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there was a fairly general improvement in the condition of goods vehicles in the year ended September 30, 1953, the Licensing...
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T HF. Commercial Motor Show which closed its . doors last Saturday . was, in the opinion of many, the best that has ever been...
A Story of Success A LARGE number of overseas and branch managers, and other guests, attended a dinner held by Simms Motor...
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Of winking indicators as an attraction to the fair sex. Of someone referring to the " C.M." Stand as "Suite 17." That Old...
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Cropper and Co. Acquire B.R.S. Thatcham Depot with Over 85 Vehicles A CARTON-MANUFACTURIpEG company, Cropper and Co., Ltd.,...
ri A LIAISON committee is to be set up by the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers and the Road Haulage...
DY Tuesday evening the Road HaulI- , age Disposal Board had reached decisions on another 52 units, involving 162 vehicles, in...
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Conference Resolutions 0 NLY three of the 29 resolutions to be proposed at the annual conference of the Road Haulage...
B USES 30 ft. long by 8 ft. wide and 9 ft. 6 in. high may be carried on the M.V. " Cowal," a new dual-purpose ship with which...
" " A S the months pass" the Government will seek to deal with the contract-carriage law to make a clear distinction between...
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A N appeal by Messrs. D. R. Evans and Sons, 5 Olive Street, Morfa, Llanelly, against the South Wales Licensing Authority's...
P RESENTATIONS were made at a luncheon in London last week to Col. A. Jerrett to mark his long period of office as president...
MR. A. G. FtrasE-ROBERTS has succeeded MR. H. C. BAIGENT as secretary of the A.P.V. Co., Ltd. Mr. Baigent continues as...
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THE Labour Party Executive, the Trade Union Congress General Council and the Unions in the transport industry are to get...
"A CCEPTABLE " was how, at a luncheon in London last week, Mr. C. B. Nixon, chairman of Leyland Motors, Ltd., described the...
A N assuranc e . that small units will continue to be offered was given to a delegation from the National Conference of Road...
T ' presidential address to the Institute of Transport will be given next Monday by Sir Gilmour Jenkins at the inaugural '...
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B RIT1SH coach companies will not be permitted to operate summer tours in Eire. This information was given to Sligo Chamber of...
" T HE increased use of Diesel engines for both passenger and goods vehicles is causing a sharp deterioration in the...
applied to the Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority last week for a licence to carry fish landed at various ports, it was stated...
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A DEMAND for vehicles to take meat and meat products from Scotland to the south was mentioned before the Scottish Deputy...
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THERE was great difficulty in getting I drivers to record their hours of work accurately, although the company did their best...
R ECENT improvements in the design of batteries for commercial vehicles were described by Mr. R. H. Lockton, M.Sc. (Tech.),...
QUNDERLAND'S tdm-conversion programme was completed a month ahead of schedule and last week the town's last tram was...
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Obstr uction in 1_, aw ? By Our Legal Adviser D AY after day in magistrates' courts up and down the country there are heard...
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A N exhibition of British military vehicles which, by its display of technical progress in all fields of transport, rivalled in...
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F URTHER details of the Le:l)aad rear-engined double-decker bus were obtained when the , vehicle made . a surprise appearance...
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WHAT is happening to all the units of British Road " Services? What must one do to get hold of one? Five times I have tendered...
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L ITIGATION from the point of view of the road user is very much a one-way traffic. He is more sued against than suing. There...
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New Appliances for Handling Vehicles and Components Included in Range of Workshop Equipment I NGENUITy has beet exereiSed and...
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Mr. R. Morton Mitchell Estimates that £16m. Will Have to be Found and that Levy May End in 1957 A N attempt to forecast the...
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I N recent years it has been determined that filtering media previously used in the fuel systems of oil engines, such as felt,...
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T 00 much emphasis was being placed on the demand for trunk roads, whereas the elimination of congestion in urban areas was...
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T HE one Insoluble problem of road haulage is finding return loads, and most operators will be inclined to the view that...
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A GAS TURBINE intended for rail A1 vehicles and the heavier types of road vehicle, forms the subject of patent No. 713,346,...