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7th August 1982
7th August 1982
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Page 1, 7th August 1982

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An end to meddling

THE REPORT on transport in London could have been written on most major cities in the country. It raises two important issues...

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RHA review stage two

ONE-TIME Road Haulage Association national chairman Noel Wynn is to chair the working party which will review the RHA's...

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'Unfair' dealing in EEC?

SEVERAL major international transport firms have been accused of unfair trading by using "doubtful methods" to get preferential...

New roac

TRANSPORT Secretary 0 Howell linked the need for r new roads with better contr lorries when he opened Stockport bypass. New...

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No Govt budge

NIOR Environment Minister, Lord Bellwin, last week refused to rmise that a single non-profit making organisation would always...

DTp looks at Armitage's lorry action areas

:ONSULTATION document on lorry action areas, as proposed in Armitage Report on lorries, people, and the environment, is ng...

Myer units

NUMBER of commercial cl haulage units (the tractive t and trailer being counted as separate units) that passed nigh Dover...

Small rise

OVERALL vehicle operating costs rose by about seven per cent in the year ending June 1982, according to the latest Freight...

Thank you all, folks

WE WISH to express our thanks to the many readers who have extended their congratulations to us on being awarded the IPC...

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RHA fears change

HAULAGE operators are worried that the Department of Transport's proposed streamlining of traffic area boundaries (CM, June 12)...

Rent/leas seminar

THE British Vehicle Rental Leasing Association is hold half-day vehicle rental and ing seminar at the Crest !Erskine, near...

Zero it must be says CBI

NO pay increases for several years is the price Britain must suffer if she is to recover the competitiveness lost through...

Belfast ferry coming soc

A ROLL-ON/roll-off ferry service between Belfast and Heys should start "in the not too distant future," a spokesman for bridge...

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'Lib erate ra il freig

TURNING rail freight into a separate enterprise and allowing it to be partly funded by private investment would be a way of...

Competence courses

COURSES for the Royal Society of Arts examination for the Certificate of Professional Competence are being run by the Freight...

CM LD oY results

THE CM Lorry Driver of the Year staff have pointed out that the original result for the London centre was incorrect. The Class...


ERIC MITCHELL has been n manager of both the Long I and Newington Butts bran of Southern British I Services. Mr Mitchell,...

Obituary We record with regret death of THOMAS GiBB at

76 Gibb established a refriger haulage company at Frz burgh in 1953, on the denatii lisation of much of British F Services.

Page 9

CAMBRIDGESHIRE County Council wants tenders for building the Wisbech and

West Walton Highway by-pass on the A47 Birmingham to Great Yarmouth road. The contract comprises the construction of the...

FTA tachograph bargains

THE Freight Transport Association has reduced its prices for tachograph charts. Boxes of 100 charts now sell at £1.90 plus vat...

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DAF applies brakes

THE updated brake system which DAF first began to fit to its 2800 and 3300 series in January this year is now a standard...

Ford pick-up

PEM Trailers of Bournemouth has extended its range of all aluminium Clipper bodies for a range of one-ton pick-ups to cater for...


SINCE the Sandbach En neering Company took over assembly of Ford's Transco nental models in April, pros tion of a curtailed...

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Detroit spinners Wood gas

RENAULT Vehicules Industrials is developing a diesel engine to TURBOCHARGER incorporat a three-wheel turbine tern is currently...

RB44 goes tropical

REYNOLDS BOUGHTON has introduced a tropicalised version of its RB44 four-wheel drive vehicle for overseas markets. An...

The difference between the RVI system and those used in

the last war is that the former will operate on green wood which could not be used for any other purpose and so there will be...

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Trial area

ONE STREET in Exeter will be included in a revived scheme for a third trial area in Mid and East Devon. ft is two years since...

BMH doub

THE POSSIBLE IMPLICATI( of a break in National Bus's dependence on Leyland BM its new vehicles was still IN considered by both...

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Trafficking in politics

HOUSE of Commons transt committee's report on sport in London (CM, July without question, is the t important document to rge...

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Carry on bussing

IT WOULD not require much imagination to visualise a senior Monopolies and Mergers Commission civil servant meeting his...

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God rest yoL ferry gentlemer

David Wilcox, the freight operator's friend has been finding out how Townsend Thoresen organises its cross-Channel ferr...

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s Continental haulagf a closed shopl

Is the UK deliberately kept short of permit Why don't we get the increases in permit which we ask for? John Durant explains...

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We're all going on g summer holidal

No more worries for a week or two.... At least, not for the holiday-makers. But if it's your coach they're going on holiday in,...

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Taking a coach abroad

All you ever wanted to know about Continental coaching but never had Noel Millier to ask WITH more and more British coaches...

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Time and ocean study

Can a ferry that takes longer than rivals to cross the Channel save time for operators? Can a firm that spends £50 a year on...

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The facts on ferries CM's 1982 guide

THE SIGNS are that UK/Continental traffic levels are holding up pretty well. However, we have 14 fewer services in our...

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Passport to security

THIS STEEL security box is designed for the long-distance driver to carry money, passport and other small valuables in safety....

Page 51

:onfusion heaped in confusion

'HEN I forecast exceptional ?Jays on the roads this summer lid not realise that as much as miles of motorway would be ider...

hink of a number nd double it

GOVERNMENT that exhorts Justry to cut costs and 'come more competitive oposes to raise the fee for a avy goods vehicle driving...

NFC a master of video art

THE National Freight Consortium's 17-minute video film to explain to 24,000 employees the plan for them to buy the organisation...

Give credit where it is due

TELEVISION film shot at London's Victoria Coach Station during the railway drivers' strike gave an impression of chaos that may...

Nightingale sang in Lochaber

ALAN NIGHTINGALE, a London Transport inspector, is writing a history of David MacBrayne's bus services from 1906 until 1972....

Washing day at the Palace

A SMALL boy on a coach tour of London was shown Buckingham Palace. That is where the Queen lives, the guide told him. "What...

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Soft Dutch

UNENFORCED legislation is valueless, but one of the most frequent of the many complaints heard from road transport men is that...

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he lessons we hould learn

:SPITE its potency as a means gaining unpopularity, the ercise of hindsight is doubtedly one of life's great 3asures. If it can...

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Come out fighting!

SPEAKING as a much abused and ill-thought-of bus driver, may I offer the following comments on road transport matters in...

An appeal to sanity

I HAVE been a removal man for about 10 years. Household, office, factory, assisting with wide loads, long and indescribable...