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THERE is little doubt that the Minister of Transport, 1 Mrs. Barbara Castle, is firmly wedded to the principle of subsidies for...
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rr HE vital question of education in trans1 port was considered by the National Council of the Industrial Transport Association...
T HE executive committee of the Scottish Co operative Transport Association has issued a statement emph a sizin g the need for...
using the timber terminal at No. 34 Berth, Tilbury Docks, that all vehicles taking packaged timber be fitted with bolsters at...
MANAGEMENT representatives of BRS a g reed last week at a meetin g of the National Joint Ne g otiatin g Committee to implement...
Ford of America announces 375 h.p. engine V ORD OF AMERICA, convinced that the turbine engine will play an important part in...
Future trends discussed in TRADA report by John Darker, AMB1M A N interim report on softwood handling by the Timber Research...
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ABOUT 7,000 ft. of quay length for berths designed to take container ships will be an important part of the £18.5m. dock...
"S EALING and dockside sampling examination " of containers, as carried out during the experiment in the United Kingdom, could...
A NEW direct link between a pulp mill in Sweden and a paper mill in England has been inaugurated, the UK road haulage section...
TELEX messages will now be accepted by HM Customs and Excise as valid commercial documents. Hauliers and shipping agents...
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N EARLY 50 members attended the first joint meeting of the BMA Western and South Wales areas last week at Tintern and agreed...
A TRANSPORT CONFERENCE for members of the National Federation of Builders' and Plumbers' Merchants is to be held in London on...
VERYONE concerned with distribution had to realize that a new computer era was beginning and its potentiality had to be...
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BEECHAM MAN GIVES FOUR-POINT GUIDE by S. Buckley, AssocInstT C OMMERCIAL aspects of warehousekeeping were a main feature of...
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R EORGANIZATION of passenger transport services in South East Lancashire is to be discussed at a conference in Manchester on...
A NATIONAL Roads Board, charged with developing an adequate road system and divorced from other forms of transport, was...
THE Ministry of Transport is discussing with manufacturers and operators a preliminary draft of regulations about traffic noise...
TN the year ending September 30 the provisional total of A licences granted was 3,550. From October 1, 1963 to September 30...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T ORY MPs are restlessly waiting to I "have a go" at Transport Minister Mrs. Barbara Castle...
“WHAT interested me in free enterprise America was how easily they have accepted the concept of subsidies for public...
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Traffic manager tells of decline in traffic and crew shortages H ALF a million passengers a week had been lost to the Central...
AFTER hearing customer evidence in ' applications by Grunshaw and Hartley Ltd., and Mrs. M. Matthews, both of Accrington, to...
THE Transport Tribunal in a written judg ment has dismissed the appeals of Parkers (Suffice° Ltd., Hodgkinsons Transport...
A REDUCED grant in Manchester . signs of toothy struggles at Edinburgh and Aberdeen—such was the pattern of the British...
the applicant A CONTINENTAL operator had his application for an A licence dismissed at the Metropolitan Traffic Court this...
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B ROUGHT under escort from Dorchester Prison where he was stated to be serving a sentence, William Arthur Hayne, a former...
A REPRESENTATIVE of the official receiver concerned with the liquidation of S. A. Flint Ltd. gave evidence in a haulage...
A -THOUGH most of Midland Red's new limited-stop stage carriage services between Birmingham and surrounding towns were doing...
A SOUTH Gloucestershire haulier operated vehicles without regard to the declared normal user and the licences issued had not...
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ROADSIDE APPEAL IMPRACTICAL LICENSING By lain Sherriff MITA A RECENT written decision of the Transport Tribunal if taken too...
T HERE is no difference between abstraction of traffic and deprivation of newly created traffic. This was the view expressed by...
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From a special correspondent D ISCUSSIONS started this week between the GPO and the Union of Post Office Workers about a...
must not be sited in the way that a typical railway station is located; it must be placed where it will be of the most benefit...
... this year, next year? By a special correspondent F OR "as soon as possible" read "next year" —that appears to be the...
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A COUNTY court judge said last week that the behaviour of a bus driver was an example of the lack of industrial discipline...
M ORE than 7,500 Stafford bus passengers were questioned during a week-long mammoth transport survey which began last Monday....
TROLLEYBUSES on Reading Transport Undertaking's No. 16 service are to be replaced by motorbuses by the end of the year— subject...
