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British transport operators can take little comfort from the European Court of Justice ruling on driving hours, reported in CM...
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by the technical editor • A Swedish mining company, Boliden, is to use a guided vehicle system developed by the Industrial...
• Mr John Peyton, Minister for Transport Industries, expects to receive the second report of the Freight Integration Council...
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International psv carnet will aid British coach operators, IRU congress is told from a special correspondent • To the British...
• On Tuesday the 140-vehicle fleet of J & H Transport Ltd joined the Ralph Hilton Transport Group. Mr R. Hilton, the group...
• Bullens Transport Group Ltd has acquired J. C. Wells (Transport) Ltd, and its subsidiary. A. Pile and Son (Transport) Ltd, of...
E On June 1 Renwicks Commercials, Newnham Industrial Trading Estate, Plympton, took over the Commer main dealership and Dodge...
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warmed from page 13 for its initiative in this matter. The carnet would provide a single transit document throughout Europe...
• Mr Gordon Campbell, Secretary of State for Scotland, has announced his decision on the level of tolls for the new Erskine...
• The Coronet, a lightweight van body announced by Arlington Bodybuilders Ltd, is available in 900 and 975 cu ft capacity...
• The Government announcement of an £18.5m (75 per cent) special low-interest loan towards the cost of building the Humber...
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• A fleet of eight Bedford vehicles operated by J. H. Hadfield and Sons Ltd of Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancs., has been equipped...
• A standard shipping note is to be introduced by the British Transport Docks Board at Southampton on June 14 for goods...
• A £513,000 road improvement scheme to improve access in the busy Lancashire area of Blackburn to M61 Preston. Manchester...
• Amending regulations, affecting some minor changes in the requirements about calibration of sand and ballast trucks, designed...
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• Lep (Ireland) Ltd, Dublin, announces that a firm decision has been taken by its principals, Monarch International Line Ltd,...
• The LEP group of companies is to expand its container groupage facilities from a new depot in Middlesbrough to Continental...
• Crane Fruehauf Trailers' new repair, maintenance and service depot at Felixstowe is now fully operational. Located at Walton...
• The Felixstowe Dock and Railway Co proposes to extend the container quay on the southern side of the harbour arid construct...
• The first drop-sided aluminium-alloy tipper body to be produced by Telehoist Ltd, of Cheltenham, has been announced by the...
• The widespread use of electric vehicles would be of special interest to the electricity supply authorities, Mr John Peyton,...
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• Eagle Engineering Co Ltd of Warwick, is currently building and fitting out a fleet of vehicles for the Post Office designed...
• Having three car decks for commercial vehicles, a new type of roll-On/off ferry will come into service early next month on...
• Regular user of the Stranraer /Larne ferry service, Prestwick Express Freight Ltd, Millbrook, Larne, Co Antrim, has recently...
• Suggestions that the Government was not conducting enough research into the problems of lorry parking were rejected in the...
• The National Fork Truck Driver of the Year Competition, sponsored by the British Industrial Truck Association, will be held...
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• If bus and coach operators can be persuaded that the greater use of minibuses or midibuses is an economical proposition,...
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• Criticism of the new o-rn-o buses used in London was made in the Commons last week by Mr Michael McNair-Wilson (Tory,...
Derek Marsh. marketing director at Crane Fruehauf Trailers Ltd, is to head the marketing and sales team at CF's new sales...
fare-dodgers • Fare-dodgers cost Glasgow's buses about £60,000 a year out of their total revenue of f12m. This figure, which...
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• Unfamiliarity with licensing requirements was a main factor when a Sheffield father and son coal and general haulage business...
• Mr C. M. Sheridan, the East Midland LA, exercised his power under Section 69, last week in Nottingham, when he put a Radford...
• Hutchison Brothers, of Boreland, near Dysart, Fife, whose main business is the carriage of coal had its 0 licence...
