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r ERE was some argument as to whether or New or Improved Models and not the Commercial Advances in Bodywork, Units, Motor Show...
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Q . PECULATION is already beginning on the Chancellor of the Exchequer's intentions towards road transport in his next Budget....
Pat on Back for Press THE exhibits at this year's Commercial Motor Show reveal that there has been much burning of midnight...
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What a buzz in the Richmond Lounge last Friday. That seldom have so many personalities on the commercial side of road...
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FINLESS urgent measures are produced to meet the present situation, I 's Glasgow Transport Department will face bankruptcy....
A NEW batch of export orders rib received by Leyland Motors, Ltd., totals nearly £2m. in value. Leyland exports have increased...
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DRITAIN still has the world's largest 1-.) output of buses. America takes second place, Western Germany third, France fourth,...
THE Royal Automobile Club under1 stands from the Home Secretary that he will consider recommending the granting of Royal...
are strongly denied by the general manager, Mr. Winston Robinson, in a report to the town council. He states that criticisms...
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Mad. T. V. H. BEAMISH, M.C., M.P., has been appointed a director of the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd Ma. DENNIS E. etwactuu. has...
T HE Minister of Transport has ordered a rehearing of applications by Messrs. Sunter Bros., Northallerton, to run services from...
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T HE French Government has given French manufacturers exhibiting at the Paris Motor Show, which opened yesterday, a subsidy of...
A CENTRIFUGAL clutch, interchangeable with the fluid coupling, has been introduced for use with the preselective epicyclic...
T HE Austin Motor Co., Ltd., has built a mobile service unit based on an Austin 5-ton chassis with a Campion-Deplirex expanding...
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QPEAKING at the annual dinner of the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association, in London, on Monday, Sir Alexander H. Maxwell,...
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DOLANS to augment revenue by I £16,000 a year were put before the Northern Licensing Authority last week by South Shields...
L'INES totalling £230 were imposed at North Shields on Tyne Furniture Works, Ltd., North Shields, on charges of permitting its...
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transport, including shortand long-distance haulage, passenger transport and furniture removal, a party of 10 members of the...
From October 5, lighting-up time will be from half-an-hour after sunset to half-an-hour before sunrise. One-man-operated...
WIHETHER the conveyance of sailors W from Plymouth to provincial destinations at week-ends required to be done under road...
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By Alan Smith M ANUFACTURERS and factors exhibiting in the transport service equipment section of the Commercial Motor Show are...
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By Alfred Woolf, B.A. I F ever confirmation weie required of the motor industry's oftexpressed dictum that a stable home...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. M ANY of the goods bodywork exhibits at the Commercial Motor Show this year indicate...
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W HILST vehicles are still being developed specifically for overseas requirements, the new models at Earls Court emphasize a...
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Trailer Design By P. G. Tucker T RAILER makers can always be relied upon to meet the most unusual transport demands, as is...
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-F, QUIPMENT for improving driver and passenger comfort and products designed to aid the bodybuilder in his efforts to reduce...
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By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. W ORKINGS of the Welfare State affect all our lives and the impact of the present public health...
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res for October October 6, Scottish centre, lecture on welding by a representative of the British Oxygen Co., Ltd.,...
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Wayward Fancy W HAT some people like to call masculine directness is an invariable feature of the Commercial Motor Shows. The...
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No Room for Critics A MEETING advertised as a demonstration against r -3 the Transport Bill was held in a Birmingham stadium...
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T HIS is the fourth article in a series designed to indicate to hauliers how they should arrive at reasonable rates and charges...
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rONTROVERSY surrounded the sub ject of functional testing of injectors, said Mr. Robert Carr, M.A., A.M.I.Mech.E., director of...
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I T is understood that G. E. Neville and Son, Ltd., Mansfield, Notts, has been granted the sole concession for the supply of...
rt A LONG-WHEELBASE version of the Rutland Condor 7-8-tonner, powered by a Meadows 4DC-330 fourcylindered oil engine, has...
A N appeal against the refusal by the Scottish Licensing Authority to allow Highland Transport to run coaches between Glasgow...