,...
Pudsey Borough Council are to buy an 800-cal. gully emptier. Greenwich Borough council. arc to buy two Becitord 7-ton refuse...
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Works Holidays: The Plymouth works of recalennt, Ltd., will be closed for the annual holiday until August 14. New Green Line...
I F any further substantial increases :to operating costs were not accompanied by at least a substantial reduction in fuel tax,...
raRITICISM has been voiced of unnecessary delay in announcing decisions on appeals by Altrincham Coachways, Ltd., and Whcatleys...
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By Our Legal Adviser A F TER a highly controversial passage through Parliament, the Transport (Disposal of Road Haulage...
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A NEW type of loading tray. is used for the near-side stretcher of an ambulance built by Wilson and Stockall, Ltd., Bury,...
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By John F. Moon BEDFORD-SCAlvIMELL 10-ton articulated outfit, powered by a Meadows oil engine, proved on test to be highly...
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B ASED on a Seddon Mark 5L chassis, a special body for the bulk delivery of animal foods has been built for Spillers, Ltd., by...
A NEW type of multi-wheeled trailer designed for use by civil-engineering contractors, and in -railway yards and docks has been...
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A TEST demonstration last week of two Leyland Comets, one equipped with a WellworthyRicardo wobble-plate supercharger, gave...
T HE extent to which automation has been introduced in farming in Britain is clearly revealed by the 1956-57 "Farm...
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R EPLYING to the letter from H. W. Heyrhan of Smiths Delivery Vehicles, Ltd., published in your issue dated July 20; I am...
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versus the RI By John F. Moon,, A.M.I.R.T.E. The 'Western Australian Stare Government have approved the formation of a single...
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By John Savage, A.I.R.T.E. U NLESS suitable precautions are taken, there is nothing to stop a compression-ignition engine ....
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A N automatic Argonarc welder has been produced by British Oxygen Gases, Ltd., North Circular Road, London, N.W.2. Electronic...
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Fanfare for Toy Trumpet F OR a measure that nearly everybody was supposed to want, the Transport (Disposal of Road Haulage...
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A LL LL units offered for sale in list 15, which -was the last to be issued by the British Transport Commission, have been...
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1VI Y article in the July 20. issue or The Commercial Motor, concerning the matters which purchasers must take into account...
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G REATER space inside a semi-trailer fitted out as a bar has been gained by arranging for the central section to extend 4 ft. 6...
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['RIVING arrangements for the LI bogies of the largest sizes of vehicle are described in patent No. 750,403, which comes from...