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3rd August 1962
3rd August 1962
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Page 1, 3rd August 1962

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Road Facts

M UCH of the work carried out by the Road Research Board is necessarily of a theoretical or a statistical nature and therefore...

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well T HE appointment of Edward Powell as assistant sal manager of Chloride Batteries, Ltd., 17 years ago rm have come as a...

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B.E.T. Chief Attacks Minister

QAYING that he regretted the severing L- ) of the road-rail partnership under the new Transport Bill, Mr. H. C. Drayton, in his...

"Nationalize Haulage" Call to Socialists

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT ,N CALL for the renationalization of the . 1-1 privately owned road haulage industry is to...

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40 m.p.h. At End of Year

FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT QPEED limits of goods vehicles are to be raised—but not until the end of the ki year. Mr....

Americans to Hold Pick-a-back Inquiry

U.S. interstate Commerce Com

Tipper Pool Bid to be Republished

P LANS to pool the transport facilities I of gravel companies in South Staffordshire were put before the West Midland Licensing...

Fixed-mileage Maintenance Reduces Smoke

A REVERSION to cylinder head main tenance at fixed mileage intervals is mentioned in the annual report of Mr. W. M. Hall,...

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Men in the News

Mr. A. I. Tarby has been appointed a local director of University Motors, Ltd., at their Hanwell depot. Mr. Norman Trafford...

Obituary unttuary

We regret to record the death of N A. B. Davy. Mr. Davy. of Davy and C (Grange), Ltd., Milnthorpe, Westmorlan was chairman of...


W ITH the opening of the northei section of the Birmingham-Bristi motorway recently the service area Strensham was put into...

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Common Market Transport Costs

N E.E.C. survey, in 1960, into the operating costs of 18-20-ton vehicles perating 100,000 kilometres a year lowed a difference...


VI have approved the use of oneian buses and the matter is to be taken p with the trade unions.

New Controls for Large

Loads from November 1 O N Tuesday the Minister of Transport announced the introduction of additional controls on the movement...

Ewer Reorganizat ton Bid Approved

rHE Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, on Tuesday 'anted in principle joint applications George Ewer and...

No Show Changes From Rootes

T'llE list of Rootes Group exhibits for the Commercial Motor Show next month reveals that no yehicles will be displayed which...

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House of Fraser Bid Opens

" N O additional vehicles will be put on the road, and no haulier will be deprived of his traffic if these applications are...


A N oil-film-drive transmission employ ing hardened steel rollers running between toroidal-surfaced discs and giving...

Records Concession; Worry Lords

From our Parliamentary Correspondem r ONCERN about the possible effect on drivers of the records concession proposed in the...

Contract Switch for Tobacco Firm

A N objection by Jones Transport Services (Liverpool), Ltd., was described as vindictive" by Mr. G. H. P. Beames when he...


M R. MARPLES is now examining thi recent official report on noise fron motor vehicles. He said in the Common! this week that...

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Immobilizers in New Vehicles?

ORRY parks with full security .1 arrangements, plus drivers' accom°dation, shower baths and catering eilities, were visualized...

laulage Workers' Long Hours

TAT1STICS published in the Ministry of Labour Gazette show. how average ;ekly earnings, hours worked and hourly rnings of men...

E.E.C. TRANSPORT DIRECTOR E.E.C. Commission have designated Prof, Bruno Minoletti

as their rector-general for transport; he replaces . Renzetti, who is leaving office. Sig. inoletti is professor for transport...

Securicor Appeal Reasons

T HE long-awaited reasons for allowing the appeal by Securicor, Ltd., were given by the Transport Tribunal last week....

Short-term Grant far Eggs

A CARLISLE haulage firm's reputation as egg transporters was known on the South Coast, it was revealed during an application...

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Dodge Announce a 6 x 4

rA A SIX-WHEELER with a double-drive rear bogie is now made by Dodge Brothers (Britain), Ltd. The new model is produced in two...

U.T.A. Serves the Doctors

P ROVISION of the necessary transport for the 1.500 delegates and guests attending the British Medical Association Conference...


