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O NLY experience will show whether the large standing load will eliminate queues at bus stops. It would be unwise at this stage...
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I N this issue, a well-informed observer examines the effects on transport of the past few years of Labour administration. In...
Ai ANY manufacturers are experiencing delays and difficulties as a result of the nationalization of long-distance road...
Design is Good Economy S OME excellent papers were presented recently at the 1951 Design Congress organized by the Council of...
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Hears— Of no dodging of queues for Kew-built Dodges. That there is no need to be nautical to obtain a C licence. That the...
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DUBLICLY owned rail and road 1 transport will be reorganized into regional groups of workable size. Private road hauliers will...
A S from January 1, records and work tickets to be compiled by operators . of contract carriages must contain the names of the...
O N Monday, the Fordson Thames 5-cwt. van was increased in price from £289 4s. 10c1. to £317 3s, 2d., including tax. and the...
A SUPPLEMENTARY collection .1 - 1 charge of 10s. per ton is to be levied by the Road Haulage Executive for collections up to 2...
D 1SSATISFIED with an offer of only 21d. per hour more for skilled workers and 2d. for unskilled, compared with a national...
F INANCIAL disappointment has resulted from an experimental scheme of Glasgow Transport Department in running shuttle services...
A SUB-COMMITTEE of Maidstone I - 1 , Town Council has unanimously decided not to recommend the sale of the municipal transport...
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THERE has been a marked increase 1 in stored stock which requires to be carried to and from auction sales. Mr. N. L. Macaskie,...
S PEAKING at an informal luncheon to the Press, given last Friday by the Institute of Transport, Mr. J. S. Wills, the retiring...
N EXT Monday, the Transport Tribunal will begin to investigate the draft British Transport Commission (Passenger) Charges...
VV/TIETHE.R a newcomer should be VV allowed to run a long-distance service from West Cumberland to London, and whether there...
QIIAREHOLDERS were told by Mr. s.-) W. T. James, 0.B.E., chairman of the Aldershot and District Traction Co., Ltd., at the...
A BILL sanctioning the sale to the Argentine Government of the Buenos Aires City Transport Corporation, in which about £20m. of...
A LL trolleybuses operated by West Hartlepool Transport Department are to be replaced by motorbuses, it is understood. The...
T HE Northern Ireland Transport Tribunal, last Friday, opened its inquiry into the affairs of the Ulster • Transport Authority....
T HE transport of ware potatoes, including movement by C-licence vehicles, is prohibited from the counties of Bedford,...
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MR. H. E. G. HARVEY. has become publicity manager of Ferodo, Ltd. MR. D. J. A, DAVIES • has been appointed managing director...
U NDERSEALING is a process by which a rubberized material, mixed to a semi-liquid form with a volatile spirit, is sprayed•from...
IF the supply of raw materials enabled "the motor industry to use its productive capacity fully, it could make an even greater...
of IN vehicles to the home market was foreseen. said Mr. C. H. Fisher, parts. sales and service director of Vauxhall Meitors,...
IN spite of a warning that another 'increase in fares may be necessary, Newcastle-on-Tyne City Council is to insert a clause in...
(I N what is described as a danger1 - 1 ously narrow stretch of road in Ossett, the local corporation put up a, 10 m.p.h...
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QTRONG words were used by the South Wales Licensing Authority when he heard Cardiff Transport Department's application to...
the Farington works of Leyland Motors, Ltd., is to be sent to Mexico. A prototype of this model, designated the 22.01/EL, built...
A S briefly reported in "The Com mercial Motor" last week, the first post-war Green Line coaches went into service last...
W E regret to record the sudden death, last Sunday, of MR. DONALD HANSON, who for many years had large interests in road...
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R ESPONSE to the exhibition of the petroleum to at the Universities of London, Glasgow, Leeds and Cambridge has led to its...
A N electr:c windscreen wiper has been re-introduced by TrieoFolberth, Ltd., Brentford, Middx. Single-hole-fixing models are...