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• What was described as an "unworthy objection" was lodged by the Halifax Joint Omnibus Committee against an application by...
• The advantage of applicants being legally represented in .traffic courts was highlighted at a public sitting in Leeds on...
• Five vehicles were removed from the 11 vehicle licence of Mr F Gillard of Burrowbridge last week when he appeared under...
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• A boom extension mechanism operated by a double-acting triple-extension hydraulic ram gear and a geometry that enables a load...
• The SMMT has granted £75,000 over five years to the Cranfield Institute of Technology to enable the Institute to establish a...
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by Gibb Grace • Industrial Measurement Ltd, a subsidiary of George Salter and Co. Ltd, introduced last week a direct-reading...
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S . Known as the 06-600, a six-speed has been introduced by David roses Industries Ltd, of Huddersfield, that . a rated net...
• In the short period since Lipe-Roilwav clutches were introduced on the European market. 16 heavy-duty vehicle manufacturers...
• T. J. Richardson and Sons Ltd_ Oldbury commercial vehicle distributor, is displaying 30 commercial vehicles on two stands at...
• A range of Detroit Diesel turbocharged two-stroke diesel engines with output ratings up to 350 bhp, announced by General...
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by Trevor Longcroft ALTHOUGH not having as much horsepower as most other 16-ton-gross four-wheelers tested by CM, The Leyland...
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I must correct the allegations expressed in the "Bird's eye view" column last week, relating to the claim by a Belgian...
We feel we must repudiate the claim made by Jonas Woodhead Ltd, to be the operators of the first independent chassis spares...
I had hoped that my original reply to Mr T. H. Thirkell would offer him some information regarding Group Training Associations...
When you buy a Commer, Dodge or Karrier vehicle, what sort of organization lies behind it? This question will be answered in...
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There was a surprise birthday present this year for Bernard Atkins—whose company Atkins of Derby is featured in this week's...
Club business at last week's Transport Managers' Club in London took on a new look when the chairman, John Toohey opened the...
Do you find that living in an age of abbreviations and initials makes one numb to their significance? I have just realized that...
Many friends were present to witness a presentation to George Payze last week in his retirement from Duple after forty years'...
The parish church of Kidbrooke, near Greenwich, always has a snappy message on its notice board to attract the eye of passing...
It seems that Speedy and Vanguard are two very popular names in transport, I suppose because they convey the idea of speed and...
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by David Lowe, MInstTA, AMBIM F. B. Atkins and Sons Ltd REGULAR USERS of the Burtonupon-Trent to Derby trunk road (A38) can...
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Roland Jarvis • The record of Roland Jarvis's career, from grammar school educated bank clerk to financial director of Crane...
by Handyman Bench wise: Cool it (4) MOST bottom radiator tanks on heavy commercial vehicles are soundly made items and...
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"THE MESSAGE from this conference is that we are masters of our own destiny. But we have been given a lot to think about."...
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Market values by la nus C ARIB BEAN sugar and New Zealand butter have occupied most of the shop window in the Common Market...
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turbo-charged diesel engine and an ordinary diesel? I am 15 years' old and am learning about commercial vehicles. I know that...
coal haulage work Are you able to tell me what holidays I am entitled to? A You are entitled to what are known as customary...
rates on the hgv driving test. Could you give any figures of these and explain why there should be so many failures? A We...
the garage and repair side of the industry than the transport side. However, we hope you can help us by advising us where we...
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matters by John Darker, AM RIM Transport and distribution consultants No 7. .P-E Consulting Group Ltd P-E CONSULTING GROUP,...
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by Les Oldridge AIRTE, AMIMI The carrying of radioactive substances by road ( 1) FROM time to time in this series I have...
by Inspector K. W. Norman, Crime Prevention Section, New Scotland Yard. • It is often said by those having a closer...
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AN ANALYSIS of rural bus services for probable transport examination questions reached the conclusion last week that unless...