G LASGOW Corporation Transport's last remaining tram services, the last city trams to run in the British Isles, are to be...

Southport Buses Have Better Year

A N increased surplus of £32,750 is reported by Southport Corporation Transport Department for the year 1961-62—an increase of...

" Cooked " Their Records

r - k A RIPLEY, Derbyshire, man, told th; he " deliberately cooked the records of a goods vehicle he was driving, fined a...

Folding Tanks for Sutton

I N a report on an application by Sutto and Son (St. Helens), Ltd., for 12 nen vehicles (The Commercial Motor, Jul 13) it was...

HAULAGE COMPANY WOUND ty A N order for the compulsory

windirq 1-1 up of S. Leonard (Transport), Ltd of Streatham Hill, London, SV., wa made by Mr. Justice Plowman in th High Court...

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New Coaches for East Kent

VENTY A.E.C. Reliance 590 coaches with 46-seat bodywork by Park Royal now being placed in service by the it Kent Road Car Co_...

Routemaster Trouble in London

From Our Industrial Correspondent HE London Transport Executive are running into difficulties over their eme for replacing...

United Transport Have Good Year

CONSOLIDATED net profit, before tax, of £1,610,652—a record figure; achieved by the United Transport , Ltd., group in 1961. The...

London-Luton Airport Services Granted

I THINK there is room for competition I in an expanding market and the right course is to licence all four operators," was how...

Orders and Deliveries

SPACE:VANS FOR B.R.S.: The Scottish division of British Road Services have ordered eight 10-ton 1,400-cu.-ft. Spucevans from...

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Traffic Bill Goes Through Last Stages

I N a five-minute speech Mr. Ernest Marples last week sped the Road Traffic Bill on its way to the Statute Book. He moved,...

Minister Talks Abom Smoke

h i rR. MARPLES last week refused IYL be drawn into prophesying w action he might take as a result of spot checks on diesel...

Pipe-lines Bill Through

A MIDprotests from Labour M.P.s, Pipe-lines Bill was passed by Commons last week. Opposit Members complained that the meas did...

LONDON TRAFFIC SURVEY I N a progress report on the

Lom Traffic Survey, Mr. Marples said the Commons last week that at the i of June about half the field work I been carried out....

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44 °TABLE changes in railway organization and management will follow the passing of the new Transport Act, whereas the Road...

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S INCE the report on the Bristol RE rear-engined p.s.v. design was written (page 901 of last week's issue), additional...

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Demonstration Vehicle for Wheel Alignntent

0 that their Optiline wheel alignment I equipment can be shown on cusmers' premises, Laycock Engineering, d., have put into use...

"Parking Matters" Protests F OLLOW1NG a Press conference hot week sponsored by the Roads Cam

paign Council, two members of the Council have subsequently circularized a protest at the contents of the Press release, issued...

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Big Cabs Needed for Overseas Markets

I READ with interest the letter sent in by G. Greenwood, of Sydney. N.S.W., and would like to say how much I agree with his...

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Contract Licences the Trend Continues

T HE contract licence " switch " is still the trend, it seems. In the West Midlands, H. Appleby, of Wednesfield, ask to...

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Hanson Haulage Decision Reserved

24-HOUR delivery service was being offered as a bait to hauliers, said Mr. booth as he concluded his objection an application...

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The Summer Meeting of the Society of Automotive Engineers took place in Atlantic City, New Jersey, in June. Certain of the...

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An Even proposition

W . HEN the B.M.C. 10/12-cwt. van, popularly know as the J4, was tested by John Moon some tw months 4. after its introduction...

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Publication of Rates the Background

BY PETER BENENSON MOT. only the Dutch Government (The IN Commercial Motor, July 17) complained to the European Court against...

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A Matter of Priorities

The essence of successful hiring arrangements for commercial vehicles lies in the retention of adequate control whilst...

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sealed Cooling System

k NY engine cooling system can be con verted to a sealed system by the enlowe Herrnometic equipment ;veloped by Kenlowe...

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A Novel

Rotary Engine T HE arrival of the gas turbine has re-awakened interest in the positivepressure type of engine and patent No....