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THERE had been a distinct note of optimism this year that the 1 Budget would bring some relief from fuel tax. The more cynical...
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C OMMERCIAL vehicle manufacturers expect the Ministry of Transport to make the revised weights and dimensions regulations...
RITISH RAILWAYS' Speedfreight conta:ner service, run experimentally for about a year, started regular operation on Monday. One...
EiNFORCEIVIENT officers of the 1-4 Metropolitan Licensing Authority's office were on Monday and Tuesday checking all...
D R. BEECHING is to meet the Road Haulage Association and British Road Services in the near future to talk over the effect his...
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N/HILST an eight-wheeler that did an VY honest week's work was compelled o pay over £1,000 a year in taxation, omething like...
the Lorry Driver of the Year ompetition has now been fixed for une 9. The Stoke eliminator will be on uly 14.
MR. K. C. TURNER, president of the Traders Road Transport ,ssociation, at•the annual meeting of the Association's East Miduid...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT IF Dr. Beeching presses the chairman of the National Coal Board, Lord Robens, too hard with...
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FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT MO reduction in the tax on fuel oil— that. was the blow Mr. Maudling dealt road...
of immediate investment in roads in Scotland amounting to just over £2,500,000, in order to assist the employment problem north...
WHEN the Lords took their first, brief VY look at the Beeching report last week Lord Morrison of Lambeth asked whether the...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT hiTR. MAR PLES successfully took the Beeching plan over its first hurdle last week, when a...
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A N application by W. H. Malcolm -1 Ltd., of Johnstone, for a B-licence ariation to add six vehicles for road and kuilding lant...
T HE Transport Tribunal, in a reserved decision made known this week, has dismissed two appeals by F. W. Dawson and Co. Ltd....
Mr. S: Hyde, said at Leeds on Wednesday that the transport arrangements of a 'large meat group in Yorkshire were chaotic at the...
ONDON TRANSPORT may soon give consent for private operators to apply •to the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner for authority to...
fined - a driver. Mr. J. W. Thurlow, f Cockermouth, £2, and his employer, ohn Stamper (Farms) Ltd., of Dearharn, 5 for using a...
to operate a direct bus service from pennymoor to Willington in Co. 1urham was adjourned for the second me at Spennymoor on...
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T HE Transport Tribunal, sitting in London last week, dismissed appeals by British . Road Services Ltd. and 14 independent...
A N application by Charles Alexander and Partners (Transport) Ltd., which was continued at Edinburgh on Monday, for six rigid...
-THE question of whether rates are I uneconomic only becomes material if other licensed hauliers are placed at an undue or...
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T HERE is no need for operators to put in applications that seek to enlarge their empires by trying to protect against...
D URING the Transport Tribunal's adjournment, when it was considering its judgment in the second "goods-carrying mini-bus...
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lIDY far the most substantial application to be notified in this week's " As and )s" appears in the Eastern Area publi:ation...
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A N assurance that the Scottish Bus Group would be able and willing to cope with any passenger -traffic which the railways...
From Our Industrial Correspondent P AY talks on behalf of 39,000 London busmen finally came to an end on Tuesday when the...
C_LASGOW Corporation Transport is likely to be "in the red" for the first time in four years—partly because the nine-week...
O g Monday the first three of a batch of 15 Daimler Fleetlines with Norhern Counties bodyWork entered service with Potteries...
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( - I NCE again, passenger carryings by %- 1 the Trent Motor Traction Co. Ltd were down last year—this time by some three per...
the structures of their companies. to unite or "form a consortium" to strengthen their position, said Mr. W. F. Quin, chairman...
T HE net profit made by the Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co. Ltd. in 1962 was £108,394, a drop from the 1961 figure of...
of the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses, has been elected a vice-president. Mr. R. W. Tree has been...
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stainless steel and designed under the sponsorship of The International Nickel Company Inc. has recently completed a year's...
a rising rate of increase, showed that there was still a vast untapped reserve of potential candidates for membership, said the...
WE regret to record the death of Mr. IT A. W. Hill. Mr. Hill, director and general manager of Rubery Owen (Warrington) Ltd.,...
formed to handle the sales and service of Atkinson vehicles in the south-east of England. Operating from the same address as...
facilities of companies controlled by the Leyland Motor Corporation have been integrated by changes in the managements of...
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in February of this year than February, 1962, the comparative export figures showed a considerab:e rise. Production and export...
ri A NEW goods vehicle, named the Mustang, has been developed by Fried. Krupp Motorenund Kraftwagenfabriken, Essen. Available...
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rERCON battery terminal connectors L which are used on a number of ontinental vehicles are now being manutctured by Autosafe...
.711.0NT corner marker lamps for semi trailers have been designed by cammell Lorries Ltd., Watford, Herts. The lamps are...
A A NEW model of its Petrometa fuel consumption meter, the M.G.A. Mk. It has been introduced by M.G.A. Industries Ltd., II...
OLLABORATION between Smiths Jacking Systems Ltd., Witney, Oxford;hire. and Joseph Lucas Ltd., Birmingham, has resulted in the...
T HE third edition of a book entitled Panel Beating and Body Repairing " by Donald Wait, head teacher of panel beating, Sydney...
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DROTECTION for body sides and corners is provided by the Double-DFender, made by the Sherbome Rubber Co. Ltd., Sherborne...
PA A SIDE-LEVER grease gun has been developed by Walkers (Century Oils) Ltd., Century Works, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs,...
A N instrument for bench-testing oil engine injectors is shown in patent No. 910,894, Though the general layout is well tried,...
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IRD TO HOLD • BY ASHLEY TAYLOR, A.m.i.A.T.E., Assoc. inst. T. I N a period when costs are spiralling unobtrusively but...
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T HREE new four-wheeled goods chassis are announced today by Dodge Brothers (Britain) Ltd., particularly significant being a...
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T. G. GIBB Chairman British Road Services MEVER has there been a report that . has carried such advance publicity, such...
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r H. BRIAN COTTEE I N making his case for the drastic reshaping of the railways Dr. Beeching has inevitably had to put...
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A DEMONSTRATION at Silverstone I - 1. of the Boys Torqelim brake-torque eliminator fitted to an unladen Thames Trader...
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T H"year's Lorry Driver of the Year Competition got off to a good start at Weymouth on Saturday. In spite of it being held so...
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COINCIDING with the inception of a big campaign to step-up sales throughout the rest of Europe—where the company now has some...
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than an interim report' C RITICS who alleged that Dr. Beeching might have a flair for business but lacked a flair for...
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Smoking Diesels D URING the past few weeks I have made a point of observing diesel-engined vehicles in the Midlands and have...
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r HE annual reports of the Licensing Authorities for the year ending September 30, 1961, disclose that there were 9,837...