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T is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the British Transport Commission regard the road transport branch of their family...
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Prospects for Nuclear Power 'T'HE future of battery-electric vehicles and trolley'. buses may depend largely upon the cost and...
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That a dual-carriageway road 70 miles long will soon ring Moscow. —0-- That "Alt the way by road" is a good slogan for our...
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A DEFENCE of the insurance companies against charges that, they were exploiting the public was put up by Mr. J. A. Pollen,...
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'WHEN the inquiry into the proposed 1'V bus and rail fare increases for the London area was resumed before the Transport...
IN a European free-trade area, imports 'I of commercial vehicles by France and, to a lesser extent, • Germany, _ would increase...
DETAILS of the Dunlop Pneuride pneumatic suspension system were released on Wednesday. The major advantage of employing air as...
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MR. W. HAYNES has joined the Philidas locknut division of Whitehouse Industries, Ltd.. as Midland area sales manager. MR. R....
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L AST week's meeting of the national executive committee of the Road Haulage Association decided that the R.H.A. should join...
T HE transport manager of a Bristol haulage company was on Monday granted a B licence for his own vehicle so that he could hire...
A DMIRALTY permission having been granted, the national finals of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition will be held on...
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A NEW fares schedule, drawn up r - k by Bradford Transport Committee, was approved last week by the city council, and is to be...
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P IRATE coaches are loaded for Birmingham outside Kirkham R.A.F. Station every week-end, the North Western Traffic...
B RITAIN'S fi rst permanent television installation for traffic control is to be set up in the Market Square, Durham. The...
N OT only was expenditure on road transport and travel increasing as a sum, it was also rising as a proportion of the national...
A DDITIONAL vehicles have been 1-1 granted to J. Wearden and Sons, Ltd., and Ribblesdale Coachways, Ltd., following their...
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A PLAN to beat passenger congestion at Edinburgh's new bus station was approved by the Scottish Traffic Commissioners last...
A 'application by Lansdowne Motors, Ltd., Fleetwood, to change the originating point of an excursion licence • was described at...
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A N application by United Automobile Services, Ltd., to run an hourly bus service on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays...
T HE 700 ambulances operated by the St. Andrew's and Red Cross Scottish Ambulance Service are to be fitted with G units, engine...
B ECA L/ SE customer witnesses thought J- 4 / they were being asked to divulge unnecessary business information under...
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S HOULD regular Continental-tour operators, who build up business over . a large area by extensive advertising, be protected...
Mr. Fred Webster, managing director of Smith's, said his company offered a choice of . 12 Continental tours throughout . the...
S OME increases in fares on coach services for workers at the Austin Motor Company's factory are to be granted, the West...
If the increases were granted, the pence per mile would be higher than on any other service. This was coupled with the fact...
A BERDEEN fish merchants are reported to be planning to switch from rail to road transport for London traffic because of...
nESPITE opposition from the Trans port and General Workers Union, Hull Transport Committee have agreed to introduce more...
ment of 45. costs was granted to Stephen James Powell, aged 37. of Gannah Farm, Holme Lacy, at Hereford County Magistrates'...
I N response to many requests from the motor trade, William Glass, Ltd., Elgin House, St. George's Avenue, Weybridge, Surrey,...
I — Vroutes covered by Bury Corporation Transport has been drafted by the undertaking's general manager. Mr. F. Thorp. Aimed at...
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W ITHIN the next eight years road transport will cease to be the main user of oil in Britain. A change in the main weight of...
A NY future application for fare increases made by Sheffield Transport Committee will be looked upon with disfavour by the...
T HE'eputy town clerk of Folkestone, Mr. K. T. Salt, told the SouthEastern Traffic Commissioners at Canterbury last week that...
R ETURN tickets valid for only seven days cause serious hardship to the travelling public, particularly during the holiday...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.1.R.T.E. L ONG operational life can safely be forecast for the latest Morris +-ton van; even the out ward...
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D UR1NG April, 18,421 goods vehicles, road-haulage tractors and special-type vehicles were produced, together with 151...
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D • RIVING one of the few multiwheelers taking part in the Southend-on-Sea heat of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition on...
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L ONGER life, reduced weight, increased capacity for a given size, and a low rate of self-discharge are the principal features...
W HAT is, so far as is known, the first installation of its kind in the country to be performing a full routine on production...
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a ST ENT " B USINESSLIKE methods in all departments, extending from executives to individual drivers, . whose efforts and...
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Q0lviE advice given last week to mechanics by Cam. P..- ) G. E. T. Eyston deserves a far wider audience. He urged them to...
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A correspondent in "The Commercial Motor" on June 7 emphasized that drivers often did not know their brakes were below standard...
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A FTER murdering Julius Caesar, the conspirators bickered among themselves, and forgot whatever plans they may have had for...
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R ECENTLY important improvements have been announced in semi-trailer construction, particularly in relation to axle design and...
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A MOBILE workshop for transformer maintenance has been built by Adams and Adams, Ltd., Dickerage Lane, New Maiden, Surrey, to...
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A CCORDING to patent No. 775,052, Pt brake fade, particularly in large vehicles, is becoming more and more of a problem in...
H EATER plugs as used in oil engines are normally of the filament type, and are rather fragile in consequence. A more robust...
A METHOD of forging valve blanks rA _So as to give them a zone of hard metal in the sealing area, forms the subject of patent...
considered in patent No. 774,708 which shows a seat adjustable in three directions to receive a driver of any build. (Leyland...
A N automatic advance for incorporation in the drive to an injection pump is shown in patent No. 775,214. (L, Grisel and H....
A MODIFIED form of valve guide is I -1 revealed in patent No. 774,619 (Daimler-Benz A.G., Stuttgart-Untertiirkheim, Germany)....
A BRAKING system aimed at pro viding the greatest possible swept rotor area forms the .' , subject of patent No. 775,237. It is...
method of forging crankshafts such that the throws, instead Of being positioned Iy twisting, are finish-forged in the final...