T HE annual ball and cabaret organized by the staff of Scammell Lorries, Ltd., for charity, is being held at the Town Hall,...
W HILST loads of hops are insured for fire by the Hops Marketing Board, a haulier could, if negligence were proved, be held...
IT has been asserted by members of I Wolverhampton Town Council that the Ministry of Transport's decision to reduce the number...
VALUABLE as an insulating lining V for meat and other vehicles, Fomapac is supplied by the London Capsule Co. (1950), Ltd.,...
1VIAJOR military manceuvres in In Southern Command from October 9-18 will cause heavy road congestion and necessitate the...
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THERE could be no relaxation of the I efforts of the Omnibus Passengers' Protcetion Association to warn the public of the...
33 Thornycroft Trusty Pt four-wheeled heavy-duty petrolengined tractors has been received from the South African RailwaysRoad...
A CLAIM that Leyland Motors, Ltd., was the world's biggest exporter of commercial chassis was made by Mr. D. G. Stokes, general...
P APERS to be read to local centres of the automobile division of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers include the...
T HE introduction of 8-ft.-wide buses is proposed by Belfast Transport Committee. A number of routes would be served by them....
in I the Midlands, Leicester would lose well over Elm. Col. F. M. Mantle, chairman of the Leicester branch of the Omnibus...
A PART from minor chassis modificaLions and the addition of chromiumplated strips to the radiator grille and body sides, little...
L'UTURE meetings of the i'vletropoliI tan section of the Institute of Transport include the following: November 5, lecture by...
A s part of its drive to attract traffic, London Transport this autumn is to run special services for football supporters....
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A STAN D-U P-D R I VE battery.1t electric van has been built by Smith's Electric Vehicles, Ltd., Gateshead-on-Tyne, for...
A RESOLUTION urging the Minister rtof Transport to reconsider the question of establishing a separate consultative committee...
Standards institution of Standards B.S. 1,768 and B.S. 1,769, marks a most important development in the work of standardization...
branch of the Industrial Transport Association, which will be held at thd Royal Society of Arts, John Adam Street, London,...
H OWEVER much sympathy one might feel for hauliers affected by nationalization, the law had to be obeyed and licence conditions...
T HE Glasgow region of the Institute of the Motor Industry has issued its lecture syllabus for the 1951-52 session. Meetings...
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Failed to Satisfy the Workers. At the Same Time it has increased the Solidarity of Free Hauliers and has Promoted Interworking...
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Explaining the Fundamental Differences Between Good and Bad Oils, and Why it is Dangerous to Use Unbranded Lubricants By P. G....
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VOU have previously published some comments I which I have made regarding the design of British vehicles intended for use in...
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B ULK handling of grain is an important problem for British farmers. When corn or wheat is cut and set up in stooks, later to...
A tender for converting a hangar at Statyford Lane into a bus depot, at a cost of £153.832, has been accepted by...
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The Fleet that Serves the Guinness Brewery at Dublin has been Passing Through a Process of Modernization since 1945 : A Fine...
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QQU A RE push broaches designed for use iii a press have recently been added to the Marko range of tools produced by W. H....
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Overseas Safety Campaigners at the R.o.S.P.A. Congress Reveal that Road Safety is an International Problem A DDRESSING over...
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that expenditure on motor-vehicle operation on British roads in 1949 amounted to £1,039m—over 10 per cent. of the national...
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Labour's Blind Spot By JANUS B Y way of limbering up for the stresses and strains of the coming General Election, I have been...
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electrics Miss the Market rONSIDERING that there are five times as many battery-electric vehicles on the road as there were...
QIIELL refineries in Britain are turn ing out oil products at the rate of 81m. tons a year. This was announced last week by Mr....
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"The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Continues his Comparisons with Figures given in RH /MN F OLLOW1NG the publication of...
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A N A N attachment for temporarily converting a lorry to an endless-track vehicle is described in patent No. 656,680, by B....