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There is a frightening number of major issues to claim the attention of the Transport Minister during the recess. All are vital...
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THE ANTI-ROAD lobby received a boost this week when Lord Denning, Master of the Rolls over-ruled a decision to go-ahead with...
PLANS to remove the restraints of road-service licensing for some rural public transport and all express, excursion and...
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THE ROAD haulage industry has given its wholehearted support to the announcement of the composition of the independent inquiry...
UP TO 1000 filling stations could close this year, warns the garages' organisation, the Motor Agents Association. The...
THE INTERTRUCK group of companies which manufacture and distribute a wide range of trailer and commercial vehicle parts may be...
TRANSPORT Minister Norman Fowler has promised to look sympathetically at whatever proposals the Greater London Council bring...
A PLEA for money to develo a new type of bus which, it wa claimed, would eventuall replace current vehicles wa made in the...
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ANSPORT MINISTER Norman )wler has said that there will not be assive cutbacks in trunk road building le to the Government's...
ROAD Transport Industrial aining Board has not yet decided how it 11 spread the effect of a massive cuttit in its income. The...
kRKING on pavements is not to be nned — "at least for the time being." But heavy commercial vehicles are ohibited from parking...
It cannot be a life of unalloyed delight being a Minister or a Member of Parliament for Northern Ireland. All to often your...
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.W ILATERAL agreents o make international vem nts easier for British the are being negotiated the epartment of Transt, ac...
AN UNDERPASS costing £5m and linking Millbank with Grosvenor Road, Westminster has been agreed in principle by the Greater...
EDBRO, the manufacturer of hydraulic equipment and tipping gear for commercial vehicles, showed a group pretax profit of £3.02m...
INTERNATIONAL freight forwarders, the Lep Group, announced pre-tax profits of £4.52m, compared with the previous year's figure...
COMMERCIAL vehicle distributors Arlington Motor Holdings showed a record pre-tax profit figure of £1.32m for the year ended...
SCOTTISH coachbuilder Walter Alexander has announced pre-tax profits of £2.76m for the year ended March 31, 1979. This is 18.2...
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SOUTHERN BRITISH R( Services, part of the Natio Freight Corporation, failed Tuesday in a High Court bk challenge a £50 fine...
THE VOLUME of traffic on British roads last year was four per cent higher than in 1977. Department of Transport figures show...
LEP Transport Ltd and Lep Air Ltd have opened a new purpose-built depot in Edinburgh to serve their growing trade in Fife and...
THE TRANSPORT of farm animals is among subjects to be reviewed I new quango set up by St tary for Agriculture P Walker. The...
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000 ROADS are more important than subsidies, says . ansport Secretary Kenneth Clarke. In the Commons last eek, he said that...
Robert Crawford, previously projects manager for the heavy vehicle division of Leyland Vehicles, this week moved to the West...
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ITALIAN bodybuilder Romanazzi SpA is to market its ckd bodies in the UK through selected Fiat dealers. Romanazzi already has...
DAVAIR HEATING Ltd ( Poole, Dorset will display i' range of fully automat' , direct-fired industrial a heaters at the Garage...
The Co-operative Wholesale Society has acquired two Primrose 30ewt capacity electro-hydraulic tail-lifts to speed up unloading...
BROWN Brothers Engineering Ltd has introduced a system for manufacturing hose assemblies. Called Collo-crimp, the system allows...
'AT A RECENT demonstrati of French defence equipm€ several new light all-whe drive load carriers made th first appearance....
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electric treatment ;7..LECTRICITY will be the nost freely available and !Mc tent energy source once oil supplies decline, says...
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LUXURY EXPRESS commuter coach services catering for journeys between seven and fifteen miles offer little scope for success...
THE SCOTTISH Bus Grot company's 1980 new vehic programme gives little enco ragement to the manufa turers of new-generatic...
SOUTH YORKSHIRE PTE is soon to put into service its first lpg-powered bus. It is a Leyland AN 68 Atlantean which will be...
THE BRISTOL LHS midicoach is still in production and will remain available for some time, according to Leyland Vehicles. A...
SPEAKERS at the eighth Annual Seminar on rural public transport to be held at the Polytechnic of Central London on Friday,...
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AN £8000 campaign has been launched to persuade West Midlands motorists to save petrol by using public transport. The West...
WO of Blessington, Ireland ts designed and built a 27at coach body based on the yland Terrier chassis. The body complies with...
:CISIONS ON consio nary fares are best left to al authorities, who would the best they could to love anomalies, said Transrt...
PRIVATE bus and coach companies are often small and flexible in their use of labour and play a significant role in providing...
TYNE and Wear PTE's three Volvo Ailsa double-deckers have been sold to a West Yorkshire independent operator for school...
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by - I he Hawk Fire and flagstone Savings of £700 from paving New York streets enabled William Dobson, a 31-yearold Edinburgh...
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There's no reason to hold off buying because ne 145 is in ne offing. This latest Cummins-engined Mara - on is going to be hard...
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Transport background to ltaly, Spain, Po gal and Eire. By John Durant. MORE BRITISH vehicles are running to Italy and Spain...
on the operation of British goods vehicles to Italy, Spain and Portugal. ITALY British operators may carry goods to, from or...
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VEHICLE construction and use limitations vary between Italy, Spain and Portugal. Italy In Italy vehicles must comply with the...
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ca rds... A COMMERCIAL vehicle drive entering Italy. Spain or Portuga needs an international insu rance card ("green card")...
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RO 1-ON/ROLL-OFF ferries are run to Spain by Brittany For ies and MacAndrews. The routes are Plymouth/ San nder and...
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by Graham Montgomer e The Engineering Editor describes Fiat's Idromeccanico transmission system as fitted to a conventional...
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Motley is the wear 'For daring to defend monster lorries, Mr Chapman must have been prepared to act the clown dressed in...