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Hunter Refused Seven-vehicle Switch
I N refusing art application for a seven vehicle switch from B to A licence, the Scottish Licensing Authority, Mr. W. F. Quin, said that the interesting aspect of the accounts......
Scrap Licensing System, Says M.p.
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT J\ TTACKS on aspects of commercialvehicle activities arc to be launched by tWo M.P.s—one• Conservative and one Labour—in Commons adjournment......
Holiday Camp Bid Adjourned T ° Provide New Facilities...
to Butlin's Holiday Camp, Skegness, three bus companies—Bracewells (Colne) Ltd., Ellen Smith (Tours) Ltd. and David Tattersall Ltd.—applied to the North Western Traffic......
Big Scottish Bids Adjourned
A N application by MeKelvie and Ca t. (B.M. and P.) Ltd., was adjourned at Glasgow on Tuesday to permit railway evidence to be presented in full. McKelvie sought a new A licence......