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IN the early days of bus competition in London us say two or three decades ago—the tactics of the buS operators, outside of the...
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I N a paper read recently before the American Section of the Society of Chemical Industry, reference was made to the remarkable...
TIRAVELLER,S upon the highways and byways, whose business or pleasure keep them out after dark, fre q uently pass unfavourable...
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We mentioned some time ago that there was a possibility of the next Motor Show in Glasgow being held before the end of the...
Au amalgamation of the interests of two of the largest German magneto and lighting-set manufacturers has recently been...
The increasing popularity of the varions types of motorbus built by Guy Motors, Ltd., is best illustrated by the number of...
natenhead Watch Committee has con ed an application from the OrosOle Motor Co., Ltd., I or an alteration in the terms of i ,...
On the occasion of the annual dinner of the National " Safety First" Association, Sir William Joynson-llicks, M.P., the Home...
H.M. the King has graciously consented to renew his patronage of the Internatfonal Motor Exhibition and the Commercial Motor...
, The business of this journal continues to expand, and there is an opening for a representative who has a fair acquaintance...
It is well known that the S.D. Freighter, as manufactured and marketed by Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd., of Letchworth, Herts., has...
The report of the directors of Brown Brothers, Ltd., for the year ended December 16th last, which has just been issued, shows...
Although about nine British makes of motorcar were exhibited at the Swiss Motor Show at Geneva, which came to a close on March...
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There has been a very rapid development of motorbus services in Holland during the past two years, as is shown by the fact...
We are given to understand that Mr. F. E. Dobson and Mr. S. D. Boyle, until recently sales manager and London manager...
An improvement in the passengercarrying and vehicle sales sides of the industry was reported at the recent annual general...
Appearing among the recent publicafions of Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, Ltd., "Practical Advice to Inventors and Patentees," by...
It has been decided by the Stalybridge, Hyde, Mossley and Dukinfield Tramways and Electricity Board to purchase four...
At a meeting of the Institute of Transport held yesterday (Monday) at the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Air Vice-Marshal...
In our Special Passenger Vehicle issue dated March 24th, we published an illustration showing the type of automatic switch used...
.A. deputation from the Perthshire Highland District Committee recently waited on Sir Henry Maybury, of the Ministry of...
An election of new members and students of the Institute of Metals will take place on April 22nd, particulars of which can be...
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The rural libraries sub-committee of the Northumberland Education Committee has resolved to purchase a motorvan in order to...
Delco-RemY and Hyatt, Ltd., 56, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, have just issued a new series of pages dealing with various...
In order to meet a falling off in the use by the public of the municipal motorbus services, and at the same time to help those...
In few parts of the country have -more comprehensive schemes of road improvement been carried out within recent years than in...
',owl authorities are notified by the Citizoyne Bus Co., Ltd., of a proposal to inaugurate services by motorcycle taxis and...
Reporting on the, Bradford Corporation Bill, which seeks power to construct or reconstruct tram tracks on the sleeper track...
There has just been started a halfhourly motorbus service between Glasgow and Johnstone, a distance of about 11 miles, Paisley...
In view of the generally recognized state of depression in shipbuilding throughout the world, it is interesting to note how the...
By special arrangement with the town council, the Greenock Tramway Co. have agreed to place a fleet of six motorbuses on the...
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Once again the attention of drivers who travel between England and Scotland is drawn to the fact that the laws applying to road...
The Automobile Association has recently opened new offices at 145, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. They have been opened to...
The type of publicity vehicle in which the body is fashioned to resemble an enlarged example of the product sold iss very...
Middlesex County Council has arranged with Sir Robert McAlpine and Sons, contractors for part of the Barnet by-pass road, to...
The all-round efficiency of the Saurer commercial vehicle, which is marketed in this country by the Sourer Commercial Vehicle...
Barimar, Ltd., of 14-18, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.0.1, advise us that the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis has...
According to a regulation recently Issued by the Government authorities of Jamaica, the wheels of all motor vehicles or...
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Biggleswade Urban District Council has received sanction to borrow £1,300 for the purchase of a mgtor fire-engine. The average...
We reproduce on this page an illustration of the new Id-type dynamo which has rcceptly been introduced by C. A. Vandervell and...
T HE chief essential in dealing with an outbreak of fire that may occur on a motor coach or lorry is that no time be lost in...
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The Famous Essen Armament Factory Turns to Commercial Motor Vehicles and Decides Upon a Type Suitable for Medium Loads....
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of a Test Run_the Results of Which Show That Remarkable Improvements Have Been Made Recently in Gas-producer Design. A...
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First Published Details of a New Model W. and G., Which Combines Strength and Easy Maintenance with Low First Cost. T HE...
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A Six-wheeler with Detachable and Interchangeable Trailer Units, One of Which Has a Platform Only 30 ins. Above Road Level. •...
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The Range of Efficiency on the Road. A Visit to the Empire's Largest Battery Works. W E took the opportunity of a recent Press...
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S OME idea of the ChM of bodywork which is undertaken by Messrs. L. Fleming and Son, Cleveland Read, Wolverhampton, can be...
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The Cost of Loading and Unloading Delays to the Vehicle Owner. Ways and Meansof Avoiding Them. total value of time wasted...
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An Equipment Which Can be Taken to the Vehicles of a Scattered Fleet Engaged on Highway Work When Repairs are Rewired. Thus...
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Keen Competition for the New " Commercial Motor" Cup. Extremely Close Marking Amongst the Rival Teams. Complete List of...
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Outstanding Features of a Rea-Pullman Model, in which the Company's Latest Chassis Productinn wtth a Six cylinderEngine is...
Brief Details of One of the Latest Dennis Products, in which the Unladen Weight is Kept Within the Limit Suggested for...
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The Type of Vehicle Favoured for Regular Service Work in a Busy Provincial Centre. W OLVERHAMPTON has recently added eight...
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A Further Use for the Miniature Electric Vehicle. ,r • MITE miniature industrial truck has I J_. won a deserved reputation in...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. 613.—An Adjustment for the Clutch Brake the....
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A 116sum6 of Recently Published Patent Specifications. "El W. LANCTMSTER and E. C. S. -12 • Clench (Aster Engineering Co.,...