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Warning On Rates
DOPER scales of rates were 'essential 1if hauliers were to continue to fulfil their main function, said the Road H a ulag e Association Chairman, Mr. D. 0. Go o d, speakingat......
In Brief
Oxford L.D.O.Y.: Entries for the Oxford L.D.O.Y.• eliminator to be held on June 28 close on May 16. Details, entry forms from: Mr. H. J. Wall; Road Safety Officer, Town Hall,......
Enforcement Complaints
C OMPLAINTS about a shorta g e of examiners were voiced when M.P.s discussed tile violation of licensin g re g ulations in the Commons this week. They had bzen told by......
Rural Action Wanted
M ANY rural bus proprietors were literally han g in g on in extremely unfavourable financial circumstances waitin g for the Minister of Transport to do somethin g about rural......
• Stiffer Trombones
TWO vers:ons of the Trombone J. extensible -semi-trailer are now bein g produced by the -York Trailer 'Co. Ltd. The new Series II model differs from the Series I mainly in that......