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T HERE can be no doubt that Britain should have a national trarisport policy. In this respect, no fault can be found with the...
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M R. FRANK COUSINS is knocking his head against a wall in pleasurable anticipation of the relief that will come when he stops....
A Blinking Nuisance T HE driver of a vehicle which had been delivered two or three days before was puzzled by frequent...
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That the " passengers " of the Ferodo test bus never complain. That the Albion Chieftain must surely be one of a very few...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A COMPREHENSIVE report on general transport policy affecting " hauliers working within the European...
A T a session of a group of experts of the Inland Transport Committee of the United Nations' Economic Commission for Europe,...
1 - 1 A LOSS of revenue to London Trans port of up to £2m. in the first 14 days of the bus strike is shown in figures issued...
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‘Vi TH negotiations in the London bus dispute again at deadlock, leaders of the Trades Union Congress had a further meeting...
A N early move by the Minister, of Transport is expected on a proposal for increasing the maximum gross laden weight of...
operators of, , camp services from Salisbury Plain is mentioned in an appeal decision released on Wednesday, by the Minister of...
P UTTING forward a large number of excursion and tour applications at Manchester, on Tuesday, Mr. J. Cooper, traffic manager of...
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CLI R. W. ALKER has been elected chairman of Bury Transport Committee, and CLLR. E. COCKAYNE vicechairman. MR, FRANK ALLEN,...
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THE steady decline in fruit traffic from Hull was described at Bridlington I on Tuesday, when Maj. F. S. Eastwood, Yorkshire...
W AS the Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority correct when he refused to vary an A licence covering a converted vehicle? Legal...
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.1 - 1 A NORMAL user of "general goods, Great. Britain," was sought by the Montrose branch of British Road Services when they...
Hiring: Extra Vehicle Granted A HAULIER who claimed that he had rA paid about £6,500 to sob-contractors over the past two years...
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WHEN no haulier objectors appeared TV before Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensin g Authority, on. Monday to oppose an...
A N application by Tees-side Railless 1—k Traction Board to run a new hourly bus service between Middlesbrou g h and E,ston,...
TO extend their ferry activities between Britain aid Ireland, British Road Services have ac q uired a controllin g interest in...
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A RAPID expansion in the slate business was mentioned at Preston, last week, when T. J. Roberts, Menai Bridge, Anglesey, sought...
A N ex t ensi on of the is' among Birmingham motorway. is among developments suggested by the British Road Federation in a...
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T HE hazards involved in the increasing use of road vehicles to carry dangerous substances are mentioned by Mr. C. Outhwaite,...
A MORE precise normal user was r-k MORE by British Railways when they objected at Preston, last week, to an application by J....
A N application by a Fettercairn farmer and agricultural contractor for a new vehicle on B licence and alterations to the...
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A LTHOUGH bus companies were expected to operate a number of unrernunerative services, a line had to be drawn somewhere, Mr. J....
rONSUMPTION of dery in the first c„,larter of _this year, at 488,173 tons • was 16 per cent, higher than in the corn-parable...
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MEWCOMERS using misleading titles 1 which were calculated to attract the public should not be entrusted with excursion...
G OOD manceuvrability is gained by the centre-point steering layout of the 'Mastiff, a new fork-lift truck of 8,000-16....
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. OO VERALL simplicity is the key to the 'suceesSful design of the Bedford , Lacre w e e-p e r...
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WITH a drop of 5m. in the number of vv passen g ers carried, 1957 was probably the most disappointing year since the war for...
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By A. E. Sherlock-lViesher D ESPITE its .architectural and .historic . splendour, Bath is no sinecure for the public cleansing...
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C AN a shooting brake, built to carry passengers, be classed as a goods vehicle ? Bournemouth magistrates were asked to solve...
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of the comparatively new Historic Commercial Vehicle Club, which took place last Sunday. It had the inestimable advantage of...
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By P. A. C. Brockington A.M.I.Mech.E. D ESPITE a 13 per cent, increase in wages, the labour cost of emptying a dustbin in the...
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D ETECTION of lubricating oil dilution by fuel oil has previously involved chemical analysis of the mixture, a relatively slow...
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by P. A; C. Brockington, A NALYSING the advantages' obtained by employing •L'‘ , semi-trailer outfits for refuse collection,...
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"TWO large-capacity vans with body' work constructed from resin-bonded glass fibre are new additions to the fleet of Sketchley,...
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One Tribunal for All T ransport-sir Brian Robertson Schetne to Co-ordinate Transport Under Policy Directions from the...
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1933 and All That By JANUS ID you see tonight's paper? "asked Maggie. "They do write the most confusing things." It says . on...
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T HE usual wide range of specialized vehicles will again be on display fix two days during the 60th annual conference of the...
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A REMARKABLE fork-lift truck has been developed for the U.S. Army by the Clark Equipment Co., of Amorica. Known as the...
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Unchecked Growth of Private Transport Leads to Stagnation of Movement and Disruption of City Life I F the character of towns...
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• 1.1■■ Striking Question By The Hawk T HE news that Mr. Harold Clay is retirin g from British Road Services' hoard of mana...
were made last week to a proposal by Huddersfield Corporation to increase the charges for use of their coch and bus stations at...
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By a Special Correspondent I NCREASED efficiency has been attained without heavy extra cost by Lancashire County Council...
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IT was unlikely that agreement would be reached for the formation of a company to operate all public passenger transport in...
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Who are "Sold a Pup" E VERYONE knows that there are certain remedies open to the purchaser of a vehicle—or of anything else...
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UNICIPAL haulage provides something of a paradox. On a national level, the many local authorities of Varying size and status in...
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I NCORPORATION of a suspension system inside wheels is a subject that has appealed to inventors since the earliest days of...