M R. F. S. Taylor, general manager of Newcastle-on-Tyne Corporation transport undertaking, ays in his annual report that...
S UNDERLAND Corporation's new one-man, flat-fare bus system is to be studied by the 14-man transport team recently set up by...
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"T AM the handmaiden of the planners, 1. ready to plan out our transport so that it serves whatever concept of urban life we...
EXTENDED use of GPO mail vans by fare paying passengers, better use of school buses, welfare car pool schemes . . . these are...
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.1 6 i TWIN-STEER coach on the Padana stand—like the Bedford VAL but with 8.25-20 tyres—and a diesel-electric bus chassis...
A T its second meeting, on Monday of this week, the Road Transport Industry Training Board decided to set up five committees....
f:ENERAL Motors Corporation last week demonstrated its experimental electrically powered fuel cell van, the Electrovan, at...
COMMENTING on Wednesday on the influence of trans-Continental requirements and European Economic Community regulations, Mr. Rex...
weekly series of three-day courses at its Liverpool works covering general maintenance of air-suspension gear, new braking...
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F ORD has introduced a new heavy-duty pack age for both short and long wheelbase chassis in the Ford Transit range. Available...
facturers will be shown during the next few weeks at branches of Brown Brothers Ltd., and Thomson and Brown Brothers Ltd. On...
TMPROVEMENTS in the efficiency of the Murfitt rotary feeder discharge unit for bulk carrying vehicles which boost the discharge...
'THE Institute of Road Transport Engineers plans to form a group in the East Yorkshire/ Hull area. An inaugural meeting will be...
of the MI in Hertfordshire, bringing it four miles closer to London, was opened last Friday. The new strip of motorway runs...
a gold medal for international marketing achievements by Sales and Marketing Executives —International, an American...
W E are ever reminded within this industry that time is money. In vehicle repair a glance at the clock can quite often...
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F OLLOWING export to America and Canada and extensive use in these countries during the 1965/66 winter, the Icelert electronic...
rr HE Anglometrie, a new micrometer by Shardlow Micrometers Ltd. enables measurements to be read to within four ten thousandths...
DE SIGNED for application to studs of 0.125 in. dia. of any malleable material, a stud lock known as the Dotloc has been...
C ONTRA-ROTATING impellers provide turbulent circulation of cleaning fluid in the new Contraflowmatic Kleenfast degreasing and...
K NOWN as the Spray-O-Mat, motating head marketed by the General Descaling Co. Ltd. is designed to facilitate the cleaning of...
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View BY THE HAWK Provost Driver Dp RIDGES are traditionally opened by the cuttin g of a ribbon, sometimes with g olden...
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S PECIFIC proposals for new and improved roads were put forward in a report published this summer by the Traders Road Transport...
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By A. J. P. WILDING, AM I Mech E, MIRTE S INCE Bristol Commercial Vehicles Ltd. re-entered the open 1 . , 7 market for...
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R ECENT advances in science and medicine have brought about two changes in our society: 1) A large increase in the number of...
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(Don't you think a Freightmaster might be your cap of tea as well?) If you're satisfied with the performance of your present...
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BUS FLEETS ANALYSED Overall drop of 1.3 per cent Municipalities on verge of one-man revolution? T HE continued falling-off in...
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Despite the difficulties facing many operators of small passenger fleets, opportunities to run profitably still occur when...
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fitted with petrol engine. I use it only two or three days a week averaging 30 miles a week with occasional journey of 100...
ing costs per mile of a 30-cwt van over the past six years? The average weekly mileage is around 300, and the vehicles are...
A Although arithmetical calculations are involved in assessing depreciation, as indeed in all other items of operating costs,...
long-wheelbase tipper being overturned by a high side wind when the body is fully elevated? A The danger is. of course,...
A Obviously, yes, if it can be made to work according to theoretical promise. The recently announced Associated Engineering...
recently regarding the use of an exhaust brake and in particular the transmission-mounted electric retarder. We have just...
A Such equipment is available from Telehoist Ltd., Cheltenham, Glos., (Telehoist Load Lugger). There is the German Meiller...
Decisions issued by the licensing authorities the phrase "to be hired". Can you tell me what the phrase means in this context...
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Kenning in line with trend IF additional proof were needed of the adverse effects upon the profits of retailers of private...
University of London TRAINING AND EDUCATION INSIDE THE INDUSTRY I N the early part of the year Common Room surveyed...