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Let us say right away that we think the Road Transport Industry Training Board is absolutely right to plumb for management...
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Solly Davis resigns 'in poor mental state' ⢠Charles Poulter Ltd had its Operator's licence application refused by the...
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knd more mone y this upper limit. or management levelopment Severe cuts in individual training grant ates, notably for...
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New rules for wholesalers' transport? The figure's include payments to outside enterprises for transport put out but they...
⢠Details of the heavy goods vehicles which passed tests last year have been given in the Commons by Mr Bob Brown,...
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⢠"No industry has been more plagued than road haulage with forms to be filled in and records to be kept. The Ministry of...
⢠When Mr G. K. Newman, the director-general of the Road Haulage Association. addressed the London area if the Transport...
⢠In our feature "CM' s Guide to Drivers' Hours and Record-Keeping" fn last week's issue, a printer's error 9ccurred on page...
Picture 1 This Tippermatic outfit, designed and built by Charrold Ltd, H untingdon, on a Seddon 13-four-354 14ft 81n....
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Training group ⢠Reading and Slough Group Training Association held its inaugural meeting on Tuesday at a combined function,...
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⢠Revised area boundaries have been introduced by NCL, affecting mainly depots in the East Midlands. Under the changes, nine...
⢠Isle of Man Steam Packet Co Ltd has taken over the business of its Liverpool agent, Thomas Orford and Son, and the...
⢠The Secretary of State for Wales, Mr George Thomas. has invited tenders for the construction of the fourth and final stage...
⢠The use of lorry-mounted lifting equipment is increasing rapidly as operators become aware of the considerable savings in...
handling equipment has been placed by Ellermans Wilson Line. The equipment, which will be used at its King George Dock...
⢠The fifth International Container Services and Equipment Exposition takes place at the International Amphitheatre, Chicago,...
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Bus 'pool' plan to beat drivers' hours regulations by Derek Moses ⢠The establishment of a coach "pool" or clearing house...
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rom our Parliamentary correspondent There are to be no local exemptions from he regulations governing bus drivers' hours hie...
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⢠Where have all Belfast Corporation's bus tokens gone? When the token fares scheme started on February 18 there were 3m...
no bonus ⢠Sheffield Corporation Transport's 400 bus maintenance men have been awarded a 32s 6d a week ⢠interim pay...
⢠A new type of ticket machine is to be installed in Glasgow Corporation o-m-o buses. It issues tickets in units of 6d so it...
⢠A new purpose-built testing station at Leicester City Transport, Abbey Park Road, has a double-flow test line and dynamic...
R. C. Howes will relinquish his directorships and his post as general sales manager in the Duple Group from March 31 in order...
the Road Haulage Association Dewsbury sub - area; R. Beattie is vice-chairman; G. Drury secretary; Mr Wrigglesworth, Mr Beattie...
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'best of luck' ⢠Granting application for 32 coach operators to introduce coach master tickets on many express, tours and...
⢠The first operator's licence application to be heard in the Metropolitan traffic area was refused by Mr W. M. Levitt, the...
⢠The first operator's licence applications to be heard at public inquiry in the Eastern traffic area were considered at...
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⢠The new drivers' hours regulations will lead to further withdrawal of bus services, the South Wales Traffic Commissioners...
⢠Wallace Arnold Tours Ltd, of Leeds, applied to the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioner in Leeds on Monday, to continue offering...
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The North Western LA, Mr C. R. odgson, found himself faced with a .oblem last week regarding the base of Eartin Lane Transport...
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Tony Wilding examines Ogle report proposals ⢠Just how valuable is the report on emergency ambulance deSign (CM last week)...
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⢠To meet the need for a high-capacity van with a maximum gross vehicle weight of 3.5 tons (thus not requiring an licence),...
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⢠Clifford C. Toyne could almost be called the father of the Ministry of Transport heavy goods vehicle annual test scheme....
We welcome letters for publication on transport topics. Address them to Commercial Motor, 40 Bowling Green Lane, London, EC1....
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by Handyman Benchwise lathe sense (8) IT IS SOMETIMES said that a good turner needs little more then a four-jaw chuck and a...
What are the secrets of success in road transport training? CM takes a look at some of the key factors next week in an article...
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by the Hawk ⢠Going places Which comes first, in chicken-or-egg terms, the traffic or the vehicles? In one of the country's...
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3 A practising transport lawyer looks 0 at the legal implications of contracting-out maintenance THE operator of a haulage...
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How small operators could tackle the physical problems of maintenance; coming to terms with garages; clubbing together; using...
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Perhaps it's not always the other man's fault by lain Sherriff, M ITA THE FINEST maintenance system ever devised would prove...
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VEHICLES operate in one of the most precarious environments of the present day. Accident rates continue to rise and with the...
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VEHICLES get bigger and heavier, repairs need to be completed faster and handling of the various major components demands a...
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Lower Kings Road, Berkhampstead, Herts. A SCREW-TYPE trolley jack marketed by this company has a capacity of 1 ton. There are...
Kingswood, Bristol SEVEN trolley jacks in the Westinghouse range of garage equipment cater for lifting capacities from 1.5 to...
Automotive Division, CP House, 97 - 107 Uxbridge Road, London W5. IN ADDITION to a number of air impact wrenches,...
WITH the increasing difficulty in obtaining good workshop staff the greater output required from the workshop can only be...
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Parkway Works, Sheffield S9 3BL. THE RECORD range of vices produced by this company, comprises 11 types and includes...
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Logging costs ⢠Engineering records and costs can be readily standardized in form because many of the items of cost are...
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CM tests steam, hot-water and cold-water vehicle cleaners in identical conditions and evaluates their performance. TO...
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continued from page 79 Before jumping to the obvious conclusion that the steamer is best, we must look at the relative cost of...
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obtainable! This is my impression following a visit to British Railways Engineering Ltd's Swindon Works, when a close look at...
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by Inspector K. W. Norman, Crime Prevention Section, New Scotland Yard. ⢠Perimeter entrances, especially those comprising...
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FAULTS by Ron Cater, AMInstBE SYSTEMATIC vehicle inspection is not newâfor instance it has certainly been practised by some...
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Cross Channel effluents by janus fact this means the Metropolitan Licensing Authority. He is entitled to ask the operator...
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matters by John Darker, AM BIM Work study in vehicle maintenance IN SEVERAL REPORTS of the Prices and Incomes Board the road...
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continued from page 93 recorders to describe operations was new to me, though the system is becoming extensively used in the...
by Les Oldridge AIRTE, AMIMI Headlamps and fog lamps THE LAW concerning headlamps and fog lamps has been changed in recent...
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parcels all over the country for a container depot. lam told that a 30cwt van will do. The amount of work is up to me as there...
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CRITICISMS of the Road Transport Industry Training Board have been growing quite strongly over the past three months. They have...
The next seven days from March 6-March 72 FRIDAY loTA (Leeds) annual dinner dance. Metropole Hotel, Leeds. 7.30p.m. SATURDAY...
Sylvesters Transport Co. Ltd. Cap.: £1,000. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors, carriers by road,...