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T HERE are any number of ways in which ideas for articles in The Commercial Motor can be born; perhaps the most frequent...
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iordon Rootes H ERE is the portrait of a salesman--a salesman born and bred. Remembering, as I do, Lord Rootes' impact on...
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W ILL anyone, 1 wonder, take up the offer Mr. Marples made during Report Stage of the Transport Bill to sell Bristol Commercial...
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MHAT appears to be a unique group VV of applications to operate a large number of B-licensed vehicles with virtually...
Service Introduced A NEW Continental part-loads service introduced this week may point the way in which many hauliers will...
A WEST COUNTRY haulier who sought hiring allowances for authorized vehicles, in order that he could sell them to his drivers...
A DAILY freight and passenger service between the U.K. and the Continent was inaugurated last week by The Transport Ferry...
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overseas demand for a lightweight high-performance goods vehicle, the British Motor Corporation have introduced the WE 1<30...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT A MENDMENTS to the Road Traffic 1 - 1 Bill which would prove highly acceptable to the...
is not toxic in ordinary atmospheric conditions. This is stated in the annual report of the British Medical Association...
A T their meeting in London last week the National Council for the Omnibus Industry adopted the special committee's report on...
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Mr. W. F. Abbott and Mr. F. H. Austin have been appointed district superintendents in the East Division of London Transport's...
W E regret to record the deaths of Mr. W. A. Bartleman, Mr. J. Finch, Mr. E. Harrison and Mr, H. Vernon. Mr. Bartleman, who...
T HE inventor of the I4overcraft, Mr. Christopher Cockerel]. has been awarded the Royal Automobile Club's Diamond Jubilee...
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W AGE increases of 10s, a week in London and 9s. in the provinces have been agreed for adult male employees covered by the...
T HE Vehicles (Excise) Act, 1962, which came into operation on April 1, now constitutes the complete statutory code on the...
A SCHOOL for goods vehicle drivers - 1— k modelled on the Rieneck School in Federal Germany, which was described in The...
Seventeen Regional Rounds and a Final in Coventry WITH notification of the dates for the VV Portsmouth round (July 7) and the...
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A, LETTER handed to the Metro politan Deputy Licensing Authority last week during an application, which quoted haulage rates...
opposed at Aberdeen last week a proposal by Unilever, Ltd., that two of five vehicles used for the carriage of Unilever goods...
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THE best of both licensing worlds was wanted by the applicants it was alleged when a contract A switch was sou g ht by F....
WHEN Fitter Bros., Ltd., Southampton, applied to vary their A licence before vv the South Eastern Licensing Authority at...
depended on the hei g ht Of the loadin g surface from the g round. Mr. Baker w as also concerned at the g rowth of Pitters'...
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A N application by Webster Bros. (W:2an), Ltd., to deviate the route of their Bolton-Llandudno express service, and introduce...
N EW regulations which alter the procedure for the appointment of Traffic Commissioners and Deputy Traffic Commissioners have...
Handy Coaches Granted Metal Box Service 'THE application by 0, H. Waterheld, J. trading as Handy Coaches of Suttonin-Ashfield....
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T HE 36-ft.-long Leyland Leopard for Edinburgh Corporation, which was exhibited at the Scottish Show last November, entered...
T HE new Market Parade bus station in Gloucester was opened on April 30 by the Mayor of the City. Owned by the Corporation, it...
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THE United Kingdom demand for all petroleum products was 7.8 per cent. higher in 1961 than in 1960; consumption of dery went...
is combined with strength in a new matched articulated outfit produced jointly by R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd., Liverpool, and...
A DROP of 34% in profits before tax in 1961 is announced by the Ford Motor Company of England. The profits were £22,200,000,...
start on the VV extension of the MI motorway; tenders have been invited for the first 7.5-mile stretch northwestward to a point...
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THE directors of Dennis Bros., Ltd., announce an interim dividend or 5% ess tax, payable on May 26. The egister of transfers...
IN a message issued last week to mark I the tenth anniversary of the British Motor Corporation, the chairman, Mr. G. W....
B y running their own buses to take children to school instead of hiring, Somerset Education Committee expect to save more than...
A FORD main dealer is seeking to trace PI a 1960 Thames diesel-engined vehicle. It is a 157-in-wheelbase model fitted with a...
lody Space Left Clear in New Broomwade Development 71RST demonstrations were given last week by Broom and Wade, Ltd., ugh...
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Diesel Combustion, Smoke Metei rid Braking Problems Reviewed D IESEL engine combustion, methods of measuring smoke density and...
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T HE past 12 months have seen a fair amount of activitl among the road testing staff of The Commercia Motor. In all, 31...
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p OPULARITY does not seem to be a problem to Dr. Beeching. He does not play to the gallery. He has a firm idea of the goal at...
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H AULIERS who enter into contract 1 1 hiring arrangements with quarry owners and others without carefully considering the...
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Whilst the prime, purpose of compiling standard tables of operating costs to provide guidance to users of vehicles under normal...
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'rue and Factual W ITHIN the past few weeks the Transport Tribunal, Licensing Authorities and Traffic Commisoners . have made...
A LTIIOUGH they stated that they could suggest no solution to the problem and were not ,.prepared to contemplate any suggestion...
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/\ COMBINED battery tester and Pl. charger—the Chargemobile—has been introduced by Crypton Equipment, Ltd. The unit, which is...
A NEW design of Tex driving mirror for commercial vehicles has been introduced by Magnatex, Ltd., Bath Road, Harlington, Middx....
A N improved version of their turret jaw vice has been introduced by Dohm, Ltd., 167 Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. The new...
I -1 A •NEW type of single-stage pressure regulator for oxygen and acetylene cylinders is now being marketed by The British...
A COMPACT, portable suction cleaner has been introduced by Stenor, Ltd., Richmond, Surrey, one of the Firth Cleveland Group...
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T RAVELLING is part of my job and it is only by this means that one is able to compare the way in which the British commercial...
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is everywhere By P. A. C. BROCKINGTON, T " HE export drive has been more important than any other factor in improving the...
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Peru the prospects of British penetration By TOMAS V. UNGER G EOGRAPHICAL location and topography, both determining factors in...
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Quality and adaptability t bodywork abroad — By A. A. TOWNSIN, A.M.I.Mech.E. I T is not always realized that the United...
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By JOHN F. MOON, r HERE are close on six million British commercial vehicles, cars, motorcycles, and marine and industrial...
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Retreading and re-capping is a world-wide activity By A. J. P. Wilding F YRES account for between 8 and 18 per cent, of the...
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An Attempt to Clarify "A Confusing and Rapidly Changing Situation" N the morning of Wednesday, March 28, 1962, the )...
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A BODY framework built up entirely from a standard section of rolled steel is described in patent No. 885,279. The members are...
WHILST all fire engines need a pump, VI' apart from this fundamental feature there is a wide diversity of opinion as to what...
S MOKE from diesel vehicles can be caused by the driver illegally misusing the excess-fuel device in order to gain extra power....
CCORD1NG to patent No. 885,70( a tipping body mounted at all fou corners will stress the vehicle frame b twisting on rough...